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Give AI unlimited ammo?

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Hi everyone,

Is it possible to give some of the AI in my squad unlimited ammo?

Thanks in advance,

Ion :pray:

Edited by Ionflux

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trini scourge had a post some where on this here is the info

what u can do is use a addeventhandler with setvehicleammo.

this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]

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Awesome thanks bud! Will this work for infantry units aswell? :)

*EDIT* - works on infantry

No worries dude got it working :) thanks allot!

Edited by Ionflux

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Is there a way to do this in a way that does unlimited reloads instead of rounds in the chamber? I want A.I. MANPADs to have unlimited reloads, not exactly a stream of missiles.

Thanks for any assistance.

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Is there a way to do this in a way that does unlimited reloads instead of rounds in the chamber? I want A.I. MANPADs to have unlimited reloads, not exactly a stream of missiles.

Thanks for any assistance.

this addeventhandler ["Fired",{if (_this select 1=="Strela") then {_this select 0 addMagazine (_this select 5)}}]

Edited by Celery
  • Thanks 1

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Amazing! Thank you, will try it now.

[Edit] - It's good to go, much appreciated.

Edited by Varkrag

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Does anybody know a function that returns how much ammo the unit has? I could use it when ammo < 0.5. This way the unit would always reload when needed.

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Does anybody know a function that returns how much ammo the unit has? I could use it when ammo < 0.5. This way the unit would always reload when needed.

Create a radio trigger set to repeat.

On act.

nul = [player, "m16a4"] execVM "checkammo.sqf"


_unit = _this select 0;
_weapon = _this select 1;

_count = _unit ammo _weapon;

hintsilent format ["You have %1 rounds of ammo in your magazine.", _count];

I used a basic USMC rifleman with the m16a4 rifle. Another command you might want to look at is someammo.

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Is there a way to do this in a way that does unlimited reloads instead of rounds in the chamber? I want A.I. MANPADs to have unlimited reloads, not exactly a stream of missiles.

_ammo = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos player];
_ammo setTriggerStatements["needReload player == 1", "reload player; player setVehicleAmmo 1", ""];

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this addeventhandler ["Fired",{if (_this select 1=="Strela") then {_this select 0 addMagazine (_this select 5)}}]

Edit: Nevermind, the reload time of the unit was the problem.

Edited by maturin

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this addeventhandler ["Fired",{if (_this select 1=="Strela") then {_this select 0 addMagazine (_this select 5)}}]

The above code by Celery gives a Strela unlimited reloads. Would anyone know what i need to do to the above code so it gives unlimited reloads to a static AA or static MG weapon ?

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Unlimited for everything is as follows without even having to reload,put in units ini

this addEventHandler ["Fired",{[_this select 0,getNumber (configFile/"CfgAmmo"/(_this select 4)/"explosive")] spawn {if (_this select 1==1) then {sleep 0.75};_this select 0 setVehicleAmmo 1}}]

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Unlimited for everything is as follows without even having to reload,put in units ini

this addEventHandler ["Fired",{[_this select 0,getNumber (configFile/"CfgAmmo"/(_this select 4)/"explosive")] spawn {if (_this select 1==1) then {sleep 0.75};_this select 0 setVehicleAmmo 1}}]

Thanks for your reply Jim I will give that a try mate, but i did still want the reload effect to happen as normal and not just a constant flow of bullets or AA rockets, so this may not be what I'm looking for yet. I'll let you know if its not. Thanks again mate.

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I ended up putting this script together and thought i would post it for anyone else to use. This reload script will give a player or AI unit unlimited magazine reloads for a static weapon. I'm not an advanced scriptwriter so there is probably an easier way of doing this but this is just what i came up with. I did it this way because i wanted static MG's to still have the reload animation instead of a constant flow of bullets. Some of the script code is for the debug hints which i needed for learning.


// script by PartyHead.
// Unlimited magazine reloads for AI and player units as gunner of a static weapon.
// place the following code in the init field of a static weapon and you or AI units
// will get unlimited magazine reloads.
// _nil = [this] execVM "staticreload.sqf";

//hintSilent "DEBUG\n\nAuto reloading script started.";

_static = _this select 0;

while {true} do
   sleep 2;
   //hintSilent "DEBUG\n\nStatic weapons are waiting.";
   if (_static isKindOf "StaticWeapon") then
       waitUntil {((_static emptypositions "gunner") == 0) && (alive _static)};
       _type = typeOf _static;
       _gunner = gunner _static;
       _weapons = weapons _static;
       _weapon = currentWeapon _static;
       _magazines = magazines _static;
       _magazine = currentMagazine _static;
       _magCount = {_x == _magazine} count magazines _static;
       _ammo = ((_static) ammo (_weapon));
       _reload = _magCount - 1;
       _static setVehicleAmmo 1;
       for [{_loop = 0},{_loop >= 0},{_loop = _loop}] do
           _weapon = currentWeapon _static;
           _magazine = currentMagazine _static;
           _magCount = {_x == _magazine} count magazines _static;
           _ammo = ((_static) ammo (_weapon));
           //hintSilent format ["DEBUG\n\nAuto reloading activated.\n\nVehicle: %1.\nGunner: %2.\nWeapons: %3.\nCurrent weapon: %4.\nMagazines: %5.\nRounds: %6.", _type, name _gunner, _weapons, _weapon, _magCount, _ammo];
           if (_magCount <= _reload) then {_static setVehicleAmmo 1};
           sleep 0.01;
           if (!(alive _static) || ((_weapons select 0) != (weapons (vehicle _gunner) select 0)) || ((_static emptypositions "gunner") == 1)) then 
               _loop = -1;
               //hintSilent "DEBUG\n\nAuto reloading deactivated.";

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_ammo = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos player];
_ammo setTriggerStatements["needReload player == 1", "reload player; player setVehicleAmmo 1", ""];

Scifer, it doesnt work in AI.. :( It only works in player how to make it work for AI? TY (sorry for poor english)

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