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Arma3server.exe consistantly crashing with altis life 3.1.8 mission

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log files

local rpt file: http://pastebin.com/kEFWMqza

server rpt file: http://pastebin.com/ayPGUZtm

extdb log file:

[2014-Nov-28 14:02:05.148752]: ThreadID 0x000020bc: extDB: Version: 20

[2014-Nov-28 14:02:05.149752]: ThreadID 0x000020bc: extDB: Found extdb-conf.ini

[2014-Nov-28 14:02:05.150752]: ThreadID 0x000020bc: extDB: Creating Worker Thread +1

[2014-Nov-28 14:02:05.150752]: ThreadID 0x000020bc: extDB: Creating Worker Thread +1

[2014-Nov-28 14:02:05.150752]: ThreadID 0x000020bc: extDB: Creating Worker Thread +1

[2014-Nov-28 14:02:05.150752]: ThreadID 0x000020bc: extDB: Creating Worker Thread +1

[2014-Nov-28 14:02:05.150752]: ThreadID 0x000020bc: extDB: Database Type: MySQL

[2014-Nov-28 14:02:05.154753]: ThreadID 0x000020bc: extDB: Database Session Pool Started

altis lifev3.1.8


extdb v20 with logging and debug

using xampp to host mysql server locally

my extdb-conf


;Threads = 0

; Default Value is number of CPU Cores Detected

Randomize Config File = false

;This is a legacy option to randomize config file for Arma2 Servers.

Error Database Kill Server = true

;Kill ArmaServer if Database Connection Fails.


; If u are going to disable Logging for performance reasons, grab the No-Logging Version of extdb

Filter = 2

; 2 = Default Setting, this doesn't take effect till after Config File has been loaded.

; 0 = more cpu intensive, 5 = barely anything except exception handling


; 0 trace

; 1 debug

; 2 info

; 3 warning

; 4 error

; 5 fatal


Type = SQLite

Name = sqlite.db

minSessions = 1

; minSession Default Value = 1

;maxSessions = 4

; maxSession Default Value = number of Main->Threads

; u really should leave this value alone

idleTime = 60

; idleTime no Default Value yet, needs to be defined.

; idleTime is the time before a database session is stopped if not used.

; If Database Sessions are greater than minSessions


;; AtlisLifeRPG uses Database2 by default

Type = MySQL

Name = arma3life

Username = arma3

Password =

IP =

Port = 3406

minSessions = 1

;maxSessions = 4

idleTime = 60

compress = false

; Should only use this if MySQL server is external. Also only for MySQL

screenshot of my user privilages setup to allow extdb to access mysql database http://imgur.com/FBDU4UC

using tadst to launch arma 3 server

my tadst parameters

-port=2302 "-config=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\TADST\default\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\TADST\default\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\TADST\default" -name=default "-mod=@extDB;@life_server"

4 imgur screenshots of my tadst setup


I ran the 3 sql files on the database to create arma3life database

screenshot of my database


link to download from mediafire https://www.mediafir...y9vkyhbm/shared

incase you wanted to run this exact setup on your own computer. this includes altislife.altis.pbo, life server.pbo, extdb-conf, extdb. dll, tbmalloc, tadst and the sql files.

I have tried different versions of altis life, different versions of extdb, different extdb-conf settup ip user and passwords, different tbbmalloc.dll and those other similar dlls

I would very much appreciate it if you helped me fix this issue im having i dont mind adding you on steam or skype if you need more information

my steam account name: nametoremember

skype: yacobm8

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