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    • The extensive product catalog at MWPBNP features Deform Bars, a crucial element for any construction project. Deform Bars, also known as reinforcing bars, provide exceptional strength and stability to concrete structures. USEFUL RESOURCES:   ·         Today Steel Rate In Pakistan ·         Learn More In Our Blog: Steel Price In Pakistan We aim to provide you with the most complete information about Solar Panel materials, Look No Further Here Is the Detail: Solar Structure Material ******************************************************************* We Are Active On Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/mwpbnp.com.pakistan https://twitter.com/mwpbnp_pakistan https://www.instagram.com/mwpbnp/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/mwpbnp-com-official/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiOOSwFHmokT0iLITFRCgnQ https://www.pinterest.com/mwpbnp_com_pakistan/ ******************************************************************* Trust Us and Our products last a lifetime Whatsapp: è Our steel will last a lifetime. Call +92 333 44 85 888 today Or Call +92 333 44 85 999 Landline: (+92) 51-2748188 E-Mail: info@mwpbnp.com Web: www.mwpbnp.com è Office Address: Office No 25 Mumtaz Market, City Saddar Road, RWP
    • Guys. You need to fix this. I'm not the best player, I admit.  But I'm not a slouch either. I had an epic run on the sawmill.  Got the container, the timed safe, a troll, an album, a lighter and the airdrop.  Freaking awesome. Then, I got ported.  So, I changed my exit strategy.  Then I got ported again.  So I changed paths again.  Then I got ported again.   And then again.  And then he used the signal detector. By this time I'm in the radiation cloud.  Still, I make it to the dock, I unlock the way out.  And die. "ICamp_Shhh" with 13k kills. Did he need anything I had?  No.  Did he have an unlimited supply of Ports?  Apparently.  And Addren, and armor, and caff and was in full camo.   What's the F*(King point of even trying if EVERY F)*KING RUN some jackass is going to kill you at the exit? Died next match too.  This time to a "SKULL_(name)".   I knew 100% certain that that was who was going to kill me from the lobby.  100% certain.  At the 5 min mark.  EVERY MATCH.   So, what are my F*#King choices?  Immediately zone out with 13 nails and 3 food, or whatever happens to spawn next to me?  Yeah, that's gonna get me the 900+ electronics I need.   Put the players with 10k+ kills on their own maps AGAINST EACH OTHER. You are losing new players at an unsustainable rate because of a handful of jackoffs.
    • To trigger the end of the mission, entering the following into the console on the server was enough:
        ["", 132] call BIS_fnc_playMusic; NUP_points_BLUFOR = 5; publicVariable "NUP_points_BLUFOR";  
    • to me the next update is the Raven PMC for the OPFOR would be a cherry on top
    • OK, I have now managed to get it running on a server. I made the following changes: In the initServer.sqf, I defined WinMessage = "";. Additionally, I changed the loop from true to while {count(WinMessage) <= 0;} do {. This way, the loop ends as soon as the text in WinMessage is longer than 0. I did this because otherwise, the outro would start over again with each pass of the loop. if (!isServer) exitWith {}; NUP_flagArray = []; NUP_points_BLUFOR = 0; NUP_points_OPFOR = 0; NUP_points_INDFOR = 0; NUP_points_CIV = 0; NUP_points_maxScore = 5; NUP_scoring_interval = 5; NUP_deadlock = 0; WinMessage = ""; [] spawn { while {count(WinMessage) <= 0;} do { [] call NUP_fnc_updateScores; sleep NUP_scoring_interval; }; };   Secondly, I adjusted fn_endMission.sqf. Here, I commented out everything from the point where everything should be executed locally and added the call to the new script localScript.sqf using remoteExec:
      (The music and everything with the camera needs to be executed locally, otherwise only the server will be able to enjoy the nice outro.) // NUP_fnc_endMission: params ["_winningSide"]; Winner = _winningSide select 0; publicVariable "Winner"; WinnerOutcome = switch (Winner) do { case west: { "BLUFOR WINS!" }; case east: { "OPFOR WINS!" }; case independent: { "INDEPENDENT WINS!" }; case civilian: { "CIVILIANS WIN!" }; }; publicVariable "WinnerOutcome"; WinMessage = format ["MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! %1", WinnerOutcome]; LoseMessage = format ["MISSION FAILED! %1 ", WinnerOutcome]; publicVariable "WinMessage"; publicVariable "LoseMessage"; "localScript.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM",0]; //remoteExec to every Player localy /*{ private _playerSide = side _x; private _playerID = owner _x; // Get the player's ID if (_playerSide == Winner) then { titleText [WinMessage, "PLAIN", -1, true, true]; ["LeadTrack01_F_Bootcamp", 132] call BIS_fnc_playMusic; } else { titleText [LoseMessage, "PLAIN", -1, true, true]; playMusic "BackgroundTrack03_F_EPC"; }; } forEach allPlayers; // Get the position of the NUP_endMissionCamera object private _cameraPos = getPos NUP_endMissionCamera; // Calculate starting and ending positions for the camera private _startPos = [ (_cameraPos select 0), // Same X position (_cameraPos select 1), // Same Y position (_cameraPos select 2) + 10 // 10 meters above ]; private _endPos = [ (_cameraPos select 0), // Same X position (_cameraPos select 1), // Same Y position (_cameraPos select 2) + 50 // 50 meters above (40 meters up during 30 seconds) ]; // Create the camera private _camera = "camera" camCreate _startPos; _camera cameraEffect ["internal", "back"]; _camera camSetTarget NUP_endMissionCamera; _camera camSetFOV 0.5; _camera camCommit 0; // Start the cinematic borders _start = diag_tickTime; [0, 0.5, false, true] call BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder; // Move the camera over 30 seconds _camera camSetPos _endPos; _camera camCommit 30; // Wait until the camera has finished it's trajectory waitUntil { camCommitted _camera }; // Terminate the camera effect and destroy the camera _camera cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"]; camDestroy _camera; // Force all players back to the lobby after the outro ["END1", true] call BIS_fnc_endMission;*/     Lastly, I created a script in the main folder named localScript.sqf:   private _playerSide = side player; if (_playerSide == Winner) then { titleText [WinMessage, "PLAIN", -1, true, true]; playMusic ["LeadTrack01_F_Bootcamp", 132]; } else { titleText [LoseMessage, "PLAIN", -1, true, true]; playMusic "BackgroundTrack03_F_EPC"; }; // Get the position of the NUP_endMissionCamera object private _cameraPos = getPos NUP_endMissionCamera; // Calculate starting and ending positions for the camera private _startPos = [ (_cameraPos select 0), // Same X position (_cameraPos select 1), // Same Y position (_cameraPos select 2) + 10 // 10 meters above ]; private _endPos = [ (_cameraPos select 0), // Same X position (_cameraPos select 1), // Same Y position (_cameraPos select 2) + 50 // 50 meters above (40 meters up during 30 seconds) ]; // Create the camera private _camera = "camera" camCreate _startPos; _camera cameraEffect ["internal", "back"]; _camera camSetTarget NUP_endMissionCamera; _camera camSetFOV 0.5; _camera camCommit 0; // Start the cinematic borders _start = diag_tickTime; //[0, 0.5, false, true] call BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder; // Move the camera over 30 seconds _camera camSetPos _endPos; _camera camCommit 30; // Wait until the camera has finished it's trajectory waitUntil { camCommitted _camera }; // Terminate the camera effect and destroy the camera _camera cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"]; camDestroy _camera; // Force all players back to the lobby after the outro ["END1", true] call BIS_fnc_endMission;   Please try and see if it works with these changes.