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Campaign Branches

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Without going into any spoilers for this post, I can tell you there are quite a few remaining bugs in the campaign. 1 notable example is in the "Delaying the Bear" mission where, at the very start, your team will not move....at all!!!! But, if you extract that mission and play it in the editor, the bug disappears. What this tells me is that the mission is not bugged, but the "campaign program" within ARMA 2 that reads the missions and advances the story from mission to mission is bugged.

Here is my request: Devs, can you please post in the official mission section the "branches" of the campaign. What I mean is if in mission A, you have two choices that decide which version of the following mission you play, can you post which is which. Looking in the extracted pbo file, it is impossible to tell. EX. There are two "Badlands" missions but when extracting them, it's impossible to tell which is which.

BTW: I posted this here since the devs seam to frequent this forum more than any but if a user has played the campaign through numerous times, maybe they could answer my question.

Of course all this would be uneccesary is the campaign were not so bugged but BIS are great devs and I know they will fix it.

Having said all that, I must say, seeing the campaign missions opened in the editor really shows how much time went into making them and I want to thank BIS for this.

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