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Health care in danger "finalist"

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Since it is impossible to post in the health care in danger section (Warum?), I had to post this somewhere.

Personally I feel this is the most interesting price and I was surprised to not see any real contendats for it (afaik).

Thats why, I right before the end, did a mission which I can't say I too proud of but at least have the aim to do something.

My aim was only to "rasie the bar".

Link to my mission

So I am not saying I do deserve to win, the medical system in AGM is more advance and better done than my simple mission.

yet, I don't really find anyone that done anything? and since it won't have finalist like the other categories, I am asking you..

1) Which entities do you think could win? (which are the candidates)

2) There wasn't many submissions, but if some addon/mission that wasn't in the competition could win, which one would you vote for?

Edited by granQ

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I too toyed with the idea of entering something here, not because it would have been a one horse race, but because it had the the potential to be most interesting. As you say, the prize would have been a once in a lifetime experience.

Real soldiers these days don't do a great deal of pew pew. In fact, the average light infantryman expends about as much ammunition in training than he will do in the course of a minimum signup career. A modern soldier is a driver, a warehouseman, a builder, an engineer, a shit shoveler and of course, a healthcare worker. I hoped the HCiD would reflect that.

No disrespect to the dozen of entrants in the other categories, some of them are deeply cool, but I do like and appreciate something left field occasionally.

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Hi GranQ,

I guess you know the answer to your first question. I’m sorry if your mission wasn’t selected at the end but I hope you agree with the judges.

I must say I was impressed by all the little bits and pieces of IHL, Human Rights and Geneva Conventions stuff I discovered in the entries I tested. I think gamers should have the choice to fight by the rules or not and what I experienced seems to prove it’s not detrimental to the gameplay. I would really like to see a MP mod that would include all the very innovative way to integrate IHL concepts I saw in different entries. But who know, this might happen one day!

Thank you again for your support.



---------- Post added at 04:51 ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 ----------

Hi Kydoimos,

Thank you very much for the soundtrack (great stuff) and congratulations on winning the SP mission contest (I really enjoyed playing/testing them).



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I think the winner, perhaps not really reflecting health care in danger as it seemed more like a "normal healthcare" but anyway seems like a much more worthy winner than my contribution.

Still, I think its a complete failure that there wasn't more to choose from but its over now. The community died a bit, not much to cry about now. Its just hope that next year they won't repeat the same misstake.

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