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GetTactical - a tactical-RTS interface

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Sorry, my 'default button'?

Ahh, Caps Lock! Got it. Definitely time for a tutorial refresher

Edited by froggyluv

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Hi there,

tried your mod tonight, very nice. feels a bit like GRAW2 meets ARMA 3 now :) The Unit placement is very accurat. I even played it in a usual Multi Player Mission even you say not. What came to mind was maby making a QuickCommand only version of this to use also in MP Missions with AI Support. Just an idea from me. i wish BIS could work this out also. Certainly brings the single Player to a new level as you promised.

Keep up the good work. I will check on updates on this :)

Edited by DemonLordy

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v1.9 with several fixesis frontpaged. It is also updated on steam.

V1.9 03-10-2015.

FIX: grenade mode didn't work. Now it does.

FIX: rubber command gave stand WPs only. It now copies unit's current stance.

FIX: units stopped on interface open. Now they keep on following player or doing whatever they are supposed to.

FIX: sometimes player unit stayed in "wait" BIS mode. If it happens again just open and close interface.

FIX: autostart mode was removed. It caused more errors than benefit.

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Excuse my French, but this is fucking awesome!

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Yes works much better now with this version :)

I tried it again on a self made MP-Mission Template with AI and it still works okay apart from the respawning then of course :)

Here is one cool combination which makes it even better. I use Articulate also for giving the numbers. So i configured the same button on my mouse for both. Then you can react pretty fast in the quick command. As i said before this would be even cool in multiplayer but i recognized that your own unit already shows an arrow down the ground when you give it a waypoint. So that would be cool if this would work one day :)

keep it up...

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Hey mate,

your mod looks awesome. Because I am ArmA player/ scripter for many years and also running a German youtube channel covering ArmA, simulations and strategy games, I would love to show my community your mod with your permission.


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Why would you need my permission? It's public, it's free, it's open. Use it for whatever you'd like to. :)

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  zapat said:
Why would you need my permission? It's public, it's free, it's open. Use it for whatever you'd like to. :)

Because I feel like it is fair to let you know :) Did you ever thought about how it could be, controlling more units, fighting platoon or company sized battles. I don´t know if you heard about Combat Mission but the game shows how awesome a realistic battlefield simulation can be.


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You probably already know about this since you are an old JA fan.

If not, you can take a look at 7.62mm High Calibre for some ideas for your tactical interface.

IMHO their RTwP implementation is done very well.

Thanks for your time!

Edited by Manos

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  Hoegnison said:
Because I feel like it is fair to let you know :) Did you ever thought about how it could be, controlling more units, fighting platoon or company sized battles. I don´t know if you heard about Combat Mission but the game shows how awesome a realistic battlefield simulation can be.


Well thanks. :)

Yes, I saw some videos of CM, but I havent tried it (I find the pricetag a bit on the heavy side for me).

Yes of course, I have thought about it. It caused my some sleepless nights when I mentally designed this mode. I ended up with this for several reasons.

1. controlling one team only can be addonized. Controlling more teams is in the domains of a mission and not a use-it-anywhere-addon.

My mission, which takes like 5 years more to make than I anticipated will have features build opun this though (controlling different supports: UAV, friendly fireteams, support vehicles, etc)

2. A3 looks worst in that exact distance where the cam for controlling more units (strategic view) should be placed.

3. A3 SP (non-dedi environment) can handle around 30ish units (compared to A2's 100) without any hiccups on most systems. This is enough for close tactical gameplay (one to five friendly teams vs enemy), but not enough for larger scale battles, for which a strategic system would worth making.

  Manos said:
You probably already know about this since you are an old JA fan.

If not, you can take a look at 7.62mm High Calibre for some ideas for your tactical interface.

IMHO their RTwP implementation is done very well.

Lol, to tell you the truth, I've never played JA. Actually I hadn't even heard of it before the core of GetTactical was done. :)

I was told that it looks and works exactly like that, so I took a look and it really did. :) Then I thought it could communicate better for most gamers so I ended up uing it as a reference.

RTWP is real time waypoint?

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Your mod is awesome, and i wanted to thank you for taking the time to make this awesome addon. This makes my a.i. squad more effective especially during ambush missions.

Also i registered to this forum just to thank you personally.

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For some reason I dont get the GT in configure addons menu, it simple dosent work for me anymore, am I doing something wrong?

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  LunaLupercal said:
Also i registered to this forum just to thank you personally.

Thanks, I appreciate it!

  Taro8 said:
For some reason I dont get the GT in configure addons menu, it simple dosent work for me anymore, am I doing something wrong?

Is it from Steam, or downloaded from here?

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it's awesome but still have helluva time placing guys at upstair windows -marker looks right but they end up at the 2d spot out on the street.

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Is it from Steam, or downloaded from here?

Downloaded from here. Still I tried to put in some other mod folder (with I know works 100%) and nothing. This weird as GT worked before for me (got CBA and all).

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  froggyluv said:
it's awesome but still have helluva time placing guys at upstair windows -marker looks right but they end up at the 2d spot out on the street.

Yeah, I hear you. Problem is that mouse screen position and world position is converted back and forth on ground level. So there is an offset when a position is above ground level. You need to compensate by 2d offset for the 3d height difference. Theoretically this could be calculated and subtracted, but my math skills are khmmm... lacking in this field.

My safest idea would be to let only windowPositions to be chosen inside a building. I could filter positions based on camera height (I can calculate which level the camera is on) so it would work better, but only window positions could be chosen and the offset would be present but maybe in a bit less obvious way.

What do are your thoughts on this? (I am sure you use it a lot more in action than me.)

Or I'll need a 3D expert to help me with the offset.

  Taro8 said:
Downloaded from here. Still I tried to put in some other mod folder (with I know works 100%) and nothing. This weird as GT worked before for me (got CBA and all).

No idea. (although I forgot the directory structure from last zip, but I guess you have no problems with that.)

Anyone else having the same problem?

Have you tried Steam as well? (It is up-to-date now)

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Also played a bit with your mod again. Working pretty good.

I have maybe 2 suggestions regarding the quick command again, cause i think that is also a good idea for multiplayer probably or a combined thing.

1. Could you maybe use 2 different keys for quick command and the more advanced plan mode ? or make a little key defenition in the menue for both, so lets say use A for the advanced mode and B for the Quick command. I would like that. Probably even the quick command stays on as long as you push the key again. Only for better handling it but not nessecary.

2. Could you also maybe use the 3rd Person view probably in the quick command that would make things a bit more easier to see. Doesnt have to be any further away just the normal 3rd person view would be nice. So that you just dont feel a difference at all when you push it in. But probably is same thing as above with the calculation maybe.

So keep it up good luck :)

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Does anyone have a problem with units getting stuck in tactical pace. This makes them only walk the gun up no matter what. Traveling longer distances is almost impossible. Any ideas?

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I am sorry man, but these are the type of questions when I am glad that this is a free mod. :)

You'll need to get a CapsLock from somewhere. :)

Or. YOu can download and start Black Rain - which is my unfinished mission - that has a menu at the start and GetTactical included. Settings are persistent.

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  zapat said:
I am sorry man, but these are the type of questions when I am glad that this is a free mod. :)

You'll need to get a CapsLock from somewhere. :)

Or. YOu can download and start Black Rain - which is my unfinished mission - that has a menu at the start and GetTactical included. Settings are persistent.

The mission did the trick! :D

Great mod, thank you very much!

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