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Radio Chat in Cutscene ?

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just started with camera scripting and working with a good tutorial. I too found how to display text a scene. But i just can't find anywhere how to insert radio-chat in a cutscene ? A simple trigger doesn't work obviously. What  does the code needs to look like ?

thank you ! smile_o.gif

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Thank you,

only want to use radio-text displayed. If i got you right, i only need to put the sidechat commands into the script ? I'll give it a try...

By the way, are you german too ? smile_o.gif

Edit: I added this but it doesn't work:

Unitname sidechat "Text Text"


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I mean in cutscenes the radiomessages don't work. I've testet ist by some edited missions and no messages. Don't know why confused_o.gif

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They work for me, just tested it with this code snippet (sqf)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">private ["_pname","_camera"];

_pname = name player;

_camera = "camera" CamCreate [0,0,0];

_camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"];

_camera CamSetTarget player;

_camera CamSetRelPos [0,-10,5];

_camera CamCommit 0;

waitUntil { camCommitted _camera };

sleep 3;

 player sideChat format["This is %1 calling HQ, over", _pname];

_camera CamSetRelPos [20,0,30];

_camera CamCommit 10;

sleep 1;

 [west,"HQ"] sidechat format["This is HQ, we read you %1. out", _pname];

waitUntil { camCommitted _camera };

_camera cameraeffect ["terminate","back"];

camDestroy _camera;

Quote[/b] ]Unitname sidechat "Text Text"

Unitname is here just a variable pointing to a unit that you gave that name (in the mission editor). So change it to what ever you called the soldier, who sends the radio message.

Quote[/b] ]By the way, are you german too ?


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Thanks for the code, but i get an error msg "wait until...camcomitted camera....generic error in expression". Tested different changes but the radio messages aren't displayed.  sad_o.gif

EDIT 10.42: Ok, it works in the mission, but doesn't in the intro... many thanks ! smile_o.gif

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