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There is any way to emulate a flashlight without using a flashlight?

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Example, using this light:

asd = "#lightpoint" createVehicle position player;
asd setLightBrightness 0.3;
asd setLightAmbient[ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
asd setLightColor [1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
asd lightAttachObject [player, [0, 0, 0]];

How I can make this light to iluminate the way I'm facing instead sticking to me?

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I am trying to include a handheld flashlight feature in my missions and I am wondering about the same question here.

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That [0, 0, 0] part after lightAttachObject is the relative position to the player. I think if you set it to something like [0, 5, 0], the light spot should always be 5m in front of the player. (Or perhaps -5 instead of 5, I can't test right now.)

The problem is it won't raise or lower if you look up or down, and it won't be blocked by walls, similar to normal lights.

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I had this in my arma2 Stuff, I have no evidence of who scripts these were. I haven't tried this in A3, it's more for showing how to turn on and off a flashlight, not for creating the light source, that has changed quite abit from A2 in my limited experience.


player setVariable ["lightIsOn", false];

fnc_turnLightOn = {
light1 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
light1 setLightBrightness 0.02;
light1 setLightAmbient [0.2,0.2,0.2];
light1 setLightColor [2,2,2.2];
light1 lightAttachObject [m1,[0,+4.7,+1]];

fnc_turnLightOff = {
deleteVehicle light1;

onKeyPress = compile preprocessFile "keypressed.sqf";
waituntil {!(IsNull (findDisplay 46))};
(findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this call onKeyPress"];


if (player getVariable "lightIsOn") then { 
[] call fnc_turnLightOff; player setVariable ["lightIsOn", false];
} else { 
[] call fnc_turnLightOn; player setVariable ["lightIsOn", true];


private "_handled";

_key = _this select 0;
_shift = _this select 1;
_handled = false;

switch _shift do
case 21 : // pressed Y
      	nul = [] execVM "flashlight.sqf";
	_handled = true;


EDIT* @Tajin, that's a nice ticketS, I'm drooling at the possibilities of those being implemented. voted that up

Edited by PlacidPaul

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it's not too difficult to make a handheld flashlight, if you decide that's what you want.


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basically make a flashlight model in o2, config it as a pistol, then add a class flashlight to it in the weapon config (that would be slightly different in A3, as you'd need an attachment i guess), and bingo - a working flashlight...

we even made a pistol/flashlight combo using the same idea...


not the same as just adding a lightsource but it looks better.

i've been thinking for ages that making a "weapon" with a custom muzzleflash could be cool - you could make it fire a damage 0 bullet, but have an incredibly bright muzzle flash, that drifts off overtime, to create a blinding light-source (like gandalfs staff lol), or you could make it work like a fiery torch or a zippo lighter or whatnot... i nearly blinded myself when editing the weapon illumination intensity settings etc to take off the muzzleflash on a suppressed pistol we made. i guess the flares in dayZ and the chem lights work on a similar basis.

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basically make a flashlight model in o2, config it as a pistol, then add a class flashlight to it in the weapon config (that would be slightly different in A3, as you'd need an attachment i guess), and bingo - a working flashlight...

we even made a pistol/flashlight combo using the same idea...


not the same as just adding a lightsource but it looks better.

i've been thinking for ages that making a "weapon" with a custom muzzleflash could be cool - you could make it fire a damage 0 bullet, but have an incredibly bright muzzle flash, that drifts off overtime, to create a blinding light-source (like gandalfs staff lol), or you could make it work like a fiery torch or a zippo lighter or whatnot... i nearly blinded myself when editing the weapon illumination intensity settings etc to take off the muzzleflash on a suppressed pistol we made. i guess the flares in dayZ and the chem lights work on a similar basis.

I don't want to use mods :/ that's the problem. Thanks anyways :D

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yeah np, i just thought i'd offer to show you how to do it in case you decided you couldn't do it any other way that satisfies your design idea. let mme knowif you getto that point, and i'll walk you through the process, and send you some configs etc. gl

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yeah np, i just thought i'd offer to show you how to do it in case you decided you couldn't do it any other way that satisfies your design idea. let mme knowif you getto that point, and i'll walk you through the process, and send you some configs etc. gl

I'll let you know, thank you ^^

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