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Mouse movement issues with BETA patch

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Well I've been running the beta patches for awhile, and with the latest one I decided to try changing the Smoothing option just to see what it does.

When I changed it back to default the movement was not the same as before - it's now very abrupt and sudden, so moving the mouse a bit makes the view move very fast. Before it was smoother, now every move is like a jerk.

This is with the X and Y axis on almost the lowest they go, and no amount of fiddling makes it better. It's not an issue with the Smoothing, it's more like a mouse sensitivity problem - moving my crosshair from one point to another is very sudden instead of a smooth swing.

All I can think is that BIS changed the values of the mouse settings in the latest beta patch and me changing the settings made the new values kick in. It's very annoying to play with, almost headache-inducing with the view jerking every time I move the mouse.

Problem is, uninstalling the Beta patch and going back to normal ArmA 2 doesn't help - the problem remains. Any help would be appreciated.

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Deleting your cfg files may help, otherwise look in the beta section of the forums

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Oh woops, didn't notice there was a beta section, my bad. I'll post there, thanks for the advice.

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yes 30 is default

I run 15 as I dont like the spongy drunken feel of too much smoothing

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