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need m4 woodland and desert camo.......

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would like for some of the camo artists to link their desert and woodland camo textures here. i just would like to see some of the guys work out there and hopefully add them to some of the weapons in the game.

my skills are not that great and my time is a bit constrained, so if any you guys out there is willing to share your work (for only personal use), please post. welcome.gif

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damn, i guess nobody has any camo m4 textures.

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mods, please move this to the request thread, my fault banghead.gif

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you can make some textures yourself with photoshop, just extract the weapons pbo from your addons folder and unpbo it and inside it you will find all the textures open them with photoshop and from there you can edit the image pretty easy you can just find a camo patern you like and copy the camo image and past it over the area you want to camoflauge.

when you are done save the file somewhere as a paa file this can take some time, when it is done saving paste the new paa file in the weapons folder where you found the original file and overwrite it (remember to backup the weapons pbo before you begin all this)

pbo the file again and put it into the addons folder again and it should work and look pretty okay.

there is more advanced and better ways to do it than that but it requires some more explaination and I'm not too secure in that part myself, but I can strongly recomend that you try this and experiment a little its great fun to make your own textures.

Btw. the demo of photoshop should do the trick but you need the paa plug to get it to open the paa files you can get it at Ofpec.com

If someone has a texturing guide or knows where I/we can find one please tell, still learning here.

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If there's any config experts who can a separate pbo of the default weaps, I can have a go at painting - but I'm the worst painter around...

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i'm already on it thanks to my buddy whisper. i remembered that he hooked me up with a tut. getting the hang of it now.

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