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Placing Units

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Hello everyone, (Placed this in the right section this time placebo =])

I have a question about making units unarmed when I start up my mission, (I know they have an "unarmed" unit available, but I was wondering how to make officers and what not unarmed? Also, I watched a video on how to do all the waypoints, and w/e. But is there any way to make someone talk? Like say hello welcome to wherever. (Like can I use my mic? or type in something and they will talk)



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I can help you on the first one. I haven't ever tried doing the other ones really.

In the initialization box of the officer you want to have unarmed type:

removeallweapons this

This tells it to take away all weapons and magazines from the unit whose init line you typed in.

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Thanks You so much jakerod! This makes my day a lil bit better now :) I will probably be back to ask more questions later on lol.

But on the voice thing, You think it is possible to do? Cause I don't want to have a whole voice acting dialouge...I just want a few things from the Captain/other units lol. Like trigger it when I walk up to them.

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Yeah its definitely possible. I just have never had to do it. There are actually some default ones if you put in a trigger and go to the button effects or something on it. You can make guys say things that way.

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Alright thanks alot, I'll check that out :)

EDIT: Nvm I found them, so how do I actually tell them to speak it...Do I type it in the text box?

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I think that you make the trigger activated by the specific guy (drag a group line from him to a trigger) and then set the voice thing in the effects menu and that will make him say it. Once again I am not 100% if that is how it works and there is probably a better way but my limited knowledge points to that.

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Ok, thanks a lot...I'll try that out. Hey thanks a lot! It worked, you just have to time them correctly to say them after each other. I'll post if I have any other questions :)

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Alright I have another question...How do I put like a black screen, then have writing come up saying like welcome to FOB...w/e. (or the little time screen like BIA does) it's essential in my mission making, (making it into a campaign =])

Also, how do I make that ummm Journal thing pop up when the mission is about to start? You know the thing that tells you your objectives...your support...Like your map, how would I get that to start at the beginning?

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Hey Reimann, thanks for posting...I'm trying just to put like the objectives of my mission, and the map showing what are enemy territory, and friendly...Like in the Campaign for instance.

I also want to put, after every "mission" is over with, that it has the time thing also like in the Campaign. (I want to have it after each mission, and have the briefing up on each mission also).

Also, forgot to add, I have it to where the mission ends after listening to a speech by your seargent, and it pulls up the clipboard, how would I put writing on that?

Edited by todayskiller

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