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Secure ID progress

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  Suma said:
Does not sound like related to me. If the problem was with the secure ID, you should:

- see the error message while connecting

- not connect at all to the server

I cannot see any way how it could allow you to connect and then cause some trouble.


Ok thanks, good to rule things out ;)

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I also started getting these SSL connect error messages. Its about 4-6 weeks ago, and i have pretty muched patched to latest beta "on the day" all times.

Im currently running beta version:Arma2 OA 1.62.101324

EDIT: Just wanted to mention that it does not seem to have any effect on my connection to servers..i can play as usual.

So iguess the hotfix ( which i have not tried btw) would not work for me.


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Bug/Broken requiredsecureid ??

I just tested the latest beta patch "Build 101747", on both my server and client. however each time i try to connect to the server i get some error regarding registration.

here is the error.

Registration failed: error Unhandled exception Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.2.v20111125-r10461): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'lastRegResult' at row 1
Error Code: 1406
Call: INSERT INTO regAttempt (date, ipAddress, lastRegId, lastRegResult, prevRegCount, playerId) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
   bind => [6 parameters bound]
Query: InsertObjectQuery(bicdkeys.RegAttempt[ uniqueId=null ])

Server and client is running on Win7.

That hotfix is not applied to server or client. but as suma sais. he has adjusted the code so it not needed, i see no reason to try and apply it.

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  nuxil said:
Bug/Broken requiredsecureid ??

I just tested the latest beta patch "Build 101747", on both my server and client. however each time i try to connect to the server i get some error regarding registration.

here is the error.

Registration failed: error Unhandled exception Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.2.v20111125-r10461): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'lastRegResult' at row 1
Error Code: 1406
Call: INSERT INTO regAttempt (date, ipAddress, lastRegId, lastRegResult, prevRegCount, playerId) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
   bind => [6 parameters bound]
Query: InsertObjectQuery(bicdkeys.RegAttempt[ uniqueId=null ])

Thanks for reporting this. The registration server has been fixed now, and you should no longer get a "Data too long for column" exception the next time you will try. You may still get some other error, thuogh. In any case, once you try it, please, post the result here.

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For some reason i still have the same error

"registration failed, SSL Connect error"

Again, its not something that seems to cause any issues, but i thought i mention it nevertheless.

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  Sjaba said:
For some reason i still have the same error

"registration failed, SSL Connect error"

Again, its not something that seems to cause any issues, but i thought i mention it nevertheless.

It is not causing issues until servers start require secure id - once they do, you will be unable to connect to such servers. I would like to check as much as possible why is it failing to you. Is there anything you can tell me about your internet connection (do you need proxy to connect, or anything like that) or about the OS you use? If you hesitate to write this on a forum, feel free to post me a private message.

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Hi suma.

Wonder if you can help me by telling me what info you need, to see if the secure I'd is working...

Or not working as the case me be.

I have updated my install to the latest beta, updated the dedicated server to the latest beta..

I am not seeing anything in the rpt file or server console log about secure id, either connecting or not connecting.

What I do see is, if I start a listen server on my pc then I get the secure I'd fail error.

Any info I can offer you to help would be appreciated.


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  Suma said:
As the hotfix did help (verified through PM), I have adjusted the SSL access code on our side in 100423 so that the access works without the hotfix as well.

I still get the "registration failed: ssl connect error (schannel:failed to setup extended errors)" I have had this error for the past few patches. I have the same issues of being able to play normal arma 2 games but if I try and play DayZ I will see the error and get kicked from the server either immediatly or a few minutes later. I am currently running the Arma 2 patch: 102591 and the DayZ patch, I have had this problem for the last few patches now and really would love a solution.

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  Suma said:
As the hotfix did help (verified through PM), I have adjusted the SSL access code on our side in 100423 so that the access works without the hotfix as well.

The fix was implemented wrongly. All it did was to disable the "failed to setup extended errors" message, but the error code was still returned.

Should be fixed properly in 102936

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