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[RELEASE] Sandstorms

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Sand Storms



I decided to create a sandstorm script today, and I think its time to put it out there for others to use.

This script does the obvious, creates a sandstorm. I created a few samples that have different intensities, as well as a forth that isn't really a sandstorm at all, it just creates a few dust particles every now and then and sends them off in a random direction.

It also comes with a postprocessing effect to make it look a bit better.

Using the script is simple, just put in init.sqf:

nul = [your-game-logic-here] execVM "AUSMD_sandstorm.sqf";

The calm dust script is the only one that needs two game logics instead of one.

You are free to change whatever values you want inside any of the scripts to suit your own purposes, as long as I get credit for the original script.

Update V2

Fixed the sandstorm not following the player when he was in a vehicle

minor tweaks to sandstorm script to make it a bit more intense.

Added a variable to disable the sandstorm when its no longer needed (AUSMD_sandstormEnable)


Dropbox (V2)

Armaholic (V2)

Edited by austin_medic

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Greetings and thanks for the script.

I think I've found a problem:

*** When you ride in a vehicle storm dissipates. ***

More details of using the script would be appreciated. Or even a mission of example.

Its storm permanent? Can you turn ON and off? With "AUSMD_calm_dust.sqf"?

¿I can selectively position the storm or its global?

How is it controlled?

I do my experiments with triggers, but it would be great if I learn to do correctly.

Thanks & pardon my grammar

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BIS didin't implement a sandstorm module like in A2CO?

Anyway, nice work. :)

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Greetings and thanks for the script.

I think I've found a problem:

*** When you ride in a vehicle storm dissipates. ***

More details of using the script would be appreciated. Or even a mission of example.

Its storm permanent? Can you turn ON and off? With "AUSMD_calm_dust.sqf"?

¿I can selectively position the storm or its global?

How is it controlled?

I do my experiments with triggers, but it would be great if I learn to do correctly.

Thanks & pardon my grammar

This was tested solely on foot, the storm can be disabled by deleting the particle emitters for the big sandstorm, calm_dust doesn't create very many particles like the big sandstorms do, its mainly to simulate wind blowing dirt up off the ground like in real life.

will fix that bug with the particle emitters not following you after you get in a vehicle.

The sandstorm can be controlled by going in and editing the scripts manually, editing the effects can be by hand or with the assistance of a particle editor, which I used to create the original particle effect then manually edited certain parameters.

All particle effects are local, so they'll only run on the user's machine (which is why you should run it inside init.sqf so it will start for everyone when they join.)

The storm is glued to the player, since having lots and lots of particle emitters isnt practical we just put a few emitters around the player (and attach them) to make it look like a sandstorm, but really 200 meters away theres nothing going on.

Edited by austin_medic

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Update V2

Fixed the sandstorm not following the player when he was in a vehicle

minor tweaks to sandstorm script to make it a bit more intense.

Added a variable to disable the sandstorm when its no longer needed (AUSMD_sandstormEnable)

Sandstorm V2

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Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Tthanks for the fix and info maese Austin. I love he big storm but don't fit into my mission in Altis if the effect is present throughout the island completely. Fit well in the desert and some localized area. BUT "AUSMD_calm_dust" is a great touch of atmosphere. I love those little details and I'm using.

Years ago I also did a mod on this topic for Fallout New Vegas. Only by creating a single texture and the change was drastic, are not pariticulas, but I was very pleased with the result. My goal was to achieve a similar effect as much as possible as if they were particles:

[VIDEO DEMO] Hectrol FX Duststorm Deluxe HighRes Retex MOD DEMO Fallout New Vegas :

I will be aware of what's new with your script.

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Tthanks for the fix and info maese Austin. I love he big storm but don't fit into my mission in Altis if the effect is present throughout the island completely. Fit well in the desert and some localized area. BUT "AUSMD_calm_dust" is a great touch of atmosphere. I love those little details and I'm using.

Years ago I also did a mod on this topic for Fallout New Vegas. Only by creating a single texture and the change was drastic, are not pariticulas, but I was very pleased with the result. My goal was to achieve a similar effect as much as possible as if they were particles:

[VIDEO DEMO] Hectrol FX Duststorm Deluxe HighRes Retex MOD DEMO Fallout New Vegas :

I will be aware of what's new with your script.

I'll try to simulate what you showed in the video, also will make a variant that lets you put the storm only in certain areas.

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Sorry about the necro, but does this work in multiplayer? I haven't tested it yet, but I'd imagine not?

I'm pretty awful at scripting, so does anyone know a way to make the particles only appear for the player they're around?

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Sorry about the necro, but does this work in multiplayer? I haven't tested it yet, but I'd imagine not?

I'm pretty awful at scripting, so does anyone know a way to make the particles only appear for the player they're around?

1. nope. 2. tried with bis_fnc_mp but particles are kinda shoehorned into the scripting engine in a way that makes it quite awkward to work with.

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I actually tested it, and amazingly it does.

If you just put it in init and make the game logic "player" it becomes clientside, and is near perfect (although we recoloured the dust to fit with Takistan, which gave a nice effect).

There is just one problem though, once it attaches the _logic to the player's vehicle, you can't access the vehicle's scroll menu, meaning you can't get out. We tested this by chucking sleep functions around the place in the script, and it is definitely the attaching of _logic to the vehicle that kills it. I searched for other people with problems attaching things to vehicles, but no success. Any ideas?

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This could be triggered when defined strength of wind occurred. Hmm?

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I actually tested it, and amazingly it does.

If you just put it in init and make the game logic "player" it becomes clientside, and is near perfect (although we recoloured the dust to fit with Takistan, which gave a nice effect).

There is just one problem though, once it attaches the _logic to the player's vehicle, you can't access the vehicle's scroll menu, meaning you can't get out. We tested this by chucking sleep functions around the place in the script, and it is definitely the attaching of _logic to the vehicle that kills it. I searched for other people with problems attaching things to vehicles, but no success. Any ideas?

Wow thats strange behaviour... You could jerry rig it with some custom get out/turn engine off actions that effectively would do the same thing as the stock ones.


player addaction ["Get Out",myGetOutFunction,nil,1,False,True,"",' speed vehicle player < 2 && vehicle player != player '];

---------- Post added at 19:49 ---------- Previous post was at 19:48 ----------

This could be triggered when defined strength of wind occurred. Hmm?

yes, you could try using a trigger with the condition set to windStr > your-value-between-0-and-1

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Yeah it's quite odd. I think even adding new actions wont work, as there is no access to the scroll menu at all.

Can you recreate the problem?

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How can i lower the particels, i want only a low sandstorm.


BIS has a wiki with instructions. Sorry I don't have the link.  It might be in the Arma2 section.

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I'm getting sandstorm affects and color but no wind sounds and no dense fog. Do I need to set the fog myself?

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