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How do sound arrays work?

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As title says, how do sound arrays work?

By that i mean, what does every parameter do?


soundGearUp[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_01\gear_up",0.7943282,1.0,150};

first: The path is of course the path to file.

second: 0.7943282 this parameter doesn't seem to appear to all sound entries, is this a volume modificator?

third: 1.0 ??? no clue, but seems to be there for most files

fourth: 150 i guess is the maximum distance the sound file is played

Can anyone shed some light for me please?

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Edited by Chairborne

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That light you're shedding on it is blinding, I totally understand what those parameters do now (confuse me o.O).

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The second parameter is how high the sound is compared to other vehicle sounds being reproduced.

If you have a sound with 1.234 and another with 0.794 the one at 1.234 is dominant and reproduced at 100% volume, while the other is lower (60-ish%).

From what i've seen it can be any number, some configs have 2.5, others have 1.7, etc etc.

The third number is simply a speed multiplier, the higher it is the faster the sound is reproduced.

Fourth is max distance at which the sound is reproduced.

A jet accellerating has 2800, a rifle shot has 600 or so, etc.

Also other parameters come into play for many sounds:

class EngineLowOut //Idle
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\Plane_Fighter_03_low_ext",1.7782794,1.0,2100};
			frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)";
			volume = "camPos*2*(rpm factor[0.95, 0])*(rpm factor[0, 0.95])";

Frequency is like the speed multiplier, higher means faster (most sounds usually have just "1").

You can change how fast the sound is reproduced "dynamically" (like a car accellerating).

Volume works like a condition to be met for the sound to be played at 100%.

In this case the RPM of the vehicle have to be between 0 and 95%.

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Thanks for the explanation :)

I had no idea the engine sound volumes and their repeat speeds were being calculated like that but it does explain a few things.

Did you just experiment until you figured it out or have you found some info elsewhere? Don't mean to pry, just curious.

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Here's the explanation for the sound[] bit: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#Sounds_Various

The rest is stuff i figured out experimenting.

Also, if you plan on getting into modifying sounds this might be of interest: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24407

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Thanks! I recognise that BIKI page, I've been there before but apparently missed the section you linked.

I upvoted your feature request, I don't know if I'll ever need it but the Arma Tools need all the love they can get :)

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No problem man, happy to help. :cool:

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