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[HjS] - Hjerpeskans.se

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- Requirements

Swedish or Norwegian speaking, using Teamspeak 3 together with ArmA2, OA, BAF, PMC, ACE and ACRE.

- About us

We have our own Teamspeak 3 and a ArmA 2 servers up running 24/7. Also got a new site up in a few days. [HjS] - Hjerpeskans aint a clan and haven't any kind of hierarchy system but we try to divide the roles after knowledge and skills. The average age is around ~35, but we have both younger and older members. We try to arrange two LAN-meetings a year under the name HjS-LAN. So far we have had 12, 48-72h LAN-meetings since 2002. Here you'll find all the pictures taken!

- More info

Steam Group - Hjerpeskans

Facebook - Hjerpeskans

LAN Pics - Hjerpeskans

TS3 - hjerpeskans.mine.nu

MAIL - info@hjerpeskans.se

YouTube - User/Hjerpeskans

BFH - Battlefield Heroes group

MSN - hjerpeskans@hotmail.com

- Coop Nights!

Coop Nights every weekend with the lads.. . all on tape :omg:




- The game!

We have played alot thru the years, its easiest to say what we have NOT. We do try to keep ourselfs occupied with the same game within the society so we can play together. Today we play Arma2 Combined Operations and Reinforcements together with ACE and ACRE. You are all welcome to visit our YouTube account where we put all clips from our ArmA2 Coop Nights and LAN-meetings etc. Our Teamspeak 3 server is hosted by one of our members on Linux, "Ingen strid utan samband". Every channel has its purpose, so its all devided into the certain games we play within the society. When it comes to ArmA2 communication we use Teamspeak 3 ACRE. Before that we uset our own "mic clics" sound pack. As I mentioned before we have a ArmA2 server up and running 24/7. It's a public and dedicated server, running ArmA2 v1.59, OA, BAF and PMC. Our server addon package is best installed and updated via Six Updater! We have a few nice ArmA-tool guides in our forum and a good way to handle newcomers, so dont be afraid.

- Sign up?

Now thats simple mate. You just head over to our homepage and register a account. Then you read what you have to in our forum and login on the Teamspeak 3 server. In there you'll find the lads who help you load up and get ready for battle.

Edited by ßøðyßâg
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- Information! - 28.09.2010

In the last days alot of members at Hjerpeskans Game Society bought ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead and Brittish Armed Forces.

There is 13 of us today, so our last

was awsome! Hope to see more of you guys sign up. The new homepage is on the way up!














Also have the site up'n running with a new layout, visit us or check it out here

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- Little information from HjS - Hjerpeskans - 14.11.2010

We are still looking after more Swedish and Norwegian ArmA II gamers!

We have updated our ArmA2:OA:BAF:PMC server to v1.56 plus our addon package to intern version 2.0 (Read quote)

Last week we moved the server to an other place (Stockholm/Sweden) with a 100/100 fiber internet connection, enjoy!

Lots of new video clips from our Coop Nights up on our YouTube channel for you guys who wanna see and hear us play!?

We welcome our new guys; [HjS]Sorken, [HjS]h00t and [HjS]PrimO.

We also have a upcoming 4 day long LAN-event with room for 30 players during the last weekend in April 2011. (Thu-Sun)

Signup will be done via our new homepage which is underconstruction for the moment. Planing to have it up in a few weeks.

Have uploaded pictures from the all earlyer HjS-LAN events to our gallery at Lanbilder.se, check'em out here!

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- Little information from HjS - Hjerpeskans - 13.02.2011

We are working on a new public server hosted by GameServers.com and hope to have it up to this weekend.

Edited by ßøðyßâg

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- Little news from us to you

I start to inform that we have our server public and updated it with ACE and ACRE. Still have Co-op Nights every weekend.

So, we hope to find more of you Swedes and Norwegians out there, welcome to www.hjerpeskans.se and give it a try!

New members have arrived to our game society and we still recruiting. A big and warm welcome to [HjS]Pap, [HjS]anon0mouse, [HjS]MEA, [HjS]McHogan, [HjS]Nexus6, [HjS]Patz0, [HjS]watar.

We also started to work with the mission maker Shark-Attack from old =RTY=. It have given us alot of awsome mission and a new friend. (-Who speaks Swedish anyway? Huh, Swedes)

We also have our HjS-LAN #14 coming up in October 2011. We have room for 35 participants and it will last in 4 days this time. Head over to our homepage to read more about it.




Edited by ßøðyßâg

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