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Random obstacles

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Trigonometry was never my strongest suite.

Is there a(or some) good script snippet/s for creating random road blocks and stuff for villages? I don't mean anything complex as those mapfact scripts but simple stuff to distribute sandbags, some wires and perhaps a mg nest or two. Just creating random stuff would be no problem for me but to make them actually look organized would be more challenged. Maybe using a trigger radius as a starting point? (in order to adapt them to different sizes of villages)

I'm thinking of modifying a dynamic campaign with this.

Thanks in advance


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Well im not sure on how you can do this, but i know of a nice little script that could be a start, called 'Chain' which you can use to make a line of sand bags, fences, and any other objects. So this could be a start for a random blockade script. Just needs some creative scripting and editing. Maybe a few game logics?

Its called 'Chain' 10th one down.

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Thanx for that man smile_o.gif.

I thought about using game logics, basically using the positions where enemies spawn and work from there. Perhaps with this script.


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