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Squad leader commands to get back into vehicle the squad just left?

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So I have the paradrop script in for my C-130 from this guy:

and I successfully ejected all of the troops. Problem is that my squad leader wants to put everyone back into the C-130 rather than proceed with my move waypoints I set up for him at the beginning.

How do I make him follow my movement commands and stop his commands to get back into a flying C-130 we ejected from?


Edited by Inceptor57

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It sounds like the paratroops are not being unassigned from the C130 after ejecting. In the eject script, check your spelling for unassignVehicle; if it is spelled correctly, let us see your code.

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Here is the script I used. I named the C130: "War_Thunder"

_group = _this select 0;

_X action ["Eject",War_Thunder]; unassignWar_Thunder; sleep 1}foreach units _group;

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Try this:

_group = _this select 0;

_X action ["Eject",War_Thunder]; unassignVehicle; sleep 1}foreach units _group;

unassignVehicle is a command. There is no need to replace the word Vehicle with the name of the vehicle in question.

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Needs to be :

{_x action ["Eject",War_Thunder]; unassignVehicle; sleep 1}foreach units _group;

Bracket begins the "forEach".

If problem persists, try replacing War_Thunder with vehicle _x, and use unassignVehicle _x.

Edited by OpusFmSPol

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