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Error in expression

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I cant seem to figure this out. Probably because I haven't slept in 24 hours. Been trying to get this server ready for lunch on the 1st of April.

RTF this is the only error I'm getting.

9:11:41 "HIVE: Starting"

9:11:41 "HIVE: trying to get objects"

9:11:41 "HIVE: found 1834 objects"

9:11:41 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..."

9:11:41 "HIVE: got 1503 Epoch Objects and 331 Vehicles"

9:11:41 Error in expression <then


_dir = _worldspace select 0;

if (count (_worldspace select 1) == 3) then >

9:11:41 Error position: <count (_worldspace select 1) == 3) then >

9:11:41 Error count: Type String, expected Array,Config entry

9:11:41 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 108

server_monitor.sqf lines 91 to 119:


_idKey = _x select 1;

_type = _x select 2;

_ownerID = _x select 3;

_worldspace = _x select 4;

_inventory = _x select 5;

_hitPoints = _x select 6;

_fuel = _x select 7;

_damage = _x select 8;

_dir = 0;

_pos = [0,0,0];

_wsDone = false;

if (count _worldspace >= 2) then


_dir = _worldspace select 0;

if (count (_worldspace select 1) == 3) then {

_pos = _worldspace select 1;

_wsDone = true;



if (!_wsDone) then {

if (count _worldspace >= 1) then { _dir = _worldspace select 0; };

_pos = [getMarkerPos "center",0,4000,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

if (count _pos < 3) then { _pos = [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,0]; };

diag_log ("MOVED OBJ: " + str(_idKey) + " of class " + _type + " to pos: " + str(_pos));


Thanks in advance for any help.

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The error is telling you that you are using Count command against a string rather than an array. Variable (_worldspace select 1) is returning a string.

You're running a count command on it as though it's expected to be a position array.

Run a diag_log command on worldspace select 1 to see what it throws in the Arma2OA.rpt

Edited by OpusFmSPol

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