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Expert help needed with Debriefings

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Hey everyone,

I have searched and most info I found was on briefings. What I am looking for is info on debriefings. I have an MP game and it has 4 endings (PvP) depending on ending I want a certain debriefing to kick in. East win = Debriefing 1 West Lose Debriefing 2 and so on.

Now standard mission has only one debriefing. Can someone explain how to make multiple. Can each side see a different debriefing at end of mission?

Your help as always is very appreciated

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Make multiple endings in the briefing.html and end mission with END1, END2 etc.

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Thanks shk. I usually make endings using triggers. Any example of briefing.html ending?


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Make a trigger per ending with each having different type (end1, end2 etc).

Here is a briefing.html with 5 different ending:



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">


<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<! -----DEBRIEFING----->
<h2><a name="Debriefing:End1">South Side Gang wins!</a></h2>

<! ------Gang------>
South Side Gang managed fend off both the cops and rival gang.

<h2><a name="Debriefing:End2">Cops win!</a></h2>
<! ------Cops------>
Can't beat the law enforcement.

<h2><a name="Debriefing:End3">Northern Syndicate wins!</a></h2>
<! ------Syndicate------>
Northern Syndicate managed to steal the trucks!

<h2><a name="Debriefing:End4">Undecided</a></h2>

<! ------Undecided------>
All players are either dead or rolling on the ground in agony.

<h2><a name="Debriefing:End5">50/50</a></h2>
<! ------FiftyFifty------>
One truck was destroyed, another stolen.

<! -----DEBRIEFING END----->


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I think it's fairly limited what you can do in the debriefing, hopefully one day they'll make them scriptable like the new briefing system. Here's something that should give you an idea:

Edited by some kind of guy
Removed example (redundant, as shk posted while I was writing)

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Thanks for the help guys.

I have tried, and I get debirfings but no msg.

So end 1 mission ends but I get blank briefings with : The mission was a success! Both of our VIPs were rescued. Well done!

Hot cocoa all round!. (using example given above. What am I missing?? :j:

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Not exactly sure what you mean by you "get debriefings but no message"?

Do you mean the briefing (before the mission) is blank? Or are you expecting more out of the debriefing? If it's the latter, I don't think there's any way to get more information into it.

If it's the former, briefings are now (in Arma2) created dynamically: see this thread for info.

Also if you haven't seen it, the wiki page about briefing.html is informative.

Edited by some kind of guy
Fixed link to briefing thread

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Thanks for the help. What I meant by no msg is: West lost and East won, debriefing (end of mission) will have a simple msg of the west got kick around like a football , onthe debriefings screen.

If the West won then another msg shows after end of mission.

Right now I just get a debriefing screen (end of mission) with no msgs at all.

I hope that makes sense.

Edited by CaptainBravo

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