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Using Reezo's Loudspeaker Taunt Script

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My problem is simple (or not). I'm using Reezo's Loudspeaker (Taunt version) Script and working fine with units spawned in editor, but not with units using an external script to spawn enemies (such as Xeno's Domination! map).

I can't find the wrong file to get it to work.


private ["_object","_range","_caller","_id","_rnd","_influenceTaunt","_influenceEvacuate","_nearMen","_nearCars","_nearTanks","_enemyGroup","_name_evacuate","_name_taunt"];

_object = _this select 0;

_caller = _this select 1;

_id = _this select 2;

_range = (_this select 3) select 0;

_influenceTaunt = (_this select 3) select 1;

_influenceEvacuate = (_this select 3) select 2;

[Charlie_7,nil,rPlaysound,"loudspeaker_taunt02"] call RE;

sleep 0.2;

Hintsilent "Taunt in progress:\nMaybe the enemies around 500m are looking for you at this moment.";

_object removeaction _id;

_object removeaction (_id + 1);

reezo_loudspeaker_activateC7 = 1;

publicVariable "reezo_loudspeaker_activateC7";

reezo_loudspeaker_currentC7 = _object;

publicVariable "reezo_loudspeaker_currentC7";

sleep (random 10);

_rnd = random 100;

if (_rnd < _influenceTaunt) then {

if (reezo_loudspeaker_debugC7) then { player globalChat "REEZO_loudspeaker DEBUG: TAUNT WORKED" };

_nearMen = (getPos _object) nearObjects ["Man",_range];

for [{_y = 0},{_y < (count _nearMen)},{_y = _y + 1}] do {

if (EAST getFriend WEST < 0.5 && side (_nearMen select _y) == EAST && (_nearMen select _y) == leader group (_nearMen select _y)) then {

_rnd = random 100;

if (_rnd < _influenceTaunt) then {

_enemyGroup = group (_nearMen select _y);

_enemyGroup addWaypoint [getPos _object, 0];

[_enemyGroup, 0] setWaypointType "SAD";

[_enemyGroup, 0] setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";

if (reezo_loudspeaker_debugC7) then { player globalChat "REEZO_loudspeaker DEBUG: INCOMING EAST ENEMY MEN" };



if (RESISTANCE getFriend WEST < 0.5 && side (_nearMen select _y) == RESISTANCE && (_nearMen select _y) == leader group (_nearMen select _y)) then {

_rnd = random 100;

if (_rnd < _influencTaunt) then {

_enemyGroup = group (_nearMen select _y);

_enemyGroup addWaypoint [getPos _object, 0];

[_enemyGroup, 0] setWaypointType "SAD";

[_enemyGroup, 0] setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";

if (reezo_loudspeaker_debugC7) then { player globalChat "REEZO_loudspeaker DEBUG: INCOMING GUERRILLA ENEMY MEN" };




_nearCars = (getPos _object) nearObjects ["Car",_range];

for [{_y = 0},{_y < (count _nearCars)},{_y = _y + 1}] do {

if (EAST getFriend WEST < 0.5 && side (_nearCars select _y) == EAST && (_nearCars select _y) == leader group (_nearCars select _y)) then {

_rnd = random 100;

if (_rnd < _influenceTaunt) then {

_enemyGroup = group (_nearCars select _y);

_enemyGroup addWaypoint [getPos _object, 0];

[_enemyGroup, 0] setWaypointType "SAD";

[_enemyGroup, 0] setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";

if (reezo_loudspeaker_debugC7) then { player globalChat "REEZO_loudspeaker DEBUG: INCOMING EAST ENEMY CARS" };



if (RESISTANCE getFriend WEST < 0.5 && side (_nearCars select _y) == RESISTANCE && (_nearCars select _y) == leader group (_nearCars select _y)) then {

_rnd = random 100;

if (_rnd < _influenceTaunt) then {

_enemyGroup = group (_nearCars select _y);

_enemyGroup addWaypoint [getPos _object, 0];

[_enemyGroup, 0] setWaypointType "SAD";

[_enemyGroup, 0] setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";

if (reezo_loudspeaker_debugC7) then { player globalChat "REEZO_loudspeaker DEBUG: INCOMING GUERRILLA ENEMY CARS" };




_nearTanks = (getPos _object) nearObjects ["Tank",_range];

for [{_y = 0},{_y < (count _nearTanks)},{_y = _y + 1}] do {

if (EAST getFriend WEST < 0.5 && side (_nearTanks select _y) == EAST && (_nearTanks select _y) == leader group (_nearTanks select _y)) then {

_rnd = random 100;

if (_rnd < _influenceTaunt) then {

_enemyGroup = group (_nearTanks select _y);

_enemyGroup addWaypoint [getPos _object, 0];

[_enemyGroup, 0] setWaypointType "SAD";

[_enemyGroup, 0] setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";

if (reezo_loudspeaker_debugC7) then { player globalChat "REEZO_loudspeaker DEBUG: INCOMING EAST ENEMY TANKS" };



if (RESISTANCE getFriend WEST < 0.5 && side (_nearTanks select _y) == RESISTANCE && (_nearTanks select _y) == leader group (_nearTanks select _y)) then {

_rnd = random 100;

if (_rnd < _influenceTaunt) then {

_enemyGroup = group (_nearTanks select _y);

_enemyGroup addWaypoint [getPos _object, 0];

[_enemyGroup, 0] setWaypointType "SAD";

[_enemyGroup, 0] setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";

if (reezo_loudspeaker_debugC7) then { player globalChat "REEZO_loudspeaker DEBUG: INCOMING GUERRILLA ENEMY TANKS" };






Edited by kyopower

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