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handanim guide?

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i need a decent guide on setting up a handanim RTM + model.cfg, ive read tons of info on the pmc tactical wiki but i havent figured out how to do this in 3ds max yet, and object builder is well.. bad... so i figured before i tear my hair out trying to move the finger bones to fit my gun, i thought id see if there was an easier way to do this. i know there is for blender but i dont know how to use blender and it would involve learning another 3d modeling application from the ground up.

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i currently use a modified version of Kiory's rig (kiory is to thank for pretty much everything outlined here), only thing i really did was add ik and controller helpers for the fingers, really noobly done but it works and was easier to work with from my point of view.


(saved this out as max 2012 as i have 2015 so i hope it is compatible with your version)

basically this is all you have to do to do hand anims for a gun.

1. to get your gun for reference get it in game and to scale then export as fbx at the 1000 scale to have it 1:1 in max with o2.

2. frame 0 should stay in the T-Pose (basically dont touch it). (make sure you turn auto key on)

3. on frame 2 and beyond raise the entire rig up to the grid "floor"(if your doing hand animations there is no need to go into any further frames)

4. put your refrence mesh of the gun about where it would be and move the weapon bone to where you think may be close (may have to tweak it later in O2 still havent figured out how to sort this correctly in max)

5. hide the skin and the weapon and select everything and export as fbx (before you hit ok we have to change some settings)

6. go to the units tab and make sure it says meters.

7. FBX file format should be type: ASCII, Version : FBX 2011(you should only have to do this once)

8. hit export.

9. open in o2 and click on the bone and circle named selections and delete them and the geometry leaving only the properly named bones.

10. in the animations keyframe box, change frame 0.0000000 to -0.5000000 and change frame 0.010000 to 0.000000 and delete the rest of the frames(you only need the t pose and 1 frame of the hands)

11. right click in keyFrame box and hit export matrices and exported it where ever you choose.

thats the workflow as i have sorted out with some help from the amazing Kiory. It may not be the best rig nor the best work flow but it works and is something to build from. i hope this helps.

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sorry just a bit confused why you'd export at 1000 scale? what units are you using in max?

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obvious answer would be milimeters

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yeah stupid question, i answered it myself the second i popped open the file... i guess im still just not sure where the weapon bone is supposed to go? near the trigger guard?

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i still havent figured out exactly where it should go yet i just approximate where it should go and see where the hands are in game and adjust it from there. The weapon bone has an inverse relationship to the hands in game, so if your looking at the character head on left is right in game and up is down and vice versa. and i meant export from OB to MAX as 1000 scale i apologize i wasnt as clear as i intended im not that good of a teacher lol. if everything still isnt clear i will do a more proper write up w/ pictures and maybe a video. after you get the workflow down it isnt hard to do.

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