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Potential for cross server traveling, sendAUmessage needs implementing!

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I would like to inform the community about a ticket that was raised.

It's about sendAUmessage script command which was never implemented.


You might ask what would it be used for?

Well sendAUmessage would allow mod/mission makers to transfer clients from server to server.

Which would allow cross-map travel.

Zone division on 1 map (500 player Altis for example).

Imagine the possibilities. Epic scale mil-sims, "Frankie" style of map travel(get on a boat from Altis to Chernarus).

Events on a whole new scale.

I believe that this would be a ground breaking change to Arma 3 and would redefine it as a whole, It'd be like when Bungee/Bukkit came around for Minecraft, it completely re-defined the way people played.

Just imagine the endless list of possibilities, something along the lines of a World of Warcraft RPG style of game mode would be completely possible.

If you think it's a good idea please vote up the following feedback ticket:


Kind regards, Myself and Grim

EDIT: As per Grim's feedback.arma3.com update

Implement redirectClient script command

Description What would redirectClient do:

1: Server executes: redirectClient [[array of player objects or netids],IP:PORT];

2: server checks a config to see if the IP:PORT is in the white-list -- preventing potential RE issues.

3: sends that command to players specified.

4: players fadeIn with loading screen while in backend client connects to new server and loads the mission.

5: Profit

Edited by KamikazeXeX
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