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Zargabad Rally

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Zargabad Rally

Welcome to Zargabad Rally; this was just something my mates and I mocked up for a bit of fun in between our missions; its a rally inside the city of Zargabad. Our current fast time is 133seconds; but I'm sure a good driver could beat it. To make it even more fun, the cars are supercharged. Warning though, if your computer chugs in Zargabad, the car won't move as quick, so make sure its a level playing field.

Its a simple mission, complex track; and has a simple GO hint for synchronous starts, and a radio trigger to find out who placed what when it all finishes.





(Images unedited)

Feel free to edit, maim, rip off and re-release this mission. Its just for fun anyway :).

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Armaholic mirror:

- Zargabad Rally (@)

Notes: Mission requires COMBINED OPERATIONS (uses the VW Golf)

If you want to make an OA only version, just rip out the Golf and throw in a GAZ etc.

Edited by Rommel

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cool i've been thinking of making a mission like this for a bit of fun..

you saved me the job thanks :)

i'm super bad at it lol , i guess once ive learned the track a bit i'll stop piling into walls :P

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Looks cool! I may use these scripts to make another one in Takistan :D

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First run. Died.

Second run. Some 450 or so seconds, but includes spending time finding the track again. I know I ran some sections twice :D

Third run. A little over 200 seconds, but this time in a tractor which I happed to find more suitable to my skills :D

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To help show how its done (not my best though) :


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This seems like fun: however, I can't start it.

I mean mission starts, then 3..2..GO! But my car won't start. I can turn the wheel, I can get out, but can't start.

BTW: I have 8 red Golfs at the start, each with: citizen - group leader...

What can be wrong?

CO: latest beta; JSRS sound and CBA the only active mods.

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Yeah, I had to cheat to get fuel on start. Thought it was just me testing it in the editor.

Isn't it a pbo? It is against my religion to unpbo a mission (ie: I am lazy as hell) :D

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{(vehicle _x) setfuel 1} foreach playableunits

This may not work in SP. It was designed to be played in MP. You can just set up a LAN server. The best reason is the fact that you can die quite easily if you go to fast. :p

If you must use SP, just change playableunits to switchableunits, and you should be fine.

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