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Custom Main Menu Custscene Scripting

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I had to change this in the map config

configfile >> "CfgWorlds" >> MAPNAME >> "cutscenes"

cutscenes[] = {"[b][color="#4B0082"]Map_Render_anim01[/color][/b]"};

This is the class name you assign to your intro mission.

Quote from CiforDayZServer on skype "Yeah, you don't HAVE to do it in the map config, you just have to use cfgPatches to over ride it with the call that I/atsche posted."

So yea it can be in the same config as the cutscene pbo under cfgpathces too. This would be simpler than modding the existing map config and more ideal.


Original question

Hi, I need help making main menu cutscenes. I know its possible as ive read about it and i know where to find the default ones. They even function the same if you open them in editor. They are simply a mission.sqm with an intro cutscene.

My problem is how do I properly make it into an addon that loads the cutscene after arma 3 launches. I also need to be able to make sqf scripts that control the scenes behaviour and camera angle. I want to be able to make my own @mod\addons\cutscene.pbo

The existing files that accomplish this are in arma 3\addons\map_altis_scenes_f.pbo, map_stratis_scenes_f.pbo and map_vr_scenes_f.pbo.

I am hoping to gather enough information to make a BIS wiki page for others to use as a guide. I think this would add a nice touch to mission addons.

Some information Ive found so far:





Thank you. :)

Edited by Benargee

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I started doing a write up on this as I was messing with it, but never finished it.

I used these youtube videos to get a basic idea of how the scenes are created:


ARMA2 Camera scripting Tutorial 1 -

ARMA2 Camera Scripting tutorial 2 -

ARMA2 camera scripting tutorial 3 -

ARMA2 camera scriptin tutorial 4 -

Atsche's reply in the 3rd link is exactly correct in regards as to how to get the created mission to get launched by default when you launch the game.

Feel free to look at SMD Sahrani, W0ll3 updated all the A1 cutscenes for us, and M1lkm8n included them in the main config of the SMD_Sahrani_A2.pbo as below:

class CfgMissions


class Cutscenes


class smd_sahrani_a2Intro1


directory = "smd_sahrani_a2_Scenes\intro.smd_sahrani_a2";




As you can see there, the cutscenes themselves are stored in a separate PBO: smd_sahrani_a2_Scenes.pbo

Once you've watched the above videos, you should have a very clear picture of what to do to create the intro scene you want. (although NOTE - in A3, you do NOT need to put the "this exec "camera.sqs"; in the unit. The Camera is available when you hit "esc" once inside the preview now.

I'll try to do the final write up for this in the next week or so... but this combined with looking at the smd intro's done by BI/W0ll3 should be a really solid guide.

There have been a LOT of cool features added over the years too, for example the credits text system was vastly improved for the PMC DLC in A2, it's much more visually attractive.

Take a look at as many example of BI intros and cutscenes as you can, they really do nice ones.

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Thanks I'll try this out, but I cant find Atsche's reply in the 3rd link..? I found what you meant. Its in my second link, not your 3rd link.

This is the map im testing this on https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Render_Worlds.

Ok, this is my config.cpp, Originally taken from map_vr_scenes_f.pbo and edited for render (map)

//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.55
//Tue Oct 07 20:29:11 2014 : Source 'file' date Tue Oct 07 20:29:11 2014

#define _ARMA_

//Class map_vr_scenes_f : config.bin{
class CfgPatches
class A3_Map_Render_Scenes
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"Render"};
class CfgMissions
class Cutscenes
	class [color="#4B0082"][b]Map_Render_anim01[/b][/color]
		directory = "A3\Map_Render_Scenes_F\Scenes\Intro1.Render";

This is my $PBOPREFIX$.txt if ot matters

Pbo Type is: Arma Addon
Sha: 'F7C2256EAD10A31C77D698FF354A4C8D7B437E06'

Location of $PBOPREFIX$.txt and config.cpp


Location of Mission.sqm and initIntro.sqf


Thats where I am right now and am stuck.

Also found this page, Oddly titled:https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Island_Anims_-_Care_and_feeding.

Not giving me much new information.

Original config.cpp for map_vr_scenes_f.pbo

//DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 4.55
//Tue Oct 07 21:44:01 2014 : Source 'file' date Tue Oct 07 21:44:01 2014

#define _ARMA_

//Class map_vr_scenes_f : config.bin{
class CfgPatches
class A3_Map_VR_Scenes
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"Map_VR"};
class CfgMissions
class Cutscenes
	class Map_VR_anim01
		directory = "A3\Map_VR_Scenes_F\Scenes\Intro1.VR";


Recent discovery:

I think I have to add this to the render map config:

cutscenes[] = {"Map_Render_anim01"};


I found about about this on the biki page i linked.


Turns out Im a bit of an idiot. Its all on the BIKI page. Although I must say that page barely showed up in my search until recently.

Thanks CiforDayZServer/NonovUrbizniz for helping me out! If you have any questions feel free to post. I think I know the basics of menu cutscenes now if you are having trouble.

Edited by Benargee

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