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generating layers is a nightmare!

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yeah, it seems to work when it wants to. :mad:

I have a sat image of 25025x15025 and a heightmap the same size.

gridsize: 4096

cell size: id like this as small as poss [6.1 gives me the terrain size]

now no matter what combo of mask and texture layer size I use its either 'bad texel' or 'sat image doesn't exist'!!

ive recently re-installed tools and used mikeros arma3p so everything is setup right. [ I was getting image to paa errors before, invalid args.

this project worked before [generated layers] sat and height are both .tiff images.

im nearly at the point of punching fuck out of the monitor with these errors :936:

any suggestions pleeeeeze!

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I have a sat image of 25025x15025 and a heightmap the same size.

Hopefully this is a typo and you mean 25025x25025...

Okay - lets assume that "heightmap of the same size" means that you have a heightmap file which is 25025 meters wide...

You want to use a 4096x4096 grid


TerrainBuilder can't cope with a cell size of 6.109619140625

If you use a cell size of 6.1... 6.1x4096= 24985.6 meter wide terrain

Sat image of 25025x25025 (pixels of course, but lets assume you're aiming for 1meter/pixel and therefore a "matching" 25025x25025 meter image)...

25025x25025 pixel image and Texture grid of (for example) 1024x1024

25025/1024 = 24.4384765625

You can't have 0.4384765625 of a pixel

In other words, the numbers don't divide neatly into texels - this size won't work...

Lets look at a similar size...

Heightmap = 4096x4096 @ 6 meters = 24576 meter wide area

Satellite image of 24576x24576 pixels - 1 pixel per meter = 24576 meter wide area...

...and the "sanity check"...

24576x24576 pixel image and Texture grid of (for example) 1024x1024

24576/1024 = 24

Divides neatly = should work fine...


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thanx for help mate :)

well both images are 25025x15025, shall I resize these to square them up? I was under the impression that if your grid size wrapped your image it was ok??

I tried


24576x24576 resolution 1

then each of the other parameters but still got 'sat image doesn't exist'

im trying to do a map of the isle of wight, hence the stretched images.

shall I resize images to 24576?

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'sat image doesn't exist'

... is a bit of a misleading error message, since it generally DOESN'T mean that the image doesn't exist, or that TB somehow can't find it... What it really means is "I don't like the "Texture Grid Size" and "Texture Layer size" you're using...

Both of these parameters (bottom-left of the Mapframe Sampler Tab panel) are "popdown" menus...

The first one - "Texture grid" has familiar sizes - 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048... For this one - a good "starter value" is 1024x1024, though sometimes you'll find you need to turn it up to 2048x2048...

The second one - "Texture layer" is dependant on your heightmap cell size for the values it offers... With a 6m cell size, the values will probably be - 6x6m, 12x12m, 24x24m, 48x48m, etc....

As a general rule - you want this parameter to be "as close to 40x40m as possible" - in your case 48m x 48m is likely to be the best starter size...

So try setting those values to that - then head to the Processing Tab and hit "Generate" and see if it decides to behave... If not, and you still get that misleading error, head back to the Samplers Tab and turn one or the other - or both - of these values to the next size up - then try Generating again....


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done that mate. tried every combination of the bottom 2 parameters.

edit: I didn't rebuild each attempt as it was green ticked if that makes any difference?

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ive switched to a [slightly] smaller project now.

I generated layers ok, png to paa all went ok.

but in bulldozer I have flashing textures.

the sat image shows ok, albeit a bit blurred.

I don't have a mask yet ill add it once sat image showing correct.

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