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[Question] Putting Hellfires on a Hind

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Salutations, everybody.

I only recently aquired ArmA2 and for starters decided to get my feet wet modding-wise by simply creating a variant of an already existing vehicle.

In my case, I am trying to make a variant of the CDF Mi-35 that carries Hellfires and FFARs instead of the AT2s and 57mm Rockets.

I got the config and all down, everythings working in the game, too.

The only problem I now have is that while the Heli is correctly armed with Hellfires and FFARs like the AH1Z Supercobra, the actual 3D model still shows the standard AT2 launchers (but with Hellfires on them instead of AT2s) and the 57mm Rocketpods instead of the FFAR Launcher Pods.

I think I very vaguely remember something about the weapons being separate models just "attached" to the vehicles from the OFP days (never bothered with Resistance or ArmA1), but I would nonetheless be very thankful if somebody could give me a quick scoop on how to change the launcher shown on the 3D model (and if it is actually possible at all, but since a glancing check showed that there is a AGM114HellfirePod.p3d, I presume so).

Cheers and thank you.

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The launchers and the rocketpods may actually be part of the model on the Hind. I've never really thought about that before... Myke can probably tell you.

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some weapons appear on the rails automatically, but i think they need to be postulated in the config.

therefore you need to build a new mod, adding the new weapons/ muzzles/ launchers etc to the vehicle.

this would be a pbo rather than a script

take a look at this


and here's how to do it without modding the vehicle, but addingthe weapons anyway... see my response in that thread


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My thanks to both of you. I will take a thorough look at those two links later today, eggbeast.

Really hoping BIS will release their MLODs at some point. Will make things nicer and easier for the less tech savvy (not to say lazy ^_^" ) people like me.

Thanks again. :)

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Everything that has a launcher is "hardmodelled" in the MLOD's. So you can change the weapon so they will work (as you already found out) but not the visual appereance.

As Darkhorse already mentoined, i'm working on a solution that (hopefully) will make all weaponry (except Machineguns of all sort) changeable with a neat ingame dialogue.

However, there is still a lot of work to do on it and also to replace BIS units i would need BIS MLOD's aswell. So for short you will have to live with the functionality-but-not-visual solution and in the long shot you can hope for a better system....but don't hold your breath on it. ;)

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Copy that. Too bad, but can't be helped then. Thank you for the information.

Just out of curiousity, though, what is the model AGM114HellfirePod.p3d in Air.pbo used for then? And why is there a hellfire model called hellfire.p3d in weapons.pbo as well as AGM114Hellfire.p3d in Air.pbo, both of which seem to be identical, at least from looking at them ingame? Just redundancy? Leftovers from development?

Ah, well, anyways, thanks again. I appreciate it.

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The community really needs to start putting preassure on BIS releasing the MLOD's, and when OA comes out for that too, in the end its us modders that make this game, so making it harder for us is only hurting their sales (so many people giving up and leaving).

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