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Mortar in one bag instead of Two .

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you could do it more simply

run a loop on the player at init that checks his bagtype and if he has a mortarbag, allow him to spawn a tripod then assemble his mortar.

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I'm confused. U mean when you break down a mortar you want it in one bag instead of two?

If that's the case isn't there a config entry for what an object breaks down into? You could just make ur own config with only one bag. I made a huge crane break down into two bags with a simple config entry.

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1 bag instead of 2 bags for establishing mortar

he means to build a mortar without needing a tripod.

given the code is looking for a nearby tripod bag if you have a mortar bag, or vice versa, you need to spawn a necessary partner bag (e.g. tripod) to enable you to build your mortar using only the bag you are carrying. if you don't mind modding you could even make an invisible tripod bag...

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