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Is FlyinHeight broken?

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Simple question. Been experiencing some weird behaviors by choppers I've applied this command to.

What I expect, is that FlyinHeight orders a chopper to fly at the specified height - what I'm seeing is that choppers start ascending to the specified height, and then depending upon the distance they need to travel, they keep ascending while flying.

Here's sample mission to illustrate what I mean: http://s000.tinyupload.com/download.php?file_id=03097938125860330948&t=0309793812586033094884471

Basically I create 2 CSAT choppers. 1 intended to be an Escort chopper (group leader), and another intended as a transport chopper. Both choppers are in the same group. I give them a default move waypoint across the map, and add "this flyinheight 120" to the escort chopper and "this flyinheight 60" to the transport chopper. I myself travel behind in a BLUFOR chopper (with "this setcaptive true").

What I'd expect would happen, is that the escort chopper ascends to 120m above the ground and proceeds towards waypoint, while the transport chopper ascends to 60m above the ground, and follows behind.

However this does NOT happen. They both instead ascend to 120m at the start, and then head towards their waypoint, continuing to ascend (reaching nearly 1000m in my sample mission), and ending their journey by descending to 120m at destination.

Now I realize that it might not be possible to order 2 choppers in the same group to fly at different heights (but why shouldn't it?), but what I absolutely don't understand is why they won't follow a simple instruction as "STAY AT THIS HEIGHT WHILE FLYING!!!!" The only point at which I see them following my instructions are when they hover at a static position.

Am i doing something completely wrong, or is there anyone else out there also experiencing this behavior? And is it intended?


Das Attorney has submitted a ticket to the bugtracker. If you find this issue annoying and worth correcting please upvote it here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23221

Edited by Dashnaw
Added link to ticket

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No I've seen something like that as well.

Transport and light attack helis respect waypoint heights but not choppers like Hamok.

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Are your choppers grouped together? I haven't tested this so I'm not 100% sure if this is the case, but I can easily imagine a situation where a subordinate AI's programming to follow its leader would override scripting commands.

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No each chopper is it's own group.

Doesn't seem to make any difference if I change the combat mode or behaviour.

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Simple question. Been experiencing some weird behaviors by choppers I've applied this command to.

What I expect, is that FlyinHeight orders a chopper to fly at the specified height - what I'm seeing is that choppers start ascending to the specified height, and then depending upon the distance they need to travel, they keep ascending while flying.

Here's sample mission to illustrate what I mean: http://s000.tinyupload.com/download.php?file_id=03097938125860330948&t=0309793812586033094884471

Basically I create 2 CSAT choppers. 1 intended to be an Escort chopper (group leader), and another intended as a transport chopper. Both choppers are in the same group. I give them a default move waypoint across the map, and add "this flyinheight 120" to the escort chopper and "this flyinheight 60" to the transport chopper. I myself travel behind in a BLUFOR chopper (with "this setcaptive true").

What I'd expect would happen, is that the escort chopper ascends to 120m above the ground and proceeds towards waypoint, while the transport chopper ascends to 60m above the ground, and follows behind.

However this does NOT happen. They both instead ascend to 120m at the start, and then head towards their waypoint, continuing to ascend (reaching nearly 1000m in my sample mission), and ending their journey by descending to 120m at destination.

Now I realize that it might not be possible to order 2 choppers in the same group to fly at different heights (but why shouldn't it?), but what I absolutely don't understand is why they won't follow a simple instruction as "STAY AT THIS HEIGHT WHILE FLYING!!!!" The only point at which I see them following my instructions are when they hover at a static position.

Am i doing something completely wrong, or is there anyone else out there also experiencing this behavior? And is it intended?

They probably ignore the command because its not feasibly safe for them to fly at 60 meters because of trees and powerlines, and tall buildings.

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They probably ignore the command because its not feasibly safe for them to fly at 60 meters because of trees and powerlines, and tall buildings.

What I don't understand is why they keep climbing while flying then? In my sample mission they reach a height of nearly 1000m, despite parts of the distance being above water....

Transport and light attack helis respect waypoint heights but not choppers like Hamok.

Yes, setting waypoint height seems to help - but doesn't eliminate this problem entirely. However I'd really prefer if I could order choppers to different heights inflight without the need of spawning a waypoint each time..

Are your choppers grouped together? I haven't tested this so I'm not 100% sure if this is the case, but I can easily imagine a situation where a subordinate AI's programming to follow its leader would override scripting commands.

In my example both choppers are grouped together, at each one recieves a flyinheight command with different heights to fly at. While I agree that the above might be a reasonable argument I still would expect this command to ensure that choppers fly at the specified height, anything else I don't see as being the "intended effect"... In any case this still doesn't explain why the entire chopper group doesn't maintain the same height while moving, but insists on climbing all the way until its destination, at which they bleed their speed off, by climbing even more, and THEN lowering to the heights I've commanded them to fly at...

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It seems that both units will fly at the leader height even if specified to fly at different heights, that doesn't explain the constant climb in your mission.

I tried to recreate it and apart from flying higher over land they were not doing the constant climb.

Missions can corrupt in my experience and if it is corrupt you can't copy any part of the mission over.

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Transport and light attack helis respect waypoint heights but not choppers like Hamok.

So I did some more testing with this in mind. It seems that my problem disappears when not using the MI-48 Kajman.

For instance, while using a PO-30 Orca as group leader it will honor the height restriction I've applied. However if a MI-48 Kajman becomes part of said group, the Orca will continue to honor the height restriction, while the Kajman will begin a never-ending climb until reaching its destination. If I set the Kajman as group leader, the entire formation will continue to climb until reaching their destination.

So it would appear that my issues mainly arise in circumstances involving the Kajman.

Thanks for the help guys!

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Yes that's exactly what I found :)

(sry was referring to the Kajman as Hamok incorrectly - I think that Hamok is a temporary name the devs gave it in development).

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I can confirm this behavior too!

I couldn't figure it out that only kajmans do this, so I left my script as is.

But now as you say it, I realized it is really the kajmans.

My script makes them circle and issues move command like every couple hundred meters, together with height adjustment. They end up invisible dots after some turns.

Edited by zapat

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I too have seen this only with kajmans. I though my airpatrole scripts were bad and causing the issue, but they are not. I banged my head with this so many times I have a new flat spot. Its been happening for quite some time. Also some terrains seem the affect this more than others. Happens quite frequently on N'ziwasogo or (some) mountainous terrain maps for example.

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I've put a ticket on the bug tracker for this as the devs probably won't see this thread.

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I've put a ticket on the bug tracker for this as the devs probably won't see this thread.

Thank you. Upvoted your ticket!

Edited by Dashnaw

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could you give us a link here for the ticket?

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