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A few questions regarding server setup for ARMA 2

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1. How do you set the server to a particular game mode, like CrCTI?

2. How do you set the server to use a particular mission?

3. Is there any admin tools out yet for ARMA 2?

4. I set my server to use a slot count of 50, yet, when I join the game, it changes to 16. Is there a way to make it stay at 50?

5. How can we allow only certain addons to be used on our servers?

Thanks in advance for all replies!

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1) Only make this one available. (may need server side addon to disable BI missions)

2) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg#ArmA_Demo_Configuration

3) more details needed what you mean

4) wrong setup or mission has 16p limit: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg

5) upload the addons key file to arma2\keys on the server.


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Regarding question 3, I mean admin tools like this:

Ban manager

Auto-Kick for Team Killing

Mission Loader

Basically, is there a tool out there, or currently in development that allows the server admin to keep the *************** and general douche bags out of the server?

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1) You can accomplish this with:

class Missions


class MP7Cav // name for the mission, can be anything


template =co30_Domination_1_00A2T10_7Cav.Chernarus;

cadetMode = 1; // difficulty 0=veteran 1=cadet (not only AI, but radar, map etc)



Adjust as needed.

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