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ww4 anims beta

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As i suffered a HD crash that rewarded me with lot of my work lost definitively a month or two ago, after reworking my anims to at least a decent enough stage, i decided to release an early beta of the animations that are made for the soldiers of my project.

This way at least if a meteor or more probably a

land on my house computer, they will not be lost totally a second time.

Updated --13 February 2009--


************BETA 11*************


Download links (most of them are unfortunately temporary hosts, any help for a more solid hosting for the files is appreciated) :











As usual, that's entirely beta, unfinished, etc... so install at your own risk, you know the drill.

Weapon and ammo classnames can be found inside of the ww4 mod folder, the "Weaponclasses.txt" file

What's new in beta 11


ADDED : bunch of troops for west, east and resistance side, all available in woodland or desert camo, and their corresponding mission editor groups too (F2) .

ADDED : retextured (with Resistance textures) version of Everon, Malden and Nogova credits to CJE.

Islands are integrated in the mod, so removing the anims.pbo from the mod Dta folder will remove their cutscenes.

ADDED : bunch of weapons, list, ammo + weapon classnames available in the WeaponClass.txt inside of @ww4beta11 mod folder.

There are 76 weapons in there (all binarized), all reworked in O2 to get their lod system matching my troops, fixed the lighting (correct usage of smooth and sharp O2 function) fixed or added those lods when they were bad or where not done by original author, and merged some textures when way too much were used for a weapon.

MLOD version of those weapons will be available in next modder ressource pack.

TWEAKED : some anims, the patrol (weapon on back) now has 3 speed (walk, jog and run)

TWEAKED : normal and light rifles have the usual weight no change for their handling, light machineguns are heavier than them, heavy machineguns and heavy sniper rifles are even more heavier.

TWEAKED : some of the existing camo, by example the ACU is completely redone... again, this time i really like the camo tone

TWEAKED : the East anti-terror troops use now totally new models in comparison to previous beta, the previous models used for them are now in use for the East specops corps, they fit better there.

TWEAKED : the credit list of the intro cutscene is now longer to include all contributor, direct or indirect (i will have to find a longer music)

FIXED : things here and there in existing models, anims and configs etc.. way too much for me to remember.

What's new in beta 10


-fixed some problems with some models that had no wound textures appearing, improved the helmet interior of the east CT, improved both camos of the resistance replacement, improved the ACU-like color tones etc...

-added new weapons and ammo based on JAM3 values (tweaked for lnoger range as some were too small giving too much advantage to the human player) for each of the corps (west army/east army/west CT/east CT/Res militia/Res insurgency).

Basically each corps has their own weapon. Weapons included have JAM sounds.

Note that the insurgency corp (both (W) and (D) versions) have HD version of the magazines not the regular ones for their weapons, to simulate they are the only corps without any military training/background.

-tweaked and fixed some animations according to some reports

-rolling on the ground now available, to do so when you are lying on the ground, press MOVE LEFT or MOVE RIGHT with in the same time the TURBO key pressed.

-main config is now edited to stay in CPP format, very very slight longer loading time, but needed to fix some compatibility problems with some addons.

-to give more modularity, each corps has now their own config :

ww4_warmy.pbo is the config for the West Army

ww4_earmy.pbo is the one for the East Army

ww4_rmili.pbo is for the Militia

ww4_wct.pbo is for the West CT

ww4_ect.pbo is for the East CT

ww4_rinsu.pbo is for the Insurgency

this for both Woodland and Desert version of each corps.

So now if you don't want one of the included corps in either the editor or in your game, just remove their specific PBO, it will remove them from the mod.

This makes it easier to fixes problems or for the user to find who is who inside the configs.

-removed the radio sounds to have the AI way more responsive to order or to combat situations.

Note that in the bin folder you can find a "radio" subfolder that contain a version of the main config.cpp that always have the radio sounds.

So if you want to dumb down the AI more than it is already by having the radio sounds to play again, just replace the main config by this alternative one.

What's new in beta 9


-minor corrections for some of the ww4_trp.pbo units models

-include 3 more army corps :

West Army , very loosely inspired by the us one

East Army , inspired by russian motorised infantry

Militia for the resistance side

-Those 3 new corps feature both woodland and desert version (W) and (D) and are available in a bunch of groups (F2) in the editor like the 3 previous ones.

-changed the funny music for the intro

-new troops models are included in the ww4_trp.pbo

, and their config in a separate config, the config is not dependant on the other 3 previously released troops own config and not dependant either of the main one.

This means you can take the ww4_trp.pbo and ww4_p2cfg.pbo (and/or ww4_p1cfg.pbo) then place them into any other mod\addons\ folder, you are not forced to use the whole ww4 mod to play with those new army corps.

additionally if one of those 3 corps packs are of no interest for you, you can just delete the config pbo for them( ww4_p1cfg.pbo or ww4_p2cfg.pbo), and they will not appear in editor or be loaded by the game.

as usual, that's beta so use it at your own risk, weapons are always BIS ones etc...

What's new in beta 8


-animation have not been worked on more than in beta 7, focus was on the troopers and some minor fixes in the replacement models selections for distant lods

-now everyone can carry an at launcher, no more artificial limitations that force civilians, snipers and medics to be unable to get a secondary weapon (launcher/rucksacks/radio/etc...)

-slight decrease of aimprecision , slight decrease in weapon/ammo costs value to allow the AI to open fire quicker after targetting an enemy.

I have not yet tweaked the weapon ranges and dispersion, it will be for later as those have an important impact on gameplay and will require more testing.

For best AI result enable "SUPER AI" in the difficulty option, should be even better now than the "easy to kill by multiple dozens" original AI soldiers.

-redirected every replacement model paths to ww4_rpl.pbo , the ww4_trp.pbo will be only used for the WW4 troops, not by the replacement.

-introductions of 3 army corps : West Counter Terror (West side), East Counter Terror (East side) and Insurgency (Resistance side), appearances very loosely inspired by US DEVGRU (ex Seal Team 6), Russia Vityaz for the West and East, Insurgency looks just like some armed civilians (totally new model and textures though).

-addition of many groups to be placed on the editor, not only for the BIS replacement, but for the 3 army corps.

-The 3 army corps are coming in both woodland and desert version ( groups names (W) or (D) ) and all have their wound texture functionnal and use the "as few textures as possible" concept to allow bigger firefights.

-The 3 army corps are not incorporated in the main WW4 config, it means you can take ww4_trp and ww4_p1cfg.pbo then place both pbo into any \AnotherMod\addons\ folder and play with them in any other mod (not GRAA3 of course, as it requires only Llauma headed models) without having to do some editing.

-For now they are all using BIS weapons, don't worry that's only temporary for the beta, when i will have them ready, specific weapons to each corps will come.

What's new in beta 7


-"surprise content" is now complete each soldiers from West, East and Resistance is replaced by my own, just have fun toying around with it in various missions and campaigns, i fixed a small bug form the beta6 version.

-climbing animation is not anymore linked to CROUCH stance when pressing in the same time MOVE BACK + TURBO keys, now to climb high walls you need to put your "weapon on back" (in the case of the mod, go to patrol stance)first and then press MOVE BACK + TURBO key in the same time.

This is done to avoid the too often accidental climb animations during a firefight that will make you stuck for enough seconds to get you killed.

-moving over smaller barriers animation is always linked to standing aiming and pressing MOVE BACK + TURBO key in the same time, may change in the future, i will see.

-the NVG texture i built originally for GRAA modpack is now replacing the BIS NVG texture, i just prefer it and it is less annoying.

What's new in beta 6


-several animations tweaked, it seems that minor fixing them is a never ending task, each beta i see more frames needing repairs. But the animations are getting better in each beta, so who would complain ? certainly the best overall anim work i ever did.

-Added a new intro for desert island, so it is playing when you launch OFP.

This intro is using Mandoble awesome particle script, i think this to be an even better way than a "credit.txt" unfortunately none ever read to give credit where it is due, just see.

And hear lol biggrin_o.gif

-A surprise, it is not yet complete, but there is far enough of it inside for you to have some fun, i do not reveal what it is but it will be very obvious when playing with beta 6.

I know very few people actually play OFP but feedbacks and bug report about this addition appreciated, anyways it remains beta and so subject to updates and changes.

What's new in beta 5


-possiblity to move over obstacle that are the size of the wood barriers painted in white found in Everon villages.

To do so, while being STANDING near the obstacle, press in the same time "MOVE BACK" and "TURBO" (check where you have bound those key in your OFP options)

-possiblity to climb over walls that are the size of the one from Kolgujev military bases or cemetary walls found in Malden towns, can be used to climb on top of some vehicles.

To do so, while in CROUCH stance near the wall, press in the same time "MOVE BACK" and "TURBO".

"climb over" takes more time than "moving over" and you can't shoot during both animations.

Those 2 major additions have a strong impact on gameplay, so i need people to test and reports if they find a problem while using those on various islands.

-leaning while standing up, to do so press "MOVE LEFT" and "TURBO" or "MOVE RIGHT" and "TURBO" , in the same time. Of course you can shoot from both positions

-some small tweaks to various anims (jumpy part, stabilization of hands, etc...)

Rolling on the ground may appear in the next beta

What's new in beta 4


-new cargo anims , done because i was fed up of having all the soldiers having a death wish with their own guns pointing to their heads, this time they will not look like they will shoot themselves by accident biggrin_o.gif.

-possiblity to crouch with the AT on shoulder, just press the WALK key (wherever you bound it in your OFP preferences) and press the MOVE BACK key (not in the same time), or just go in Ironsight mode and press the MOVE BACK key.

-leaning introduced, at this time it is only for the crouch position, the distance has been carefully tweaked so your soldier does not have to show a shoulder first to be able to lean out of cover. To lean just press the TURBO key (wherever you bound it in your OFP preferences) and press MOVE LEFT or MOVE RIGHT keys when you are crouching.

-when jogging with AT in every directions it does not allow you to shoot anymore during your moves and the launcher is pointing low to avoid big guns hiding your view (don't worry jog-shooting is config disabled too so you will not shoot to your feet by mistake)

-reloading while standing makes you crouch automatically so you (or the AI)will offer a smaller target while doing so, don't worry you stand up again automatically too.

-possibility to use binoculars while having the AT on shoulder.

-fixed several animation problems , proxys badly positionned and tweaked some timing for the anims in config.

As usual, that's beta, things may or not change etc... try things at your own risks.

What's new in beta 3


-Most of the AT animations, links to them, or starting from them reworked to get rid of some visual annoyances.

-new AT walk in all direction, standing to allow more field of view.

-new AT static aiming anim, no more crouched only animation, this time you are standing, this is done to allow to fire over some obstacles that were blocking the aim when crouched, like this one :


-possiblity to go lying with the AT/AA weapon to get more cover, you can fire from this position. To go lying, when you have a launcher on your shoulder, press the MOVE BACK key and TURBO key in the same time (check where you bound those keys for your OFP).

I decided to not link this to the MOVE BACK key only, as getting down or up with the AT takes +/- 3 seconds, wrongly pressing just one key could then lead into being a sitting duck. Now going to lying position with an launcher only occur when you really want it as you need 2 keys.

-addition of the enhanced editor, as i am so used to it that i couldn't stand the small area of the original interface to test things.

-addition of the explosion and burning small fx from the GRAA modpack 3, drop scripts modified to allow even more burning things around without performance hit.

-improved sensitivity and hearing of the AI and vehicles on par with the "AI AWARE" option of the GRAA modpack 3, so it is not too much, but allow the AI to not be as blind as it is in the original OFP.

and maybe a thing or two i forgot

What was new in Beta 1


-All the stand walking animations have been redone.

-All the crouch walking animations have been redone.

-Lots of the animations speeds have been tweaked for better visual result.

-Lots of animations speeds tweaked for better balance overall (by example civilians can run as fast as a soldier...) .

-New sprinting animation when unarmed (or when onyl having a pistol) in 3 directions.

-divided by 2 the regulars aimprecision to help the AI acquire target quicker

-doubled the recoils (as recoil is dependant of the aimprecision, so the recoil "feel" is unchanged)

Of course, that's only a beta, lots of things may change, anims may be redone etc...

And the same as beta1, those animations are fitting better the soldiers i am building, and as they are based on the Hyakushiki model body structure, it is suggested while waiting for the soldiers to be released to play with HYK US and OPFOR packs to have the correct feel for the animations.



0- install everything at your own risk, i take no responsability if the mod send your computer in the twilight zone or something else.

1-DELETE your existing @ww4test directory in your OFP install, i named the beta 11 differently "@ww4b11" so you don't just overwrite things and cause mission making compatibility problems.

2-Open the beta11WW4.rar downloaded archive and extract the folder named @ww4b11

3-put the folder named @ww4b11 in your OFP install, usually

...Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\

So you would have

...Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\@ww4b11\

About multiplayer

It works in both MP and SP -ONLY- if both server and clients have them.

This is because in OFP every modifications of animations classes will result in a crash if server and clients are using a different CfgMovesMC.

Basically if you add more anims that are not existing in OFP or modify how some are working to obtain something totally different, you need to modify the CfgMovesMC.

That's why to play with all the anims from WW4 either you install the WW4 mod on your server and have all the clients using it too, or you edit the mod config you are running on your server to add the new animations classes, and you get all the clients to use the same modified config.

If you do that, you can use WW4 in multiplayer without a problem.

How to use the WW4 mod


If you never used any kind of mods, better you check there :


So if you have understood, just launch OFP with a modified shortcut that would use

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">-mod=@ww4b11.

in the end of the target line.

no other mod should be enabled, this way you avoid possible conflicts and errors or non working anims.



As usual install at your own risks.

These are early beta anims, most of the animations may change accordingly to what i want them to be, and some visual annoyance i know about should be fixed in the final version.

-leaning/rolling (not yet rolling in beta 9, will do in a next beta) are available by pressing the "TURBO" key and "MOVE LEFT" or "MOVE RIGHT" in the same time

-i wanted to "dynamise" a bit more the soldiers using AT weapons. So now the soldier is not only able to move slowly as in the past, but you can run and even sprint.

Overall the AT soldier is not a sitting duck having a death wish anymore.

By pressing and holding the "MOVE BACK" and "TURBO" keys, you can go prone with the launcher.

By pressing 1st "WALk" then pressing "MOVE BACK3 you can crouch with the launcher (or while being in ironsight mode).

Thanks to hints from Fab. from the mod WWIIEC , there are some nice animations new states :

-when you are running (not sprinting) , you run with the weapon low.

press FIRE once while you are always running, you will then shoulder the weapon and will be able to fire while running.

always when running if you press the turbo key just once, you lower again the weapon

-when running the AI can use 3 different running animations (weapon low, weapon at the hip or weapon shouldered) and change it randomly during a run, so a whole squad running should look less than clones.

-and more but it has been so long that i forgot.

But you can use any addons you want with them, while i made the anims specifically for the soldiers of my projects, these animations remain visually compatible with most OFP models.

Anyways, just have fun and reportsif you find some problems i may have overlooked.



**********************MODDER RESSOURCES PACKAGE NO1*******************



For people wanting to create their own soldiers based on my ww4 project :

Here is a "sample" of the modder "ressources" i am building along the units, so every one should be able to build soldiers and paint camo very easily even when like me you are not skilled into this.

And here is the fixed modders ressources , so download the package even if you got the previous one , it is a fixed version (19 december 2008) :

included is the merging tutorial and sample config.cpp described in this post.












Have fun in O2.

Note :

It is a "sample" because there is not all the content i want to include in the modder ressources, because not everything is ready. In the future there will be even more body parts, lots of camo swatches etc... for anyone to toy and tweak around.

But with what is provided in this package it is already far enough to build a lot of different soldiers and get your camo textures started and working in O2.

I hope this will be usefull for some of you, and hopefully may start some more people into trying to get camos and soldiers, as with the very simple merging technique with those body part i carefully build with lods and all, even beginners should be able to get something decent in relative few time.


************ MODDING RESSOURCE PACK NO2 ******************


Download links (as usual these are only temporary hosts unfortunately, so get the package while it is there) :











Inside can be found all body parts, the various TGA and PNG (textures, wrinkles, swatches, blood overlays, etc...) that were used to build the "surprise content". Provided are also the MLOD (as it is binarised ingame for optimisation and performance).

It does not replace modding ressource package no1 so getting it too is a good thing, but is a (very) big addition to it. You should be able to build tons of different soldiers by using wisely both ressource packages.

Next modder ressource will feature all my hand painted swatches and the remnant of the body parts i will finish to build for the potential future modders (the 1 or 2 around the internet biggrin_o.gif ).

Note that i provide what you need and example of merging scripts too, but you don't need to merge textures in your end, but you must know that it will improve performance a lot by doing so.



**********************MODDER RESSOURCES PACKAGE NO3*******************



Download mirrors (temporary hosting, so download it while it is there) :






**********************MODDER RESSOURCES PACKAGE NO4*******************



Download mirrors (temporary hosting, so download it while it is there) :


Any soldiers built with these ressources will be optimised for the WW4 mod project animations.

Here is a sample config.cpp to quickly test the soldier you build ingame.

In this example there are 2 soldiers , so you can see how to add more soldiers in your config

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// some basic defines

#define TEast 0

#define TWest 1

#define TGuerrila 2

#define TCivilian 3

#define TSideUnknown 4

#define TEnemy 5

#define TFriendly 6

#define TLogic 7

#define true 1

#define false 0

// type scope

#define private 0

#define protected 1

#define public 2

#define WeaponNoSlot0 // dummy weapons

#define WeaponSlotPrimary1 // primary weapons

#define WeaponSlotSecondary16 // secondary weapons

#define WeaponSlotHandGun2 // HandGun

#define WeaponSlotHandGunItem32 // HandGun magazines

#define WeaponSlotItem256 // items

#define WeaponSlotBinocular4096 // binocular

#define WeaponHardMounted65536

class CfgPatches


class My_test_soldiers




requiredAddons[]= {BIS_Resistance,BIS_WeaponPack,LaserGuided,6G30,Kozlice,G36A,MM1,Steyr,Bizon,XMS};




class CfgModels


class Default {};

class Head:Default




class Man:Default {};



sections[]={"head injury","body injury","l arm injury","r arm injury","p arm injury","l leg injury","r leg injury","p leg injury","medic","hlava","krk","zasleh","zadni svetlo","facenull"};







class CfgVehicles


class All {};

class AllVehicles:All {};

class Land:AllVehicles{ };

class Man:Land {};

class Soldier:Man {};

class SoldierWB:Soldier {};

class SoldierWG:SoldierWB {};

class YOURMODDERTAG_Soldier1:SoldierWG


vehicleClass="My test group";

displayName="Test Soldier 1";





class YOURMODDERTAG_Soldier2:SoldierWG


vehicleClass="My test group";

displayName="Test Soldier 2";






explanations :

YOURMODDERTAG_Soldier1 , for this you just add your tag, by example if i build a soldier, the name will be SANC_Soldier1

YOURMODDERTAG_Soldier2 , for this you just add your tag, by example if i build a second soldier, the name will be SANC_Soldier2

NAMEOFSOLDIERMODEL_1 important in the cfgmodel, this is the name of your soldier P3D not the name of your soldier class, so if your soldier is named dumber1.p3d , NAMEOFSOLDIERMODEL_1 will be " dumber1 " (without the "" of course)

NAMEOFSOLDIERMODEL_2 will be " dumber2 " if i name my second model dumber2.p3D


If my addon PBO is named SANC_Soldpack and my 1st soldier dumber1.p3d is located inside of it and not in a subfolder of it, this line will be


these soldiers have a M16M203 with a Law Launcher + binoc and NVG so you can test all the animations, just change their loadout to whatever you want.

I hope you see how it goes, just pay attention to what you do and you will be able to build your own working PBO without a problem.

Just ask -precise- questions about what you don't understand or give you problems.



**********************MERGING TEXTURES .. HOW TO*********************



PaNTool can be found there

a little tutorial for merging textures.

This should come in handy for the people wanting to optimise their work. too bad this kind of trick has not been widely used in the past, lots of addons would just perform a very very lot better framerate wise.


before starting, in the modder ressource, i forgot to resize glov.tga.

So divide its size by 2 (or 50%) and save the now smaller file into a glov.pac.

Then replace the glov.pac in test_man\01\ folder.

--STEP 1--

So you have built a soldier by merging the needed parts :


look carefully at the texture list


Now save this model to the test_man folder inside of your O2 install

For me it is in


Close O2 for now.

--STEP 2--

Get PanTool and launch it (PanTool.exe)

See the panel "Browser" ? browse so it points to the texture folder (folder "01") into test_man , like this :


Click on File then on "New Merged Texture"

A blank texture will appear to the right panel.

You can resize it, do this until this blank texture is named "[512x512] MergeTexture" because we will create our merged texture as a 512*512 one.

--STEP 3--

Now on the left side (under the "Browser Panel") you see a list of texture.

3col.pac will not be on our merged texture it is already one of its own, so ignore it, double click on bab.pac

the texture will open next to the "[512x512] MergeTexture"

Click on the middle of the bab.pac texture and hold your button, then move to the "[512x512] MergeTexture" and stop pressing your mouse button, the bab.pac texture will then be transfered in our merged texture.

Now you can move by selecting it with the mouse holding the button inside of the merged texture so it ends like this :


--STEP 4--

Once done, in the left , in the texture list double click on baf.pac. when the texture appear in the right panel, move it into our merged texture.

Do this for every texture on the left panel that are on our list in O2 (see STEP 1).

So in the end you have this :


--STEP 5--

You are finished with the texture, now click on File then Save As and browse to the "01" folder in ...\ofpedit\test_man\

Name it "equip" and save it in "TGA file" format, not in what is the default "PAA PAC (OFP texture)

Close PanTool we will not use it for now.

--STEP 6--

Now look into ...\ofpedit\test_man\01\

You will see the equip.tga texture, using PAATool (DXT1 6:5:5 , no dithering or no alpha channel, mipmap BOX , sharpen effect SHARPEN SOFT) convert it into an equip.pac (by default PAATool wants to save it as a PAA, but edit PAA and type PAC instead before saving the file).

Save it in ...\ofpedit\test_man\01\

--STEP 7--

Pay attention now :

You will then see your equip.pac texture and a new file "equip.ptm"

equip.ptm is the merging script O2 will use to merge the texture on the model.

It is a text file and can be opened by notepad.

Open it now, scroll down to the end in which you see :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">file="C:\ofpedit\test_man\01\equip.paa";

so it is :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">file="test_man\01\equip.pac";

That's not finished

In the whole file, you will see several

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">name="C:\ofpedit\test_man\01\...pac";

To get it to work, you need to remove some part so it looks like this :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">name="test_man\01\....pac";

In the end, this is the equip.ptm file content :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class inftexmerge {

class PanTool1 {

class items {

class item00000 {









class item00001 {









class item00002 {









class item00003 {









class item00004 {









class item00005 {









class item00006 {









class item00007 {





















--STEP 8--

Open O2 and load the model you saved in 1-- inside of ...\ofpedit\test_man\

by default the lod 0.250 is selected , that's good, now click CTRL and A (or click on Edit then Select All)

click on Surface

now select "Merge Textures"

browse to ...\ofpedit\test_man\01\ , select equip.ptm and click Open

That's it the textures are now merged for the lod 0.250


Now select the lod 0.500 and again Select All, the Surface -> Merge Textures and select equip.ptm.

Do the same for the lods 2.000, 5.000 , 5.219 if you have piece of equipement in it (but there should not be) and finally for the Pilot View LOD.

That should be all.

Addendum :

Be sure to check Walter_E_Kurtz very nice tutorial about rotations for merged textures


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No i will not do that, because the problem is that the animations are linked to soldier classes and unfortunately not to weapon classes.

If a soldier gets a new weapon, either by mission scripting or ingame on corpse or ammo boxes, the animation will then be out of place, just imagine the machinegunner geting an AK74 , he will continue to use the same machinegunner animation you have in screenshot.

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Will test it when i get home from work smile_o.gif

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Some bit of updates regarding the ww4 projects.

As i am rebuilding things i lost due to the HD final crash, a good side of this annoying process is that i was able to apply some tricks i learnt during the lost work, and fix some camos and colors i never really liked.

They are not more accurate to the real thing, but at least they are less horrible despite being low res for the project.

Here are 2 wip units from the bunch of ones that should make it in the ww4 project.

Basically if i don't count the head, each of those units has only 2 textures of 512*512.

Adding that to the fact they are not being very high poly and so not as detailled as the majority of addons, these will allow for massive battles without the usual framerate drop most addons suffer when used in a mission in large amount.



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thanks , coming from an artist like you these words are very appreciated.

Anyways, some rough tests on a marpat guy to try to get the colors good enough :


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screenshots can sometime be misleading wink_o.gif

Anyways, testing to see if i can get something approaching an acu camo without it looking utterly ugly :


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I think on the final release (Once you get the essentials done) you should try to make them look dirty, cause with GRAA the ONLY problem with the mod was that the soldiers look too "clean", their uniforms werent bleached from being in the sun, there wasn't dirt in appropriate places, and such...

Nice to see it coming along though, always love your work.

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I am far from being skilled enough in texturing and computer artistry to get dirty/scratches/whatever on the uniforms without them becoming ugly.

Already making the patterns of the camo is nearly a miracle for me biggrin_o.gif

So no i will not make dirty/scratches/whatever uniform because i just can't.

What you see will certainly be what you will get.

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Testing colors and patterns for a swiss-inspired camo :


Nice! Is this the mod that includes "modders resource" package?

EDIT: Do you have that model but with helmet instead of cap? It'd be perfect for a Mexican soldier.



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yes, along this project there will be modder ressources, basically you have lots of body parts in .p3d .

You will be able to merge the ones you want together in O2 to build units easily.

By example :


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yes, along this project there will be modder ressources, basically you have lots of body parts in .p3d .

You will be able to merge the ones you want together in O2 to build units easily.

By example :


Oh man!!! Did I say I love you? inlove.gif

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Here's an OFP Resistance wallpaper (161kb) for comparison.

Looking good, I'd say, but for some reason, in the photo, the camo is a lot paler on the upper body (upper arms & chest). Maybe that's why the model has a confused expression!

Yes i know, originally i made the camo "brighter" (i remember some month ago i posted a screenshot of it in somewhere inside of the graa 3 thread).

But the OFP worlds are "grey" , BIS made the terrain/building/units textures washed out like in some old movies.

So if you get colors like the red a bit too pronounced your unit will be visible way too easily and be a bit "out of the world".

That's why i had to "wash out" a bit the texture, now it fits a lot more in the OFP world.

That's what is difficult when creating the textures :

-you need to get a pattern that does not look too bad and obviously "mouse painted"

-you need to get the colors reminding the real thing even if it is "inspired" by

-you need to tweak the whole tone so it is integrated in OFP "grey" worlds.

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Just returned after a brake of 2 years from OFP. Now I can see you beautifull work and it's progress.

Hope you'll go on with this great work!

I think I'm just playing OFP when this mod comes to daylight. Even when it is in 2011.

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Quote[/b] ]thx but I'm just like you, passionate by ofp wink_o.gif

Sometime i wonder if it is passion or masochism biggrin_o.gif

Anyways here is an update WW4 mod anims : BETA 2












What's new since Beta 1


-All the stand walking animations have been redone.

-All the crouch walking animations have been redone.

-Lots of the animations speeds have been tweaked for better visual result.

-Lots of animations speeds tweaked for better balance overall (by example civilians can run as fast as a soldier...) .

-New sprinting animation when unarmed (or when onyl having a pistol) in 3 directions.

-divided by 2 the regulars aimprecision to help the AI acquire target quicker

-doubled the recoils (as recoil is dependant of the aimprecision, so the recoil "feel" is unchanged)

Of course, that's only a beta, lots of things may change, anims may be redone etc...

And the same as beta1, those animations are fitting better the soldiers i am building, and as they are based on the Hyakushiki model body structure, it is suggested while waiting for the soldiers to be released to play with HYK US and OPFOR packs to have the correct feel for the animations.

1st post updated accordingly

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Nice! notworthy.gif

BTW, when a soldier is carrying a pistol only, and you put the the pistol on the back, the animation looks like there's an invisible rifle because of the hand position.

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Are you going to add lean/roll and AT stand/prone like you have in GRAA? Those would be sweet.

I'd change CombatReload to CrouchReload like Jungle Fever, so you automatically crouch during reload. The standing reload pose looks a bit off, and CrouchReload makes AI look that much more tactical.

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Just got back online here.

Nice to see your still at it sanctuary, looking really sweet. Your skills have much improved over the last time I seen your WIP report.

Hope to see more like this soon.

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Nice! notworthy.gif

BTW, when a soldier is carrying a pistol only, and you put the the pistol on the back, the animation looks like there's an invisible rifle because of the hand position.

I will see what i can do when i will get to the pistol anims, no promises though.

Quote[/b] ]Are you going to add lean/roll and AT stand/prone like you have in GRAA? Those would be sweet.

That's a part of the plan.

Quote[/b] ]

I'd change CombatReload to CrouchReload like Jungle Fever, so you automatically crouch during reload. The standing reload pose looks a bit off, and CrouchReload makes AI look that much more tactical.

I remember when i did this in an old animation pack years ago, and i remember the amount of message asking me to put back the old standing reload that lead me into forgetting the idea.

For my personal use, i always play with a crouch reload even for standing, for the reason it really helps the AI in getting a lower profile when reloading, making it a smaller target instead of the easy target it usually is.

Now that few people play OFP, maybe i will consider using the crouch reloading for the release version, it should be less "shocking" now wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Just got back online here.

Nice to see your still at it sanctuary, looking really sweet. Your skills have much improved over the last time I seen your WIP report.

Hope to see more like this soon.

There is a lot of BIS now inside my animations now, thanks to some component merging with Fab tool, this helps getting rid of the usual robotic look that afflicted my past by using a bit of their "motion capture" look (look closely to the reloadings, the binocs anims, the lying down... to see what i mean)

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