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Problem with the Urban Patrol Script

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Hi all,

I'm using kronzky's urban patrol script for some serious randomising in one of my missions. It works perfect. Gameplay-wise I have had some awesome coop sessions and it really shows the potential of the OFP engine.

There is one problem however: Whenever I call a unit inside the mission editor to use the UPS script, I supply it with a "HIDEMARKER", because I don't want to have the game map cluttered with black squares.

This works in single player, but in MP games the squares don't disappear for clients. The squares ARE invisible to the server hosting the game. Is there a solution to this? smile_o.gif

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I haven't used the OFP version of UPS in a few years, so I'm just guessing now - but you could try setting the marker's position to negative values in the init file. The script will still work with that, I'm just not sure if the file is executed before you see the first briefing screen.

e.g. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"mark1" setMarkerPos [(getMarkerPos "mark1" select 0)*-1,(getMarkerPos "mark1" select 1)*-1]

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I haven't used the OFP version of UPS in a few years, so I'm just guessing now - but you could try setting the marker's position to negative values in the init file. The script will still work with that, I'm just not sure if the file is executed before you see the first briefing screen.

e.g. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"mark1" setMarkerPos [(getMarkerPos "mark1" select 0)*-1,(getMarkerPos "mark1" select 1)*-1]

Oh, it's the twisted genius himself! biggrin_o.gif Man, I owe you one. The script totally kicks ass. Cluttering all sorts of units in a large area  with your script really leads to a completely random and interesting environment.

I added the line you specified to the INIT.SQS and it worked. I'm not sure if it also works for clients in MP, but I don't have the resources to check that out right now, so if anyone else can, please report!

It's probably a safe bet that it does the same for MP clients though; init.sqs usually consists of a slow fade-in at the start of a mission, and that surely shows up on every client in the game.

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