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What are the most important sounds for you while using JSRS?  

179 members have voted

  1. 1. What are the most important sounds for you while using JSRS?

    • The weapon sounds!
    • The vehicle sounds!
    • Environmental sounds!
    • Explosions, Soniccracks, Bullethits, the sound of danger!
    • The script features like the "distance sounds"!
    • Everything combined! The whole Mod itself is important.

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PS- that link Carl added above looks nice to implement for sure.

He probably shouldn't :)

1. Sounds are from MSFS, which I think would make them "illegal" to use.

2. It isn't issue free, or at least it wasn't, when combined with fast movers. Might have been earlier beta issues with attachTo though..

3. Simpler ramp function would be preferred over the more complex interpolate function I used. Was doing other things as well, and didn't bother rewriting it.

4. Probably a bit costly as a continuously looping script, making it more suitable to use in missions rather than a pure sound mod which should refrain from adding features. Unless a user option was made at least. On/off wouldn't have any cheat value.

I added it as a ticket to get support for this kind of stuff within the engine.

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Yeah I have the same issue myself. And doing some test where I disabled sound mods, I'm pretty sure I noticed it in vanilla sounds as well, although not as extreme. To me it appears that the more sound classes you add that overlaps, the more you have to up the volume on them, and the more the pause game sound syndrome occurs. I have chosen to ignore them, because I have no other choice. The "one rainsound fits all" that is used in vanilla, I can't live with anymore :) Speaking of rain, have you tried this? Apparently not important to anyone but me given the votes, but it adds a lot of ambiance especially in slow missions.

Well, I guess its appears the that the sound sources are be longer than the real ones of arma2. So the engine will try to repeat the sound after a certain time if the game is paused and where all sounds are being stoped playing. So lets say we have an original soundsource of 10 seconds long (wich would be already very long for BIS^^) and the engine is repeating the sound in paused game every 10 seconds, but the sounds are getting stacked on each other. So no we continues the game and we have (after lets say 40 seconds) 4 sounds playing at once and every 10 seconds on of them ends, tahtswhy they getting quieter more and more till the normal volume again. My theory...


I currently use a different environmental pbo instead of yours (no offence) from Elias Soundmod 2. The reason I mention isn't any comparison issue but it has a stereo rain effect that is gradual and so far its audible no matter what even from pause, had no issues so far and combined with yours. I have used it since its release and also use Random weather scripts so im normally in mild to heavy rain/then thunder allot in missions & Im fairly aware if it was acting up.

Maybe take a look at testing and check the config to see if anything helps with yours.


File = eliassound2oa_c_environ.pbo / eliassound2oa_s_environ.pbo

Although I dont think anything can stop the engine boosting all sounds returning from pause .. that just seems to be engine sound issue.

PS- that link Carl added above looks nice to implement for sure.

Thanks for the help mate. Well, I'm an atmosphere-junky! So I need a loud rain while laying behind a tree in a forest, waiting for something. Or walking through a village, taking cover behind walls and houses, while the rain splatter down on the metall roofs... and rain have to be loud at least. Sure, it'll be a huge problem while pause the game for a certain time... so better don't pause it^^ I've already adjusted to this situation! When I came back to the game, I drop down the volume first :D But hey, we'll see how bad it really is...

He probably shouldn't :)

1. Sounds are from MSFS, which I think would make them "illegal" to use.

2. It isn't issue free, or at least it wasn't, when combined with fast movers. Might have been earlier beta issues with attachTo though..

3. Simpler ramp function would be preferred over the more complex interpolate function I used. Was doing other things as well, and didn't bother rewriting it.

4. Probably a bit costly as a continuously looping script, making it more suitable to use in missions rather than a pure sound mod which should refrain from adding features. Unless a user option was made at least. On/off wouldn't have any cheat value.

I added it as a ticket to get support for this kind of stuff within the engine.

Oh I guess there will be alot more possible then now. . . . . . well, ok I dont think so^^ I guess they will just continues to use there old engine, RealVirtuality... I dont wanna say its bad, but since Arma we know what we think about that one... and I guess its also handling the sound parameters... I dont know, have no idea of something like that, but well... lets hope for the best, but I can tell you, I never would pre-order now... just waiting, we all know what happend the last two full releases of theire games.... waiting for patches :D Nah, I shut it...


PS: Oh and I voted for that one! Thats an nice idea to make this game abit better... small details like these making games big!

Edited by LordJarhead

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Hello LordJarhead,

I have been using your soundmod for some time now and I like it very much.

There is one little sound that's missing and if you allow me to point it out, I'd like to leave it as a future update suggestion.

It's the explosion for the Warrior mighty cannon. There are explosions for the Bradley HEAT round, for the AA Units, but the Warrior is still missing that little sound file.

I know it's a unit that very few people play around with, but there's a great updated BAF mission pack that was posted on Armaholic a few days ago and in many of those missions the Warrior is used.

It's just something that would greatly add to the immersion, I think. You could even reuse the explosion sound for the Bradley cannon or for the AA, either would work great.

Well, that's my suggestion.

Thanks again for such a nice mod. :bounce3:

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Hi henrique_rp,

Well, I guess this is NOT a suggestion, this is more like a fault I did! Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't even noticed that! And as you said, not much people seems to be playing with these units, otherwhise this would had been seen already.... So thanks for that mate, gonna take a look on that and will fix it, if I not already did that, since I work for a long time on 1.4.

Thanks mate!

So, here you can see some of the beta testings my friend over in the brigade2010.de did so far.



I really have to thank you guys again! You do an awesome job and are a really big help for me at least!


Edited by LordJarhead

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Thanks a lot for the videos LordJarhead.

The new version is sure coming along nicely, indeed.

Thanks again for the clarification on the shell explosion of the Warrior.

Best regards! :bounce3:

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We have to thank you for giving us the chance to test this beauty for you and the community.

Guys I can assure you that JSRS 1.4 will absolutely rock your Arma.

Will upload a gameplay video tomorrow.

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Judging by those videos the XM8 grenade launcher has a vanilla sound.

And have the sonic snaps gotten softer? It's hard to tell in a youtube video.

There weren't that many sounds in the videos, but it sounds like the weapons have really tightened up, and the explosions are good too.

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Yah, still some vanilla sounds there. But its not a problem, just the XM8 M203... hmmm...

There are new soniccracks in the game, some of the old ones too, but most of them I reworked. They are not "softer", they are a bit more realistic.

I will add a video with some more effects and some new sounds at all for you to see the difference in the mod from 1.32 to 1.4.


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Are the issues related to chernarus/utes resolved? Fixed in my own ambient soundmod, but iirc there were issues with the sea not sounding.

Would also have loved to hear "sand drifts" during wind for the sandier islands.

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Are the issues related to chernarus/utes resolved? Fixed in my own ambient soundmod, but iirc there were issues with the sea not sounding.

Would also have loved to hear "sand drifts" during wind for the sandier islands.

Well, alot of stuff you want to add to the game mate. Just these little details are great for the best atmophere I guess.

Would you be able to handle me out one of your great config, script stuff? I mean, maybe you should do all the config stuff, because I have no idea of that, I just put the sounds in charge and we get the perfect atmosphere for that? Would be maybe cool....

Well, its your choice at least, I would not going to rework my config stuff again, just because I'm fool of that.... config isn't my work :(

Well, maybe it would be great to work with you, my friend ;) ,


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Yah, sure thing mates ;)

Thanks. So here's a new video of the brigade while beta-testing the mod.



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Yeah sure, np. Rip it apart :)

Main config, made from includes:

//qq = [] spawn {while{true}do{0 setRain rainlevel;sleep 0.25}}
class CfgPatches {
class BiB_Ambience {
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
//		requiredAddons[] = {"CASounds","Takistan","Zargabad","MBG_Nam_C"};
	requiredAddons[] = {"CASounds","Takistan","Zargabad"};
	version = "2010-10-04";
	projectName = "BIB - Replacement Ambient Sounds";
	author = "CarlGustaffa";
class CfgEnvSounds {
#include "bib_amb_forest.hpp"
#include "bib_amb_hills.hpp"
#include "bib_amb_meadows.hpp"
#include "bib_amb_rain.hpp"
//	#include "bib_amb_sand.hpp" //Activate for desert like islands
#include "bib_amb_trees.hpp"
#include "bib_amb_wind.hpp"
#include "bib_amb_houses.hpp"
#include "bib_amb_sea.hpp" //sea or lake, not both
//	#include "bib_amb_lake.hpp" //sea or lake, not both

#include "bib_sfx_forest.hpp"
#include "bib_sfx_forestwind.hpp"
//	#include "bib_sfx_hills.hpp" //Activate only for hilly islands
#include "bib_sfx_meadows.hpp"
#include "bib_sfx_insects.hpp"
#include "bib_sfx_rain.hpp"
//	#include "bib_sfx_sand.hpp" //Activate for desert like islands
#include "bib_sfx_trees.hpp"
#include "bib_sfx_wind.hpp"
#include "bib_sfx_housesday.hpp"
#include "bib_sfx_housesnight.hpp"
#include "bib_sfx_houseswind.hpp"
#include "bib_sfx_sea.hpp"

#include "bib_one_birdsing.hpp"
#include "bib_one_chicken.hpp"
#include "bib_one_cock.hpp"
#include "bib_one_cow.hpp"
#include "bib_one_crow.hpp"
#include "bib_one_dog.hpp"
#include "bib_one_forestlark.hpp"
#include "bib_one_frog.hpp" //Deactivate for desert like islands
#include "bib_one_hedgesparrow.hpp"
#include "bib_one_nightingale.hpp"
#include "bib_one_owl.hpp"
#include "bib_one_seagull.hpp" //Deactivate for islands without a coast
//	#include "bib_one_goose1.hpp" //Deactivate for islands with a coast
//	#include "bib_one_goose2.hpp" //Deactivate for islands with a coast
#include "bib_one_skylark.hpp"
#include "bib_one_wolf.hpp"

#include "bib_one_forestbird.hpp"
#include "bib_one_woodpecker.hpp" //Activate only for islands based on woods
#include "bib_one_treebird.hpp" //Activate only for islands based on woods
#include "bib_one_littlebird.hpp" //Activate only for islands based on woods
#include "bib_one_junglebird.hpp" //Activate only for islands with jungle (debug activated for Chernarus)
//	#include "bib_one_desertbirds.hpp" //Activate only for islands with desert
#include "bib_one_horse.hpp"
//	#include "bib_one_mountaincreature.hpp" //Activate only for islands with desert
#include "bib_one_pig.hpp"
#include "bib_one_sheep.hpp"
class DefaultWorld;
class Weather;
class CfgWorlds {
class CAWorld: DefaultWorld {
	class Weather: Weather {
		class ThunderboltNorm {
			soundNear[] = {
			soundFar[] = {
		class ThunderboltHeavy {
			soundNear[] = {
			soundFar[] = {
class CfgEnvSounds;
class Takistan: CAWorld {
	class EnvSounds: CfgEnvSounds {
		#include "bib_amb_forest.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_hills.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_meadows.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_rain.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_sand.hpp" //Activate for desert like islands
		#include "bib_amb_trees.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_wind.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_houses.hpp"
//			#include "bib_amb_sea.hpp" //sea or lake, not both
		#include "bib_amb_lake.hpp" //sea or lake, not both

		#include "bib_sfx_forest.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_forestwind.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_hills.hpp" //Activate only for hilly islands
		#include "bib_sfx_meadows.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_insects.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_rain.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_sand.hpp" //Activate for desert like islands
		#include "bib_sfx_trees.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_wind.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_housesday.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_housesnight.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_houseswind.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_lake.hpp"

		#include "bib_one_birdsing.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_chicken.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_cock.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_cow.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_crow.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_dog.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_forestlark.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_frog.hpp" //Deactivate for desert like islands
		#include "bib_one_hedgesparrow.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_nightingale.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_owl.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_seagull.hpp" //Deactivate for islands without a coast
		#include "bib_one_goose1.hpp" //Deactivate for islands with a coast
		#include "bib_one_goose2.hpp" //Deactivate for islands with a coast
		#include "bib_one_skylark.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_wolf.hpp"

		#include "bib_one_forestbird.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_woodpecker.hpp" //Activate only for islands based on woods
//			#include "bib_one_treebird.hpp" //Activate only for islands based on woods
//			#include "bib_one_littlebird.hpp" //Activate only for islands based on woods
		#include "bib_one_junglebird.hpp" //Activate only for islands with jungle (debug activated for Chernarus)
		#include "bib_one_desertbirds.hpp" //Activate only for islands with desert
		#include "bib_one_horse.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_mountaincreature.hpp" //Activate only for islands with desert
		#include "bib_one_pig.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_sheep.hpp"
class Zargabad: CAWorld {
	class EnvSounds: CfgEnvSounds {
		#include "bib_amb_forest.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_hills.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_meadows.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_rain.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_sand.hpp" //Activate for desert like islands
		#include "bib_amb_trees.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_wind.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_houses.hpp"
//			#include "bib_amb_sea.hpp" //sea or lake, not both
		#include "bib_amb_lake.hpp" //sea or lake, not both

		#include "bib_sfx_forest.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_forestwind.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_hills.hpp" //Activate only for hilly islands
		#include "bib_sfx_meadows.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_insects.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_rain.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_sand.hpp" //Activate for desert like islands
		#include "bib_sfx_trees.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_wind.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_housesday.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_housesnight.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_houseswind.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_lake.hpp"

		#include "bib_one_birdsing.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_chicken.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_cock.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_cow.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_crow.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_dog.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_forestlark.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_frog.hpp" //Deactivate for desert like islands
		#include "bib_one_hedgesparrow.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_nightingale.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_owl.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_seagull.hpp" //Deactivate for islands without a coast
		#include "bib_one_goose1.hpp" //Deactivate for islands with a coast
		#include "bib_one_goose2.hpp" //Deactivate for islands with a coast
		#include "bib_one_skylark.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_wolf.hpp"

		#include "bib_one_forestbird.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_woodpecker.hpp" //Activate only for islands based on woods
//			#include "bib_one_treebird.hpp" //Activate only for islands based on woods
//			#include "bib_one_littlebird.hpp" //Activate only for islands based on woods
		#include "bib_one_junglebird.hpp" //Activate only for islands with jungle (debug activated for Chernarus)
		#include "bib_one_desertbirds.hpp" //Activate only for islands with desert
		#include "bib_one_horse.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_mountaincreature.hpp" //Activate only for islands with desert
		#include "bib_one_pig.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_sheep.hpp"
class MBG_Nam: CAWorld {
	class EnvSounds: CfgEnvSounds {
		class Default {
			sound[] = {
			soundNight[] = {
		}; //Clears the default, I hope...
		#include "bib_amb_jungleforest.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_hills.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_jungleclearing.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_rain.hpp"
//			#include "bib_amb_sand.hpp" //Activate for desert like islands
		#include "bib_amb_trees.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_wind.hpp"
		#include "bib_amb_houses.hpp"
//			#include "bib_amb_sea.hpp" //sea or lake, not both
		#include "bib_amb_lake.hpp" //sea or lake, not both

		#include "bib_sfx_forest.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_forestwind.hpp"
//			#include "bib_sfx_hills.hpp" //Activate only for hilly islands
		#include "bib_sfx_meadows.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_insects.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_rain.hpp"
//			#include "bib_sfx_sand.hpp" //Activate for desert like islands
		#include "bib_sfx_trees.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_wind.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_housesday.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_housesnight.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_houseswind.hpp"
		#include "bib_sfx_lake.hpp"

		#include "bib_one_birdsing.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_chicken.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_cock.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_cow.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_crow.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_dog.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_forestlark.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_frog.hpp" //Deactivate for desert like islands
		#include "bib_one_hedgesparrow.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_nightingale.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_owl.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_seagull.hpp" //Deactivate for islands without a coast
//			#include "bib_one_goose1.hpp" //Deactivate for islands with a coast
//			#include "bib_one_goose2.hpp" //Deactivate for islands with a coast
		#include "bib_one_skylark.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_wolf.hpp"

		#include "bib_one_forestbird.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_woodpecker.hpp" //Activate only for islands based on woods
		#include "bib_one_treebird.hpp" //Activate only for islands based on woods
		#include "bib_one_littlebird.hpp" //Activate only for islands based on woods
		#include "bib_one_junglebird.hpp" //Activate only for islands with jungle (debug activated for Chernarus)
		#include "bib_one_desertbirds.hpp" //Activate only for islands with desert
//			#include "bib_one_horse.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_mountaincreature.hpp" //Activate only for islands with desert
		#include "bib_one_pig.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_sheep.hpp"

		#include "bib_one_snakes.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_gnatcatcher.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_gibbon.hpp"
		#include "bib_one_macaw.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_sheep.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_sheep.hpp"
//			#include "bib_one_sheep.hpp"

Sea, used for Chernarus and Utes:

class Sea {
name = "BIB_sea";
sound[] = {
volume = "0.4*(sea)*(1-night)*(windy factor [1,0.4])";
class SeaNight {
name = "BIB_seanight";
sound[] = {
volume = "0.5*(sea)*(night)*(windy factor [1,0.4])";
class Sea_Windy {
name = "BIB_sea_windy";
sound[] = {
volume = "0.5*(sea)*(1-night)*(windy factor [0.4,1])";
class SeaNight_Windy {
name = "BIB_seanight_windy";
sound[] = {
volume = "0.6*(sea)*(night)*(windy factor [0.4,1])";

Lake, used for islands that have bodies of water that is not sea. Only file varies I think:

class Sea {
name = "BIB_sea";
sound[] = {
volume = "0.2*(sea)*(1-night)*(windy factor [1,0.4])";
class SeaNight {
name = "BIB_seanight";
sound[] = {
volume = "0.3*(sea)*(night)*(1-(windy factor [0.4,1]))";
class Sea_Windy {
name = "BIB_sea_windy";
sound[] = {
volume = "0.3*(sea)*(1-night)*(windy factor [0.4,1])";
class SeaNight_Windy {
name = "BIB_seanight_windy";
sound[] = {
volume = "0.4*(sea)*night*(windy factor [0.4,1])";

Since we discussed rain earlier, here is the ambient portion of my rain config. Note the rather extreme multiplier used to counter the "volume war", and all the futile attempts that are commented out :)

class Rain {
sound[] = {
//		"\BiB_Ambience\AmbientSounds\Meadow_Day",
//	volume = "(((2*rain) min 1)+(1-(2*rain) min 0))*(1-(houses factor [0.75,1]))*(1-forest)*(1-sea)";
//	volume = "(1-((houses-0.74)*4))*(1-forest)*(1-sea)*(2*(rain factor[0,1]) min (rain factor[1,0]))";
//	volume = "(1-houses)*(1-forest)*(1-sea)*(2*((rain factor[0,1]) min (rain factor[1,0])))";
//	volume = "(1-houses)*(1-forest)*(1-sea)*(((2*rain) min 1)+(1-(2*rain) min 0))";
//	volume = "(((2*rain) min 1)+(1-(2*rain) min 0))";
volume = "3*((1-houses)*(1-forest)*(1-sea) min 0.3)*(((2*rain) min 1)+(1-(2*rain) min 0))";
class RainHeavy {
sound[] = {
//		"\BiB_Ambience\AmbientSounds\Meadow_Night",
//	volume = "(2*((0.5 max rain)-0.5))*(1-(houses factor [0.75,1]))*(1-forest)*(1-sea)";
//	volume = "(1-((houses-0.75)*4))*(1-forest)*(1-sea)*(rain factor[0.5,1.0])";
//	volume = "(1-houses)*(1-forest)*(1-sea)*(rain factor[0.5,1.0])";
//	volume = "(rain factor[0.5,1.0])";
//	volume = "3*((1-houses)*(1-forest)*(1-sea) min 0.3)*(rain factor[0.5,1.0])";
volume = "5*((1-forest)*(1-sea) min 0.3)*(rain factor[0.5,1.0])";
class RainForestLight {
name = "BIB_rainforestlight";
sound[] = {
//		"\BiB_Ambience\NoSound",
//	volume = "(((2*rain) min 1)+(1-(2*rain) min 0))*(forest)";
//	volume = "(1-houses)*(1-sea)*(forest)*(2*((rain factor[0,1]) min (rain factor[1,0])))";
volume = "3*0.7*(1-houses)*(1-sea)*(forest)*(((2*rain) min 1)+(1-(2*rain) min 0))";
class RainForestHeavy {
name = "BIB_rainforestheavy";
sound[] = {
//		"\BiB_Ambience\NoSound",
//	volume = "(2*((0.5 max rain)-0.5))*(forest)";
volume = "3*0.7*(1-houses)*(1-sea)*(forest)*(rain factor[0.5,1.0])";
class RainHousesLight {
name = "BIB_rainhouseslight";
sound[] = {
//		"\BiB_Ambience\NoSound",
//	volume = "(((2*rain) min 1)+(1-(2*rain) min 0)) * (houses factor [0.75,1])";
//	volume = "(1-forest)*(1-sea)*(houses)*(2*((rain factor[0,1]) min (rain factor[1,0])))";
volume = "3*0.3*(1-forest)*(1-sea)*(houses)*(((2*rain) min 1)+(1-(2*rain) min 0))";
class RainHousesHeavy {
name = "BIB_rainhousesheavy";
sound[] = {
//		"\BiB_Ambience\NoSound",
//	volume = "(2*((0.5 max rain)-0.5)) * (houses factor [0.75,1])";
volume = "3*0.3*(1-forest)*(1-sea)*(houses)*(rain factor[0.5,1.0])";
class RainSeaLight {
name = "BIB_rainsea_light";
sound[] = {
//		"\BiB_Ambience\NoSound",
//	volume = "(((2*rain) min 1)+(1-(2*rain) min 0))*(sea)";
//	volume = "(1-forest)*(1-houses)*(sea)*(2*((rain factor[0,1]) min (rain factor[1,0])))";
//	volume = "0.7*(1-forest)*(1-houses)*(sea)*(((2*rain) min 1)+(1-(2*rain) min 0))";
volume = "3*0.5*(sea)*(((2*rain) min 1)+(1-(2*rain) min 0))";
class RainSeaHeavy {
name = "BIB_rainsea_heavy";
sound[] = {
//		"\BiB_Ambience\NoSound",
//	volume = "(2*((0.5 max rain)-0.5))*(sea)";
//	volume = "0.7*(1-forest)*(1-houses)*(sea)*(rain factor[0.5,1.0])";
volume = "3*0.5*(sea)*(rain factor[0.5,1.0])";

Again, these are only the ambient sounds, everything in stereo and works fine (for me). Sfx portion of sounds (has to be mono), I left out of this.

It's unlikely to work out okay simply by copying and pasting the configs, but should provide some ideas how to organize it.

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Hi LordJarhead! :)

I´m lost for words...! In my opinion this v1.4 Beta gonna be your personal signed masterpiece! Mate, you´re are the best!

If i listen to that sound, you created once again, i can imagine that i will feel like in a real combat!

It´s like what i have said before: I´m lost for words!

Keep it up the/your "Sound of ArmA" ;)

Thanks a lot for your work you did and still doing for the community during all the time! You are a person of outstanding ability!



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jesus christ Jarhead, how do you do this? it sounds EPIC in the last video!

one question though (maybe you already answered it and I didn't find that answer, so I'm sorry in advance):

Are you going to cover all DLC (and possibly ACE) weapons with 1.4?

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Well, thank you so much Lupo!

Still some work left for me, but it should be already fine. Wish you alot of fun with that mate ;)

Yah, all DLC's should be covered and also most ACE weapons. Just some ACE Special Stuff like UMP or USP are still not covered, but should be no problem to do this also.


Edited by LordJarhead

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I thought JSRS 1.3 was awsome and some masterpiece of sound design. But with the 1.4 Beta you blow me away.

Just done some testing an captured it to an little Video.


Just close your eyes and listen to that!!!!

Tip: Hear that A10.... i got goose bumps when i hear that.

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The Firefight Sounds in the Distance are absolutely awesome. The GAU 8 too. :thumb:

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Yah, all DLC's should be covered and also most ACE weapons. Just some ACE Special Stuff like UMP or USP are still not covered, but should be no problem to do this also.


Now, I will listen to the beta-test videos again and again until 1.4 is out.

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