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Take On Patches!

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Hi all,

We hope you’ve been having fun with taking on helicopters! We’ve enjoyed reading your feedback and are hard-at-work going through the posts here and on the Community Issue Tracker (CIT). We’d like to provide a quick update on the plan to continue our tradition of supporting games post-release:

Patch 1 (1.02 - Alki)

Released 04-11-2011

To be released as soon™ as we’re satifsied with our internal testing and are able to distribute it (development on this patch is already closed). It provides some cool tweaks to various systems, but focuses chiefly upon tuning the Career, its finances and some of the contracts.

Patch 2 (1.03 - Bainbridge)

Released 20-12-2011

The major flight model tweaks have been pushed to Patch 3, because they are rather advanced and we need to time to do them properly (in cooperation with our partners). Instead, Patch 2 will have a lot more miscellaneous fixes to all areas of the game. Significant improvements include reduced Ground Effect strength, a PiP quality option, Heliport character animations and a benchmark tool.

Patch 3 (1.04 - Cougar)

Released 06-03-2012

A larger update in which we aim to do tweaks to the flight model, based on feedback and close cooperation with RTDynamics. These changes are not trivial and affect all gameplay, so we need to make sure it does not do more harm than good. We also intend to roll out a major upgrade to our scripting technology, which many of you will love, and which will provide another glimpse into the technology for A3.

Hinds Compatibility Pack (1.05)

Released 15-03-2012

A pack to add new functionality required for Take On Hinds, as well as some fixes and additions to the main game.

Patch 4 (1.06 - Downtown)

Released 13-09-2012

Hotfix released 24-09-2012 to address MP registration issue

Next to further fixes and additions, its main focus will be automatic merging with Arma products. Stay tuned for more on this next big patch.

Hinds Patch 1

Patch 5

Beta patches

Started 30-01-2012

Keep playing, keep posting and cya in the air! :fones:

Edited by DnA
Updated roadmap

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We've updated the OP to reflect some changes to the patch roadmap, based on in-house evaluation and discussion with our partners.

Edited by DnA

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Updated the OP and roadmap again, with the patch 1.03 RC and initial info on the scripting upgrade (which was pushed to the next patch).

Edited by DnA

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Updated the OP with the release of the final 1.03 patch.

Edited by DnA

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The OP was updated because we have rolled out our first beta patch. We aim to refresh these frequently towards the official patch release.

Edited by DnA

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Updated with the release of the final 1.04 patch.

Edited by DnA

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OP updated to reflect release of a hotfix to Downtown.

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