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Convert weird coordinates to normal ones

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I am trying to do absolute coordinates for objects in the database, because things tend to move on server restart.

I have this:


and i want to convert it to this:


The problem is that i cant call compile that string, cause it will remove the extra decimal numbers from the coordinates, which of course i dont want :/

Any ideas please ?


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I would go back and ask yourself why you're getting an array as a sting within your array first.

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Well, i am trying to do this: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-float-to-string-position-to-string/

Basically hold extra numbers for precision in the coordinates system....But i keep ending up with quotes around the final result.

And i dont understand why call compiling it trims them.

I first Select the coordinates from the database, and select the 2nd part of the array (not the direction value).

I use the trick to get the extra decimal points and when i import it back....it has quotes.

Call compiling it first removes the extra decimal points which i need :/

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