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    • I couldn't agree more, I've made a few posts and never got any sort of response from any of them. Engagement with the community is vital to a games success. Failure to do so, leads to a community that slowly but surely weans off the game. 
    • So my mods keep uninstalling, which wouldn’t be a big deal but they take all day to download. Im trying to play the darkgru #5 server. I have them saved to preset, but that hasn’t helped. Anything I could be doing wrong?
    • Indeed it's true, and the addonRootClass I mentioned earlier is supposedly used just to carry meta-data (although all examples I've seen the meta-data is different in the sub-config).
    • man, For the umpteenth time, I see you're having a conversation with yourself... I don’t understand at all Why you constantly tell me “I owe you nothing”,  “your shitty  opinion”, "I have no contract with you",  “YOU”, “YOU”, “YOU”, “YOU” etc. I see that you still don't understand - Everything I wrote above  - this is not my personal desire or opinion!  This desire of hundreds of thousands of people. For this reason your phrases are not appropriate. Why don't these thousands people write to you here on the forum? They probably know more about you, than I can know... Developers of @CUP, @VTN  also do not have contracts with their subscribers, they owe them nothing. However, unlike you, these people have more respect for their fans than you do. Because they still support their mods. It is impossible to argue with this.      Of course I stop answering you, but not because you told me about this, You don't dare tell me what to do.  I stop answering  because talking with you is useless. Because now I received the answer to this question for myself, that I asked you in the first message:     Now I got the answer. Good luck RHS by road to Arma4     RIP   Arma3 RHS Mods Date of Birth: January 16th. 2017 (The data is taken from the Steam) 
      Date of Вeath: May 10th. 2021 (The data is taken from the Steam)    
    • OK it seems one of the automated restarts fixed the issue. It works now as it should work. So problem solved.