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New un resolution

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"Efter ett amerikanskt initiativ antog FN:s säkerhetsrĺd pĺ tisdagskvällen en historisk resolution, som för första gĺngen talar om en palestinsk stat vid sidan av Israel.

I resolutionen ''bekräftar (säkerhetsrĺdet) visionen om en region där tvĺ länder, Israel och Palestina, lever sida vid sida inom säkra och erkända gränser''.

Förslaget till resolutionen kom frĺn USA, som tidigare använt sitt veto för att stoppa skarpt formulerade resolutioner om Mellanösternkonflikten."

A new UN resoltion has been passed on a US initiative. The resolution comfirms the vision of a region where two countries, Israel and Palestine, live side by side within safe, recognised borders. The proposal came from the US, who prior to this had used their veto to stop other resolutions in the Middle East conflict.

This according to a Swedish newspaper, quoted from TT Reuters.

Anyone else heard about this?

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thats all well as long as both sides are in agreement  and after the last 3 days violence and isreali attacking etc   i cant see that happpening.

i did hear that cofu anan  ( not sure if i spelt that right) was quite blunt about the actions of isreal over the last few days.

And i kinda picked out oh his statment  that if its not sorted then something is going to be done rapid style.

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Well, it is not only the fact that there is a resolution. There is also the fact that the US for ones backs it. They even suggested it this time. That is the major thing, I think. It might actually change the whole matter some.

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I`m not so sure in that. This conflicts roots are too deep. In addition to that I`m wondering why no UN troops are send there as peacekeepers... That`s already a war in my opinion.

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"I`m not so sure in that. This conflicts roots are too deep. In addition to that I`m wondering why no UN troops are send there as peacekeepers... That`s already a war in my opinion. "

Because of the US veto.

Up till now, the US have been backing the Israelis. Right or wrong really does not matter, they are allies. Right now the US seems to be pushing for a more neutral stance where they might actually want to see peace even if it means that Israel has to give up some of its claims.

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Nah it isn't a real war. If they were in a real war the Palestinians would have no chance.

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The taliban or al quaida have no chance, too, like all people say, but they are still fighting. And all people say that`s war...

Conflict isn`t fitting either... I miss a english description for such a situation, sorry.

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"Nah it isn't a real war. If they were in a real war the Palestinians would have no chance."

Ofcourse its a war. What else can you call it when one side rolls in with tanks, attack with choppers and fire missiles while the other side does their damndest to strike back? It sure as hell isn't a street fight.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Mar. 13 2002,14:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Nah it isn't a real war. If they were in a real war the Palestinians would have no chance.<span id='postcolor'>

The palestinians have the advantage that the israelis can't just go in and shoot every palestinian. That's why they still persist in this conflict, which is definitely a war.

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yep i would say a war too

after watching isreali troops taking over peoples houses and clearing them out to make room for command posts etc and palistinians defending then its a war unfair war but a war nevertheless

and un troops imo would be a waste of time it would just be more targets available to the suicide bombers etc

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I say enough with it!

Give em their respective countries...as defined by compromise.

Make Jeruselum an international "religious city", controlled by no one, patroled by the UN. A free-city if you will, supported by a number of nations.

Just my two-cents.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Mar. 13 2002,14:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Nah it isn't a real war. If they were in a real war the Palestinians would have no chance.<span id='postcolor'>

hehe..i quote this also... biggrin.gif

israelis in palestinian territory now...about 20.000 soldiers and some 160-200 tanks/armored vehicles (read on the news today)

and americans in afganistan....i would think that its a smaller amount than israelis in palestine.

it is a war..has been for some time, however the israelis doesnt have a army to fight against, thats what keeps the death count on palestinian side so low.

also, i read on the newspaper that israelis target ambulances and red cross personell, some 170 dead and wounded among them already.....a war?, id say so.

i doubt that arafat has any control of the terrorists, why would they even bother to listen to him when he has (in there eyes) failed so badly, and for some even betrayed them...the whole thing is out of control and a third party HAS to step in.

peace can be created, but not by the israelis or the palestinians, its no use to even hope for such a miracle happening...it is good that usa finally takes a more neutral stand and does something for peace there (finally, no usa flaming biggrin.gif)

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Sometimes a naive and missinformed solution from an external force is the best. The well-informed and realistic descisions that the Palestinans and the Israli have made have not led to any positive results today, have they?

I know for instance that the NATO/UN solutions for Bosnia and Kosovo were extremely naive. They were also not the best solutions. But they worked after a fashion. Even somewhat unjust peace is better then no peace at all.

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"You're all so naive and misinformed - it's pathetic!"

Then please enlighten us because if that resolution deal is really bogus then I'd like to know about it.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Mar. 13 2002,05:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Nah it isn't a real war. If they were in a real war the Palestinians would have no chance.<span id='postcolor'>

isn't that what everyone said about the Soviets and Afghanis?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Mar. 13 2002,18:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You're all so naive and misinformed - it's pathetic!<span id='postcolor'>

Frankly this is a reaction I would never expect from you, as you have tended over time to remain removed from such topics here and when you did speak up did it with an informed objective mindset.

I would also welcome your opinion on such an issue, especially since if I recall you are perhaps the only person here acutally living this 'event'.

As for me, I believe both sides are just as guilty in this 'war'. I read both American, European, Israeli, and Palestinian reports to try and maintain an objective view. Forgive me if I don't believe every Israeli army dispute to a Palestinian claim. Neither do I believe every Palestinian claim. Both would be foolish, I don't believe everything our military or government here says even.

As for the current situation there I do not see how it could be viewed as anything less than an invasion of Palestinian territory... what little of it they have. Israel has now set itself thru its military as judge, jury an advocate of their Palestinian 'problem'. This doesn't mean I don't think that Israel shouldn't be able to defend itself against these attacks, but all things have their limits.

And in my mind surrounding a city with infantry and armor units and ordering via loudspeaker that ever Palestinian male 16 years and older must come out of their homes and surrender to Israeli forces is over those limits.

Do I have a solution? No, and I don't belive one will ever truely be found. But I do hope that a just compromise can be found before this thing gets worse.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LordZach @ Mar. 13 2002,19:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Mar. 13 2002,05:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Nah it isn't a real war. If they were in a real war the Palestinians would have no chance.<span id='postcolor'>

isn't that what everyone said about the Soviets and Afghanis?<span id='postcolor'>

And USA and Korea. And USA and Vietnam in the beginning.

What's your point?

We should declare war on North Vietnam. . . .We could pave the whole country and put parking strips on it, and still be home by Christmas.

--Ronald Reagan, 1965

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I think israel went too far,but can you blame them when 75 israelis died in the last 2 or 3 weeks ? But you don't put 500 men in jail,and run over their cars and other.They went too far.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (foxer @ Mar. 13 2002,20:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think israel went too far,but can you blame them when 75 israelis died in the last 2 or 3 weeks ? But you don't put 500 men in jail,and run over their cars and other.They went too far.<span id='postcolor'>


i can imagine how pissed of israeli troops teach a lesson to the palestinians and flatten a number of cars at a parkinlot and then leave

nah, they sure went too far, its not that palestinians are without blame, the terrorstrikes kills a lot of innocents, but what amazes me is that Sharon actually thinks (or does he?) that he can break the palestinian will to fight when he flattens there cars, houses, blows up policestations, lets his troops fire at ambulanses.....etc etc..not to mention the dead, quilty and the always present innocent.

i know id just get even more pissed off.....

a third party has to step in and to control BOTH sides...i think this will get worse before it gets better, but there is a lot of hope now as usa stopped blocking the un and decided to .

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"I think israel went too far,but can you blame them when 75 israelis died in the last 2 or 3 weeks ? But you don't put 500 men in jail,and run over their cars and other.They went too far."

Atleast 3 times as many Palestinians have died...

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Do the Israelis ever wonder why the Palestine’s are pissed off I wonder?

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Sharon is just stupid.

He blows up Palestinian police stations then he complains Arafat isn't doing enough to curb militants.

He advocates "targeted assassinations" often killing innocent bystanders in the process, but becomes enraged when the Palestinians use the same tactic.

Isreali troops shoot children dead in cold blood and Sharon wonders why the Palestinians hate Isreal.

Last week he used a tank to blow up a Palestinian car - killing a mother and two children - and he dares to call anyone who criticises his mindless terror anti semitic.

Sharons racism and collective punishment of an entire race of people is disturbingly close to another tyrant who dragged Europe into war in the 30s...

EDITED: Because I can't spell. confused.gif

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