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W. Germany vs. E. Germany

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This thought just dawned on me, and since i cant do it myself i thought i'd pass it along to those who might be interested...

How about a cold war era Bundeswehr vs NVA mod and campaign.. Most of the equipment has been made already, just some retexturing and some new soldier units. Someone should give it a try

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yep thot of this idea tho altho mine was more of a warsaw pact vs nato in berlin idea in the early 1980s made sum GIs with m-1 helmets in woodland camo made more vairetns of the MUTT convertted the 5ton truck to a m35 made some new cobra skins an improved the model with new helo pilots

UCE made sum east german (DDR) soldiers ages ago and there is a ddr t-55 in the rhs t55 pack all im really missing is a berlin map with the wall an checkpoint charlie etc wud b awsome to have such a battle in op flash! biggrin_o.gif

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well, i was thinking of strictly german addons, 80's type bundeswher troops and DDR troops would be nice.

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if yav got ney decenet pics pm me an i'll see what i can do wink_o.gif

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Would be fun, alot of the stuff that happend in the Cold War was between

West- and East-Germany.

There are some DDR units already, but not form a mod.

I beleive the HRV Mi 24 has a DDR skin/logo


and the RHS T-54/55 Pack has a DDR tank


Can't beleive that they called it "Deutsche Demokratische Republik"

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Don`t forget that there was very large numbers of Russian troops in the GDR (German Democratic Republic). And oure NATO partners did`nt would yust stand there, watching what`s happend.

A war between BRD and DDR would automaticly be an war between NATO and Warsow Pact.

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@collosus: My history teacher once told us , state who must say twice how democratic they are , are nothing but dictatorship, and I think its true.

Btw , Mr. Tea is right , Germany - if the cold war went hot -

would mainly be the battlefield between NATO and Warsaw Pact.

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Does anyone know of 1980's Bundeswehr units as addons?

Almost all personal weapons have been made by now (G3, MG3, MP2 (Uzi) )

I'm missing a MP2 with wooden stock and a Walther P.1 (which is basically a P.38).

I've got a Panzerfaust 44 'Lanze' in the works.

I've got clearance from DKM to use their MG3 but which G3A3 is in your opinion most suitable for Bundeswehr units?

thanx, Arne

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A war between BRD and DDR would automaticly be an war between NATO and Warsaw Pactt.

Of course, the countrise has sign alliances with NATO and Warzawa packt.

BRD was a NATO country and DDR was bounded to the Warsaw Pact.

Check my dear friend Wikipedia biggrin_o.gif

Germany (present)


BRD (Before 1990)

Warzaw Pact


Soviet Union


Cold War

Berlin Wall

West Berlin

East Berlin

National People's Army (Nationale Volksarmee, NVA)

Last link has a link to a camoflage website.

Enjoy! smile_o.gif

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