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    • Hi tpw. I've been using your mod for years but only recently tried the option in the SOAP module to play my own music. However no matter what I do I cannot get it working. I have added 20 music files into the /music folder and named them 1, 2, 3 etc. They are all ogg files and all are less than 3 minutes long. I also dragged the music tracks slider up to 20 in the mod settings. But when in game I still get the default Greek style music playing on Altis. My own music never plays. I have tried in both the edior (single player) and multiplayer (hosting Antistasi) but neither works. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
    • If bohemia's goal is to make a hyper realistic sim. Here's one from my experience In my time in the field.    Vehicles should not explode, it's so rare that a vehicle explodes even if the fuel tank is the one on fire.    Only time a vehicle explodes 9/10 is because of ammunition detonation. In game you can gun down a humvee until it eventually blows up, and the body of the vehicle is heavily damaged as if it rolled down a cliff, or was destroyed via Air strike. Even though it was just regular small arms fire that caused it to explode.    What do I suggest? I suggest completely removing the blown up model, and just enhance the regular in game vehicle object by slowly decaying in the one realistic area a fire may rage at, or AT mines blowing the wheels off a vehicle instead of blowing up the vehicle. Also I should probably mention that this is the part where Bohemia will probably have to make all vehicles have realistic physical body parts that can blow off the vehicle it's self.   Anyways...   For example: You're driving a supply truck. An rpg  slams into your engine bay or fuel tank, causing a fire to start. That fuel that's caught on fire will begin to burn, but eventually when it runs out of fuel to burn, it stops. So where ever that fire was, on that one section of the vehicle, the texture should change to the same texture the blown up model has(burnt metal effect). While the rest of the vehicle keeps its natural paint job.    Bohemia is currently working on bullet holes and sound effects because they want the vehicle to tell a story and show us which direction those rounds came from. Which is awawesome. But I also think implementing something like what I brought up will also help players figure out if a vehicle is worth the trouble or not if it's still standing and half burnt.    Moral of the story, vehicles don't need to blow up to bits(wrecked bodies, tires missing) to be rendered useless. Most of the time a player will tell with just by looking at it.    Anyways feel free to add on and let me know what you think. 
    • Wondering the US was given the huey when both black hawk and Chinook were introduced way before the time arma reforger takes place in. 
    • Well, don't take the following as gospel, but at a guess in the main directory you'd have a config with the base cfgPatches, that adds each of the sub-cfgPatches entries as required addons that each of the sub-cfgPatches entries references as a requirement. For example: Main PBO - config with MAIN CFGPATCHES ENTRY -/sub-folder one -- config with faction 1 cfgPatches entry (referencing MAIN as requirement) -/ sub-folder two -- config with faction 2 cfgPatches entry (referencing MAIN as requirement) etc.
    • I didn't try that, but that's what I was mentioning in my first post and was wondering if that may fix it.  However, I wasn't sure how to construct the root config.  I have a feeling you're right, and that's what's needed.