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Next DLC poll what would you want it to be??

What would you like for the next dlc to be  

177 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like for the next dlc to be

    • Infantry focused DLC (similar to marksman)
    • APC,Tanks any type of transport vehicle DLC
    • Fixed wing DLC
    • Naval DLC(big ships,submarines
    • Other(share your ideas)

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So as the thread title asks what would you like to see in next DLC

and if you want explain why.

For the starter i love arma 3 diving system and too bad there wasnt a lot more focus on that but i see that dlc's are focusing in certain areas i got a feeling that i could be possible to have sort of naval DLC

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Well if it was a tossup bewteen:

DLC Airstrike


DLC Steel Pets


DLC Seastrike


DLC Urban

I'd take Urban. To me it all starts from the ground up, that is, perfect the minutaie, build out, and the macro gets that much better. Whats the fun of a planned, combined arms attack of air armour and artillery if the final act of ratting out insurgents is just 'meh' -as THATS the battle.

Now I'm not saying Arma 3 cqb fighting is 'meh', far from it actually as it has improved legion from its first incantation of OFP. But now imagine an urban battlescape filled with yells, screams, running panicked citizens, advanced gore, AI scaling walls and dropping for attack, Marines battering doors open in SWAT pattern, snipers using blown out wall holes for concealment, fires burning everywhere....and you get my point.

Then add the Navy, Air Force DLC's etc...

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If anything in between Expansion, it'd be Naval improvements. Not sure if it'd be valid to have a DLC when it's been over looked since the game's creation. Other than that, Marksman already improved infantry 10 fold, and is still being improved as we speak. AI are always getting updates, so no need to worry about that. To be honest, i'm just ready for the expansion.

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a multiplayer PVP Improved! now is still atrocious

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To some degree what PuFu said; due to it not being standalone the Expansion is the next DLC unless there's a surprise announcement beforehand. One could specify that the question would be about a DLC after Expansion, but then of course we're not sure what will be "out of scope" for said Expansion DLC...

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I think something strongly tied into infantry combat would be great. I'd say either something like what Froggyluv suggested for DLC Urban, or some more support for stealth based infantry action:

DLC Stealth

More support for stealth based operations. AI updates, new gear for stealth missions, maybe some cool thermal or optical camo, suppressor mechanics (overheat if full auto? AGM had something planned like that originally), etc.

The hardest problem to solve and the most glaring one (IMO) for current stealth missions being the AI transitioning from safe/aware to full on combat mode instantly. I feel like that would be a pretty good problem to tackle for a DLC update.

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DLC WW2, with at least one new biome (trees, shrubs, maps, weather?) I love IF but wish it was up to par with current A3 stuff, and as easy to use (without having IF, A2 and OA installed and jumping through hoops). WW2 in a DLC would also mean you could recycle current maps into WW2 and the WW2 maps into Arma3.

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Sniper AKA bolt action, wind, advanced ballistics and mil turret DLC


Indirect Fire dlc - Completely replace the artillery computer with a more skill based solution that allows team cohesion through cooperation between forward observers and the indirect fire weapon, introduces map tools that allow measuring of land using the in game map for asymmetrical warfare , Counter battery systems added to some existing vehicles and or static counter battery radar pieces that display where incoming artillery is coming from allowing for counter battery fire and or sending assets to eliminate the threat.

While the new artillery system does not need to be as complex or to the same fidelity of ACE2 it should be reasonably complex to allow for it to be balanced. Sadly while the king of combat in real life Artillery is not often used in Arma pvp this is largely due to the artillery computers point and click nature, a revamped artillery system, inclusion of light 60mm mortars IE. Nato - m224a1 - Csat Type 93 mortar , and counter battery system would allow for this avenue of gameplay to be a part of arma and enrich the formula of arma.


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First of all to apologise to evrybody i was writing this thread on mobile phone and i had it in my head to write it but somehow i got distracted. Basicaly i wanted to check what are people thoughts AFTER Expansion is out as i know Bohemia usualy with every expansion release small map and than huge one,same happen in Arma 2,OA,Arma 3 (not shure for the older titles but i think it is the same thing)

What i wanted to do with this thread is to give devs heads up what people want mybe they can make one COMUNITY DLC (witch we choose from their official thread) :) that would be cool.

But i like to see evrybody`s opinion on this thread and votes.

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I would say that we should stay away from any urban improvements right now, as engine is heavy like this already. I would go for Naval DLC, as the game is really missing a proper naval warfare.

Just imagine CSAT versus USA - the Pacific hell is repeating again! Working aircraft carriers, submarines, transport boats and destroyers. An orgasm ! Yeah, and some huge terrain, mostly the water, with some real data from the Pacific..... baaaaaa ! :cool:

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Chernarus + as DLC, mainly so i can use the objects on my terrain :)

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Improvements to vehicle physx, because there are alot of problems with it that still haven't been adressed.


Improved/Overhauled Fixed Wing Flightmodel, because the current one is simply physically wrong and garbage ... there are arcade games that are better then that!

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The performance DLC, the one where they fix the game and it actually runs at 60 fps for a reasonable size game. That is one I would actually pay for.

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They're still a long way from fleshing out the infantry combat. I'd prefer they did that before expanding the supporting elements. More specifically, I'd like to see a Medic DLC implement a full medical system and maybe SAR/Medevac helicopters with working rescue hoists. Though eventually I'd love to see a better armored warfare simulation.

Edited by Evil Koala

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Sniper AKA bolt action, wind, advanced ballistics and mil turret DLC
So what an OPREP explicitly called "out of range"...

Oh, and literally all you need for the rest is removing artilleryScanner = 1; from artillery pieces.

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The performance DLC, the one where they fix the game and it actually runs at 60 fps for a reasonable size game. That is one I would actually pay for.

+54 the simple solution is to remove the physix in MP

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I want a drones DLC that would add a few more like light gunships, drone jets, and such. Also improve the way they are controlled and used now. Because it's undeniable that drones are the future of warfare, even at this point in time we are exploring every use for them. So it's logical that in 2035 we'll see deployed versions of things we see now like jets, attack helis, and gun boats. As well as things some groups are testing now such as ground, air, and/or sea transports along with UGV's that are pretty much IFVs, light tanks, AA vehicles, and mobile artillery.

But an improvement to the control over drones thou is the more important one, because in game the drone operators are combat operators. So having these very slow ways to control a drone all of which use the terminal or direct control, just put you at to much risk. Not to mention if you try to be an in base operator your limited to much by the terminal, since you have limited control option quite a few of which seem to do nothing and you can only connect and watch over 1 drone are a time. So having a vehicle dedicated to drone control is a must, well giving combat operators the ability to order a UGV a move to command without terminal or suppress a location is also a must.

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So what an OPREP explicitly called "out of range"...

Oh, and literally all you need for the rest is removing artilleryScanner = 1; from artillery pieces.

Not intuitive enough.

The DLC I envision would reinvent indirect fire from the ground up from both the operator to the defender of indirect fire.

So the counter battery radar system of displaying on map where incoming fire is coming from is pivotal to the dlc.

As far as the actual firing simply turning off the artillery computer via the artillery scanner control yea that can work but I was thinking something more complex and closer to ACE 2s artillery while not being that extensive if they are afraid of scaring the users not that artillery should be easy to use it very much shouldn't it is complex and deep irl.

One other huge huge improvement that would come with the artillery is map tools coming standard with the map. Being able to measure distance and doodle with a marker on the map would prove invaluable to so many different gameplay aspects from forward observers, artillery missions to sniping.


Even as simple as this is complex enough to make it viable in mp.

Ideally though the vanilla artillery would be as deep and comprehensive as ace artillery in order to balance them for PVP.

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Honestly I would pay money for a patch that allowed us to use all of the stuff in arma 2 in arma 3

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I think the naval stuff could be cool, but it's ultimately a lot like the underwater combat. Sounds cool but how much use will it get? I play co-op with Simhq.com and we do have a few missions where we make use of the scuba stuff, but it's just for infil/exfil.

How many guys playing coop out there 1) have enough people on the server to populate large ships while still having ground forces and 2) have missions in which they could be useful for more then a few minutes, while the rest of the time people sit bored on the boat?

With the small maps, water wise, what exactly is a naval ship or submarine going to do besides off-shore bombardment?

I'd much rather see the infantry combat continue to be improved at a high level. Feature creep is a very real thing. Fix the stuff that needs fixing first or we'll end up with a Star Citizen situation but without BI having $100+ million to make it happen.

With that said, if Arma 3 ever reached the point (performance and player wise) to have a large/persistent battle space, I could see naval stuff making more sense.

Edited by bonchie

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