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Function to find maximum/minimum heights of the terrain

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Function to find maximum/minimum heights of the terrain

Author: Dimon UA

Used scripts:

1.Creating spiral - Author: ArseniyK

2.Sort a numeric array - Author: VVL99

Credits & Thanks: ArseniyK, VVL99

File: fnc_getTerrainHeightASL.sqf
Author: Dimon UA
Used scripts:
 1.Creating spiral - Author: ArseniyK
 2.Sort a numeric array - Author: VVL99
 Credits & Thanks: ArseniyK, VVL99

Function to find maximum/minimum heights of the terrain

_this select 0: position (Array)
_this select 1: step (Number)
_this select 2: count (Number)
_this select 3: true - maximum heights, false minimum heights
_this select 4: the size of the returned array (Number)
_this select 5: debug (true - otional)

Array - format PositionASL
private ["_pos","_step","_count","_sort","_size","_debug"];

_pos = _this select 0;
_step = _this select 1;
_count = _this select 2;
_sort = _this select 3;
_size = _this select 4;
if ((count _this) > 5) then {_debug = _this select 5;}else{_debug =false;};

//=============Creating spiral=============//
step = _step;
a = -0.3*step;
posx = _pos select 0;
posy = _pos select 1;
x = 1;
y = 1;
arr = [[posx,posy, getTerrainHeightASL [posx, posy]], [posx+step, posy, getTerrainHeightASL [posx+step, posy]]];
for "_i" from 0 to _count do 
r = sqrt (x*x+y*y);
tx = a*x+r*y;
ty = a*y - r*x;
len = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty);
k = step/len;
x = x + tx*k;
y = y + ty*k;
arr set [_i+1,[x+posx,y+posy,getTerrainHeightASL [x+posx, y+posy]]];
if _debug then 
	call compile format ["
		_m%1 = createMarker[""markerRed%1"",[ _x select 0,_x select 1]];
		_m%1 setMarkerShape ""ICON"";
		_m%1 setMarkerType ""DOT"";
		_m%1 setmarkercolor ""colorred"";  ",_forEachIndex];
} foreach arr;
//==========Sort a numeric array=========//
_res_sort = [];
_k = _x;
_s = _x select 2;
_s_pos = 0;
	if _sort then 
		if (_s < (_x select 2)) then 
			_s_pos = _s_pos + 1;
		if (_s > (_x select 2)) then 
			_s_pos = _s_pos + 1;

} foreach arr;
_res_sort set [_s_pos,_k];
} foreach arr;

_res_sort resize _size;
if _debug then 
	call compile format ["
		_m%1 = createMarker[""markerBlue%1"",[ _x select 0,_x select 1]];
		_m%1 setMarkerShape ""ICON"";
		_m%1 setMarkerType ""DOT"";
		_m%1 setmarkercolor ""colorblue"";  ",_forEachIndex];
} foreach _res_sort;

//	hint str _res_sort_p;
//	copyToClipboard str _res_sort_p;

1.The highest point

http://i59.fastpic.ru/big/2015/0123/59/087e0cfd3b51be77110470ae699e4659.jpg (683 kB)

2.The lowest point

http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2015/0123/0f/2f0fe9f5e262901328f62926d77ae80f.jpg (673 kB)


Edited by Dimon

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Ðвтор: ArseniyK

Creating a spiral grid positions added in one array


_this select 0: position (Array)

_this select 1: step (Number)

*** *** *** *** (_this select 2) select 0: min radius (Number)

*** *** *** *** (_this select 2) select 1: max radius

       File: fnc_spiral.sqf
       Author: ArseniyK
       Used scripts:

       Creating spiral

       _this select 0: position (Array)
       _this select 1: step (Number)
       (_this select 2) select 0: min radius (Number)
       _maxrad = (_this select 2) select 1: max radius

       Array - format PositionASL
private ["_pos","_step","_minrad","_maxrad","_posx","_a","_posy","_x","_y","_arr","_debug","_r","_tx","_ty","_len","_k"];

_pos = _this select 0;
_step = _this select 1;
_minrad = (_this select 2) select 0;
_maxrad = (_this select 2) select 1;
_debug = false;
//=============Creating spiral=============//
step = _step;
_a = -0.3* step;
_posx = _pos select 0;
_posy = _pos select 1;
_x = _minrad;
_y = 1;
for [{_i=0},{true},{_i=_i+1}] do
       _r = sqrt (_x*_x+_y*_y);
       _tx = _a*_x+_r*_y;
       _ty = _a*_y - _r*_x;
       _len = sqrt(_tx*_tx + _ty*_ty);
       _k = step/_len;
       _x = _x + _tx*_k;
       _y = _y + _ty*_k;
       _arr set [_i,[_x+_posx,_y+_posy,getTerrainHeightASL [_x+_posx, _y+_posy]]];
       if (((ASLToATL (_arr select _i)) distance _pos) >= _maxrad) exitwith {};
if _debug then
               call compile format ["
                       _m%1 = createMarker[""markerRed%1"",[ _x select 0,_x select 1]];
                       _m%1 setMarkerShape ""ICON"";
                       _m%1 setMarkerType ""DOT"";
                       _m%1 setmarkercolor ""Colorred"";  ",_forEachIndex];
       } foreach _arr;




Used to sort a nested array from lowest to highest or from highest to lowest using quick sort based on the specified column, which must have numerical data.

Based: CBA_fnc_sortNestedArray


*** *** *** *** _array: array - Nested array to be sorted

*** *** *** *** _index: integer - sub array item index to be sorted on

*** *** *** *** _sort: true - from highest to lowest, false - from lowest to highest

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function: fnc_sortNestedArray2
Based: CBA_fnc_sortNestedArray
       Author: Dimon UA
       Used to sort a nested array from lowest to highest or from highest to lowest using quick sort based on the specified column, which must have numerical data.

       _array: array - Nested array to be sorted
       _index: integer - sub array item index to be sorted on
       _sort: true - from highest to lowest, false - from lowest to highest

   (begin example)
       _array = [_array,1,_sort] call fnc_sortNestedArray2

       Passed in array

       Standard algorithm

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
       Modified BIS function to sort nested arrays.
       Added 2nd parameter to indicate which column (index in nested array) to sort on.
       Sorts an array of numbers from lowest (left) to highest (right).
       The passed array is modified by reference.
       This function uses the quick sort algorithm.

       private ["_re_sort","_debug"];
       _re_sort = {
               private ["_h","_i","_j","_hi","_x","_sort","_id","_lo","_a"];

               _a = _this select 0; //array to be sorted
               _id = _this select 1;
               _lo = _this select 2;//lower index to sort from
               _hi = _this select 3;//up
               _sort = _this select 4;//true - from highest to lowest, false - from lowest to highest

               _h = nil; //used to make a do-while loop below
               _i = _lo;
               _j = _hi;
               if (count _a == 0) exitWith {};
               _x = (_a select ((_lo + _hi) / 2)) select _id;

               //  partition
               while {isnil "_h" || {_i <= _j}} do
                       //find first and last elements within bound that are greater / lower than _x
                       if _sort then
                               while {(_a select _i) select _id > _x} do {_i = (_i) + 1};
                               while {(_a select _j) select _id < _x} do {_j = (_j) - 1};
                               while {(_a select _i) select _id < _x} do {_i = (_i) + 1};
                               while {(_a select _j) select _id > _x} do {_j = (_j) - 1};

                       if (_i <= _j) then {
                               //swap elements _i and _j
                               _h = _a select _i;
                               _a set [_i, _a select _j];
                               _a set [_j, _h];

                               _i = (_i) + 1;
                               _j = (_j) - 1;

               // recursion
               if (_lo < _j) then {[_a, _id, _lo, _j,_sort] call _re_sort};
               if (_i < _hi) then {[_a, _id, _i, _hi,_sort] call _re_sort};
       // and start it off
       _debug = false;
       [_this select 0, _this select 1, 0, 0 max ((count (_this select 0))-1), _this select 2] call _re_sort;
       if _debug then
                       call compile format ["
                               _m%1 = createMarker[""markerBrown%1"",[ _x select 0,_x select 1]];
                               _m%1 setMarkerShape ""ICON"";
                               _m%1 setMarkerType ""DOT"";
                               _m%1 setmarkercolor ""Colorbrown"";  ",_forEachIndex];
               } foreach (_this select 0);
       // array is already modified by reference, but return the modified array anyway
       _this select 0


These two functions allow you to find a position on a particular characteristic of the 3D position [x,y,z].

З.Ы. Sort a numeric array at times slower from fnc_sortNestedArray2

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