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Combat medic

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How to make only the doctor fully heal a player?

I know CMS has this option, but my group does not use this mod in our missions. Necessary that each player can heal only partially and that the medic do a complete cure.

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If your using an addAction type of medic system:

_target = (_this select 0);
_caller = (_this select 1);

if ((_target damage > 0) && (typeOf _caller == "B_Medic_F")) then { _target setDamage 0;} else { 

if ((_target damage > 0) && !(typeOf _caller == "B_Medic_F")) then { _target setDamage 0.5; };


Edited by JShock

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If your using an addAction type of medic system:

if ((_target damage > 0) && !(typeOf _caller == "B_Medic_F")) then { _target setDamage 5; };

What's that? :P That might actually just hurt the player more than healing him. I'd probably use something like this for a non-medic:

if ((damage _target > 0) && !(typeOf _caller == "B_Medic_F")) then 
_caller playMoveNow "AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medic0"; 
sleep 5;
_target setDamage (getDamage _target / 2);

Tweak as you like. I don't know if you had animations etc added so I just added one in, although it's probably unusable by now (from ArmA2 after all) so you can probably throw that out.

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What's that? :P That might actually just hurt the player more than healing him.

Wow....I was thinking 0.5 in my head.....long day I tell you...

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Would this same script work for a vehicle repair, say if I have a carpenter he could repair a boat fully while ordinary players could only fix it part way?

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Yes, as setDamage also works on vehicles. You'll ofc have to edit the typeOf check to be the unit you want (generally though I'd just not recommend a typeOf check if you want to use the same script for multiple sides)

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where do I put this? I need each player to heal partially, but complete healing is done by the doctor

What's that? :P That might actually just hurt the player more than healing him. I'd probably use something like this for a non-medic:

if ((damage _target > 0) && !(typeOf _caller == "B_Medic_F")) then 
_caller playMoveNow "AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medic0"; 
sleep 5;
_target setDamage (getDamage _target / 2);

Tweak as you like. I don't know if you had animations etc added so I just added one in, although it's probably unusable by now (from ArmA2 after all) so you can probably throw that out.

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You will put that code into an sqf, let's name it medic.sqf for sake of, and then you will use an addAction that you give to every player:

addAction in the init.sqf:

if (isPlayer _x) then {
_x addAction ["Treat Player", "medic.sqf", [], 5, true, true, "", "damage (_this select 0)>0; && alive (_this select 0);"];


_target = (_this select 0);
_caller = (_this select 1);

if (typeOf _caller == "B_Medic_F") then 
_caller playMoveNow "AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medic0"; 
sleep 5;
_target setDamage 0;

if !(typeOf _caller == "B_Medic_F") then 
_caller playMoveNow "AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medic0"; 
sleep 5;
_target setDamage (getDamage _target / 2);

Edited by JShock

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The trick is finding a way to disable the built-in system

You mean the built-in engineer system?

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This script forces the use of the medkit ?

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This script forces the use of the medkit ?

This forces the player to be a medic to heal the other players fully, and if you aren't a medic then you can only heal that person up to halfway better than they were.

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