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[MP COOP 22/ EVO] UK vs Isis Gulf of Aqaba (Evolution)

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I am not sure which file you were using.

This mission is a pbo with the correct gulf of aqaba suffix.


If you unzip the file, the Mission folder has the name "GITSEvolutionV19UK.Takistan".

the base class updates are normal as rangemaster makes REPLACEMENTS of many base classes as it's a complete conversion for arma 2.

hmmm, To my knowledge, the base classes of Arma 2 be amended by "Updated Base Classes errors". Possible effects are that some things in Arma2 standard objects then run as in your addon and not work as intended. Other add-ons can be also affected. This is not good.

when you run our mod (rangemaster) or my mission (evolution) or the other mod i was part of (unsung) you must always play with the parameter -nologs and this will prevent the RPT spam caused by the patch 1.63 repeatedly reporting undefined variables. these occur in my mission, in all mods, and even in BIS' own code.

the scripts do not have errors as such, they just don't all have...

The errors are thus only hidden, but the errors are still there. I turn my RPT never expire. The masking of the red alarm lights is not a solution. In other missions, the error rate is also there, but not so extremely extensive.

Greets S@ndBob

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you are unzipping this file "CO_22_EvolutionV1UK.mis_gulfofaqaba.pbo" - how?

try downloading it here, you must have gotten a file from somewhere else.


we are happy with the base class modifications, they are intended.

those errors (undefined variables) that spam the RPT are not red lights, they are more like soft yellow lights about a formatting issue.

it's up to you how you play, but if you wish to try the mod and mission, please use -nologs parameter to aid you.

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mission updated
- enemy vehicle crews spawning properly now
- pandur respawns
- moved a few planes about - no longer stuck in hangars or colliding with hesco bags
- Tyrian officer class can be captured now for full points
- added thermobaric ammo for VGM93 to crate


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mission updated:

- limited rearm module (CAP, CAS, MR and AGM) for all multi Role (MR) aircraft (beware using it on doorgun helis yet as it will empty mags - WIP)

- reduced airplane count as a result, inc to FPS

- fixed zone and task markers

- fixed player markers


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convoy hunting

Holy crap! That T-55 with all the brush looks outstanding.

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mod updated to 2.82


mission updated:



female Tyrian fighters

BTR60 variants



Tyrian static weapons (22 varieties)

LHD air defences

special ARM SEAD role aircraft

fixed texture popup

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Mission updated for Rangemaster 3.6:





Added Rangemaster resources module

- repair from map-based fuel stations

- medkits enabled

Added Mig25, Mig31, Su24

Added use of various new air weapons (FAB500Sh retarded bombs, ODAB500 FAE bombs, R40 AAMs, etc)


Updated to Rangemaster 3.62

- ADDED FAC backpack to heap at base, and added UAV module, so you can now use the FAC system (remote calling a UAV through your backpack)

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Mission updated for Rangemaster 3.7:

- Added new AS VAL weapons and mags

- Added new classes of Mig25/31

- Updated rearm scripts for Su24 / Mig25 / Mig31

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I cant start mission because of missing file "pook_4k51"  any ideas where it is from and how I can fix / replace it?

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link fixed



pook4k51 was added in v3.0 patch of the rangemaster mod afaik.


where did you download your ranagemaster mod from?


if you had just grabbed a few patches and didnt do it over time as they were rleeased this may have caused you to miss files


i would suggest either

a. download the full mod at armaholic or

b. use our PWS link to get our version of the mod


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I downloaded the rangmaster pack from armaholic, version 3.7 here>> http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26409


The full package 2.9gb at the bottom not the seperate updates. I thought this was everything fully up to date or is there an earlier rangemaster for which this 2.9gig package is an update for?


However for a temporary fix I downloaded hcpookie's SSMB package from here>> http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29050  which contains a pook4k51.pbo and just dropped that file into the rangemaster/addons folder.

This got the mod to work and play but there are some ingame issues, mainly no vehicle mounted HMG / LMG will work  :p

 Is that pook4k51 the same correct version as the one in rangemaster?


Also having really bad performance issues, fps below 15 constantly..  Its been so long since Ive played A2 Im struggling to remember how to get everything running smoothly. Im using Win10 64bit OS now and constantly have problems. Addon Sync will not install, the standalone will not start either, they  both just kinda get stuck trying to work and then cannot exit or kill the processes. The A2 Launcher has problems too but I havnt tried Six yet so i'll give that a go, maybe I'll have better luck with it :D

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re lag:

you need -nologs in your startup param as a lot of the mod and bis' game spam the rpt since the last patch with pointless reports


re missing file:


I'll upload the full package to date and make sure armaholic has it, Fox may have missed a file

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Thanks for the help eggbeast, I eventually managed to get PWS working and used your link to sink up the mods. I noticed that theyre slightly different versions with EW in the names i.e @EW_rangemaster, @EW_BAFX, @EW_bloodscreen, ect, so I just copied and renamed all the addon folders and let six update them as it saw fit :D Arma got stuck at the "waiting for host" screen though when trying to connect so I asumed there isnt a server running this mission at the moment


 Also I used the -nologs param but still suffered really bad performance. I need to test further but I think its ok until I try flying (jet or chopper, it doesnt matter) and from then on the fps drops massivly and never recovers.

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i'm on the server now so it's definitely working


our PWS repo is private so we can update it each time without waiting for PWS to update the content for us.

This is useful for beta testing etc

so using the PWS link means you will always be updated when you try to connect to the server

why BIS couldnt spend a few quid making a system like that idk

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Trying to connect through pws it gets stuck with the wait for host msg but clicking escape and then searching for the server and connecting in game works ok, maybe Im just too impatient and not waiting long enough for Six to make the connection :p

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yeah man others seem to join ok

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Hi here i was looking for the old evo missions of Eggbeast but the link is dead. I'm looking for 22 player evolution mp co-op sandbox mission Duala: BAF vs Somalia and Gulf of Aqaba: BAF vs IS/Egypt for bafx and rangemaster mods.
I someone still have it on a disk somewhere  ?

I'm taking all the evo available even the unsung ones  (the last version i have is V2 and maybe one v3)


Thank you

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sure, let me upload it for you, along wit hmy entire back catalogue of Evolution missions for Arma 2.


This has about 20 missions I made for A2, for about 20 maps, some with RHS, some PRACS, some mixed mods and many unsung ones.



btw I can't remember what mods are needed with each mission, you'll have to do some forensics.

I've packed the unbinarized folders so you can open mission.sqm in notepad++ and check the requiredaddons list.


I'm not able to support you much more than that due to a heavy workload irl.

good luck!



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