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Best Handgun - King of the Hill?

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I find myself sniping a lot so the handgun is useful for me. I've heard people say "Use the .45 but there are 5-6 kinds of .45 handguns. Which ones are the best to use? Are the revolvers the best or the regular kind?

Also I googled this but no one seems to talk about it.

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5-6 kinds of .45?

There's only 5 pistols total in the game.

Rook - 9mm

P09 - 9mm

ACP2- .45

Zubr - .45

4-Five - .45

My personal favourite is the 4-Five. Able to fit a nice sight on top and the .45 + higher magazine capacity = stopping power in a pinch.

Having never played King of the Hill is there any way to just have a carbine rifle in a backpack as your back up while moving from perch to perch?

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I see the...

4-5 .45

4x .45 ACP 11Rnd Mag

ACP-C2 .45

5 x .45 ACP 9Rnd Mag

Zubr .45

4-5 .45 MRO

4x .45 ACP 11Rnd mag

ACP-C2 .45 Sound Supressor

4-5 .45 Sound Supressor

Zubr .45 Yorris J2

Even the 4 five .45 there's the MRO version as well? Does the suppressor take any damage off?

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I'm a Zubr man myself but I just like revolvers, so there's that.

If I could I'd buy the Chiappa Rhino that it's based on but money and college all say no.

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Ok so my main question now is, what's the difference between the 4 five .45 11 Rnd Mag regular version and MRO version?

Also the Zubr regular version and Yorris J2 version? The MRO and Yorris are not in the Arsenal.

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Ok so my main question now is, what's the difference between the 4 five .45 11 Rnd Mag regular version and MRO version?

Also the Zubr regular version and Yorris J2 version? The MRO and Yorris are not in the Arsenal.

MRD and Yorris are scopes for the 4-Five/Zubr.

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