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How to get an Evidence file

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Has anyone figured out how to pick up an evidence file? dePBO'ed the campain and took a look at mission BitterChill. They named the evidence file "BIS_Cobalt", and there is a script file called actionCollectEvidence.sqf which looks like it has something to do with it. But I can't find any triggers, or anything that references the actionCollectEvidence.sqf file. Does anyone know how this is done? I'd like the player to collect an evidence file in a mission I'm making, but I can't figure out how this was done.

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Here's a sample mission that does what you want I believe. It's abstracted, as in the evidence doesn't become an inventory item, it just goes away and completes the task.

First place your player.

Second place the evidence, named evi1, where you want it to be found. I used EMPTY -> Objects (Small) - Evidence (File2) for my example. Also place an EMPTY marker called obj1 there so the task system knows where to direct the player to look.

In the Init field of the evidence object I put the following:

evi1's init field:

this addaction ["Collect evidence!", "collect.sqf"];

This will add an action to the folder allowing the player to use the item to collect it. The contents of the collect.sqf is as follows:


deletevehicle evi1;
tskEvidence1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";
[objNull, ObjNull, tskEvidence1, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

That will delete the item in game since you've "collected" it. Set your current task to SUCCEEDED and display a pretty hint window saying so. I also have a trigger with the condition of !alive (evi1) which plays some music when you find the folder.

I also have another trigger which ends the mission. It's an End1 Type trigger with this as it's settings:

End1 Trigger Condition:

taskCompleted tskEvidence1;

End1 Trigger On Act:


I also set the timeout period for this trigger at 10/10/10 so you could listen to the music and see the 'Task Completed' hint. :)

The actual task system is set up via three files, init.sqf, briefing.sqf and briefing.html. These are those files:


execVM "briefing.sqf";


player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Mission: Find the Folder", "Your mission is to pick up this folder."]];

tskEvidence1 = player createSimpleTask ["Find evidence."];
tskEvidence1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Near the fountain you'll find a blue folder.  Pick it up.", "Find evidence.", "Search for Evidence"];
tskEvidence1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "obj1");
player setCurrentTask tskEvidence1;
[objNull, ObjNull, tskEvidence1, "ASSIGNED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">


<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<! -----DEBRIEFING----->
<h2><a name="Debriefing:End1">Evidence Found!</a></h2>
<! ------victory------>
You found the stuff, I am so proud of you!

<h2><a name="Debriefing:End2">WHAT DID YOU DO!?</a></h2>
<! ------KIA------>

<! -----DEBRIEFING END----->


Edited by kylania
stupid capital E

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This worked perfectly! Thanks! It's exactly what I needed.

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The sample mission above gives me a 404

This kind of mission would be helpful if I could dl it somwhere else maybe?:)

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The sample mission above gives me a 404

This kind of mission would be helpful if I could dl it somwhere else maybe?:)

Yup. Can someone get up a working link. For some reason what was posted here doesn't work for me. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but I can't seem to see what's the problem. If I could see it in the Editor it would help me get it solved.

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Oops! Sorry fixed the link. Forgot my file had a capital E in it. :) Should be good now.

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Hey thanks a lot kylania, this will surely come in handy :cool:

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Yes thank you. I'm not sure why this won't work for me. I'll try the mission. :yay:


Thanks again, it worked well. Not sure why my setup didn't work. It was setup the same way.

Edited by Manzilla

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So the "Collect.sqf" is entered as an additional command in the 'inti' section?

Edited by RazorHead1

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No razor, the 'collect.sqf' is a file which is placed in your mission folder along with your init.sqf and mission.sqm plus some other files if they are needed.

The 'collect.sqf' is then activated by the way of a trigger when you take the evidence or its activated by another script.

Hope that helps.

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