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The F-15 Eagle/Strike Eagle

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With Permission Conversion of Footmunch's F-15 C/E from Flashpoint.

Visit youtube for high rez movie.

channel 1 F15 flying about, channel 2 F-15E bombcam

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Features multi weapon loadouts

normal/spec maps

3 x custom textures care of EddyD

special FX scripts by Lethal/Gnat (modified by me)

Cluster bomb script care of Franze

modified flight model

after burner sound

sonic boom sound

F-15E features fully operational gunners position with aiming optics.


3 F-15c Eagle CAP versions (grey, camo and blue) using 6 x aim-120 and 4 x aim-9

4 x F-15e Strike Eagle versions, (grey, camo, blue)

precision strike 8 x GBU-12 (laser guider bombs) 4 aim-120 AA missiles

Close support 6 x Mk84 and 6 x CBU-87 (cluster bombs) 4 aim-120 AA missilesClose support 6 x Mk84 and 6 x Mk82 (Iron bombs) 4 aim-120 AA missiles

Let me know of any special requests I might be able to get them in for the beta 1 release.

Addon is in final beta testing, so just finishing up a few things then it should be good to go.

This project has been on the back burner for a massive amount of time when I released a poorly converted F15c, so this is my way of making it up to the community etc.


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Excellent I have been waiting for a long time, for a 2 Seater BLUFOR Aircraft that is worth flying smile_o.gif

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Sweet! I'm especially looking forward to the F-15E. You've probably already seen it, but here is an interesting site on the F-15E, with a lot of information on different loadouts.

It seems the F-15E never flies without the AN/AAQ-33 or AN/AAQ-13 targeting/navigation pods. Are you planning to add those? I realise they'd only be functionless eye-candy in-game, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of a perv is there? wink_o.gif

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Sweet! I'm especially looking forward to the F-15E. You've probably already seen it, but here is an interesting site on the F-15E, with a lot of information on different loadouts.

It seems the F-15E never flies without the AN/AAQ-33 or AN/AAQ-13 targeting/navigation pods. Are you planning to add those? I realise they'd only be functionless eye-candy in-game, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of a perv is there? wink_o.gif

like this?  it's on all the models:


and yeah I used that F-15 website as the basis for the weapon loadouts, they are real world loadouts, in some cases I dropped the external fuel tanks for a couple more bombs but really speaking I haven't gone overboard.

I'm also planning on having two versions of the F-15E as bombcam planes so you can travel with the bombs as they destroy half the island  smile_o.gif


PS just converting this to xeh as we speak, awaiting some sound mods and it's good for the first beta release.

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Updated the you tube video in the first post to show the bombcam, it's on channel 2 smile_o.gif


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can a mod please close this thread as the beta came out quicker than I thought.


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