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Shock's Building Garrison Function (SBGF)

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Hello Arma Community,
I present to you:

Shock's Building Garrison Function (SBGF)

Short Description:

1. Garrison Function (Spawned Units):
This function allows a mission developer to garrison buildings in a town/city/village with a user defined percentage based on the overall building count.

The function returns an array of all units spawned in >> [unit,unit,unit]

For the center position you can use a marker, object, or a position array.

When using the percentage parameter, the value must be between 0-1 (i.e. (0.2)).


1- Center position: (string/object/position array) (default: objNull)
2- Side of units: (side) (default: EAST)
3- Radius for building search: (scalar) (default: 200)
4- Percentage of used building positions: (scalar (0-1)) (default: 0.2)
5- Types of units to spawn: (array of classnames) (default: ["O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_AR_F"])
6- (Optional)Define the limit of spawned units: (scalar) (default: -1)	**This overrides parameter 4  (percent of used building positions) unless (-1) is used**

2. Garrison Function (Editor Placed Units):
This function allows a mission developer to garrison groups of editor-placed units with a simple function call in the group leaders' init field.

For the center position you can use a marker, object, or a position array.


1- Unit/Group Leader: (object) (note: for use with unit's name or init field using "this" as the parameter)
2- Center position: (string/object/position array) (default: objNull)3- Radius for building search: (scalar) (default: 200)


Place the SBGF folder in your mission directory.

In your description.ext:

class CfgFunctions
#include "SBGF\cfgfunctions.hpp"

Example call line (trigger, script, etc.):

//For function spawned units
_units = ["mrkName",EAST,300,0.3,["O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_AR_F"],-1] call SBGF_fnc_garrison;

//For editor placed units (in group leader's init field)
0 = [this,"mrkName",200] call SBGF_fnc_groupGarrison;






>>Optimizations and error fixes

>>Added second function to garrison editor-placed units (SBGF_fnc_groupGarrison).

>>Initial Release

Edited by jshock
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It works great, however (there's always a catch with me) when the units spawn they say "2 - Rearm - 30 -0". Otherwise, it works perfectly. Thanks:)

Oh, and Merry Christmas J. Shock:xmas:

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It works great, however (there's always a catch with me) when the units spawn they say "2 - Rearm - 30 -0". Otherwise, it works perfectly. Thanks:)

Hmm, interesting, this is 3D sound correct? I will look into it.

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Just tried it again, and it stopped doing it? I don't know how. Arma confuses me, sometimes (okay most times).:shrug:

The AI aren't that bright upstairs. Half the time they don't know what they want to do. Though theres a chance that the AI SL thought one of his guys had no ammo left (probably because his gear didn't load into his equipment fast enough) and checked one of his guys for ammo.

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I would like to use this for a larger type mission, any chance I could use groups or place command in units INIT to garrision? I can see having 50+ classnames in

_units = ["mrkName",EAST,300,0.3,["O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_AR_F"],-1] spawn SBGF_fnc_garrison;

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I would like to use this for a larger type mission, any chance I could use groups or place command in units INIT to garrision? I can see having 50+ classnames in

_units = ["mrkName",EAST,300,0.3,["O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_AR_F"],-1] spawn SBGF_fnc_garrison;

I get what your saying, give me a couple days/weeks and I may have something for it, main issue is that it's a bit off of the current system, but should be a simple function to write, just need time to sit down and do it :).

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Had a minute today.


>>Added second function to garrison editor-placed units (SBGF_fnc_groupGarrison).

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Had a minute today.


>>Added second function to garrison editor-placed units (SBGF_fnc_groupGarrison).

awesome dude!! is there a link?

never mind I see the code. Thanks.

Edited by JAndrews1

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Yea, waiting on Foxhound to grab it :).

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Thanks for sending us the updated version and sorry for the delay. I was enjoying movies, beer and fun evening with friends :)

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Edited by Guest

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All good Foxhound, I was doing the same actually :).

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hey JShock, I would like to add some commands so far I have these added.

_x setBehaviour "SAFE";

_x setCombatMode "YELLOW";

I would like to add a command to make the units look around. I haven't found one YET that is random or to have the units look around in buildings, mostly to look out the windows if possible. Ideas?

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I may be able to add an inside building patrol mode, but having them look out windows I have seen how to do it referencing some other scripts and such, and is way more work than I want to do for this script, at this time.

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I may be able to add an inside building patrol mode, but having them look out windows I have seen how to do it referencing some other scripts and such, and is way more work than I want to do for this script, at this time.

I follow ya. does freelook or dowatch help, I know they may need a marker. just scanning through the commands.

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No, you have to physically get the direction of whatever window for each building position (some with 8+ positions) in every type of building (quite a few for just vanilla), or at least that's what I've seen, there may be another way I haven't seen, but yea...lot's of work...

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well I would be happy with some random building patrols. IF you had the time. So if I understand it correct, you place the group garrison code in team leader of group and the other units are directed to random buildings in radius to garrison. Now once they find a spot they just stand there for now?

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Yes you place the call to the group garrison function in the TL's init field, but the units are set into position, they don't walk into those positions, and yes, at least for now they stand there and will shoot anyone who comes within the room/area they are placed in.

EDIT: Ugh....I hate when I do this, but simple things cause simple issues, I started thinking about it and forgot to actually set each unit's position in one of the positions within the radius....noob mistake.


v1.1 hotfix

>>Fixed a few errors in the code.

Edited by JShock

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Yes you place the call to the group garrison function in the TL's init field, but the units are set into position, they don't walk into those positions, and yes, at least for now they stand there and will shoot anyone who comes within the room/area they are placed in.

EDIT: Ugh....I hate when I do this, but simple things cause simple issues, I started thinking about it and forgot to actually set each unit's position in one of the positions within the radius....noob mistake.



No worries. Thanks for the script.

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//For editor placed units (in group leader's init field)

[this,"mrkName",200] spawn SBGF_fnc_groupGarrison;[/php]

When I copy and paste: "[this,"mrkName",200] spawn SBGF_fnc_groupGarrison", into the init of a group leader in the editor, I get the error "Type Script, expected Nothing".

I've already put the SBGF folder in my game directory and put the description.ext in my directory.

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When I copy and paste: "[this,"mrkName",200] spawn SBGF_fnc_groupGarrison", into the init of a group leader in the editor, I get the error "Type Script, expected Nothing".

I've already put the SBGF folder in my game directory and put the description.ext in my directory.

Sorry that is partly my fault, try:

0 = [this,"mrkName",200] spawn SBGF_fnc_groupGarrison;

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Sorry that is partly my fault, try:

0 = [this,"mrkName",200] spawn SBGF_fnc_groupGarrison;

Thanks! This is brilliant!

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Thanks again for informing us about the updated version :)

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Doesn't do anything? What am I doing wrong?

The SBGF folder in my mission directory along with the description.ext

Placed command below in group leader's init field:

0 = [this,"mrkName",200] spawn SBGF_fnc_groupGarrison;

Preview mission - units stand still.

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