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    • I'm not a great player.  I'm relatively new, but I'm really really really f'ing sick of knowing EXACTLY who in the lobby is going to kill me, when and how before the encounter even starts. Literally can call it 100% of the time.  "SKULL_(name) with 40k kills is going to headshot me approximately 3-5 min into the match after I've looted about 6 items."    Doesn't matter where I start.  Doesn't matter where they start.  Doesn't matter what map it is.  Doesn't matter if I go to a POI or avoid the POI. Every single match.  Every single time.  Always. Why the F are players with 40k kills on the same maps with players with 600, 60 or even just 6 kills? Just so that the players with 40k kill can grind up to 50k easy? I promise you you are losing more players than you are keeping by allowing this. Put in a tier system for maps.   Players with 10k kills or more are on the Legends maps -- no resources, maybe always a timed, barred and a container. Players with 5k to 10k are on the Veterans maps Players with less than 5k are on the Recruits maps   You already track this stat.  This should be an easy thing to do.
    • I somehow missed that Biki entry, and the concept makes sense, I would just need to play (read: learn) with the syntax.  I'm about to start another work hitch, so I'll have to put this on the back burner for now, but thanks gents!
    • Thank you for the original Radio chat Sound corrections dalber24! It works just fine in v1. 64 .   I appreciate those in the community who take the time out of their way to give me some feedback.   For those in the community browsing for missions to play.. The mission works properly just with no original OFP Radio chatter. Some community members like it just the way it is.. So i will or might possibly be adding the original OFP Radio chatter in the near future. Until then the mission works perfectly fine.   Enjoy!  
    • 5-6-2024
      EXE rev. 151869 (game)
      EXE rev. 151869 (Launcher)
      Size: ~375 MB   DATA Tweaked: VR world is now using separate footstep sounds - FT-T180485   ENGINE Added: get/setPhysicsCollisionFlag script commands Fixed: Performance degradation when many scheduled scripts are active Added: "MagazineReloading" entity event Fixed: Missile targeting sensors did not check range / angle limits (anti-radiation missiles could target radar emitters that were behind the missile, out of range and whose radar did not even reach the missile) - FT-T181124 Added: Vehicle marker lights now animate with animated memory points Fixed: Removing all throwables via addMagazineCargo/addMagazineAmmoCargo would leave a ghost grenade behind - FT-T76533 Fixed: removeMagazine(Global) on a grenade would make the grenade category unusable, even if more grenades were available - FT-T79813 Added: DLL extension access to DirectX Added: New script command screenToWorldDirection, and an alternative syntax for screenToWorld/worldToScreen for a specific camera - FT-T181178 Fixed: enableInfoPanelComponent could not disable CustomDisplayComponent - FT-T162729 Added: "Draw2D" mission Event Handler
    • The engagement is there if you know where to look. This forum is but one place where you can find updates. Arma Reforger Feedback Arma Discord   Also if you wondering about development, you can check steamdb.info on what new builds are uploaded (for internal testing i guess).