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Scroll on multiple diaglog controls?

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Is there a way to scroll across multiple diaglog boxes?

I looked into onMouseZChanged

I have 5 diaglog boxes: 1501,1502,1503,1504,1505

using this on the idc 1505.

onMouseZChanged = "_this call TraderScroll";

with TraderScroll doing: diag_log format["_this: %1",_this];

there is no output when scrolling. and onMouseZChanged isnt documented very well.

Anyone have any idea how I can get all 5 diaglogs to scroll at the same time?

I stand corrected... I get this:

15:51:52 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:51:52 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,1.2]"

15:51:53 "_this: [Control #1505,2.4]"

15:52:02 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:52:02 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:52:02 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:52:02 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:52:03 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:52:03 "_this: [Control #1505,-1.2]"

15:52:03 "_this: [Control #1505,1.2]"

15:52:03 "_this: [Control #1505,1.2]"

15:52:03 "_this: [Control #1505,1.2]"

But I don't know how to force the same on the other diaglogs.

Edited by blckeagls

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