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I'm at grid...

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Hello. I'm trying to find a precious script but i'm failing at all.

Anyone know anything for this?:

-Where are you?

-I'm at grid...

Is there a script for answer that kind of question for a full coop multiplayer?

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I found and modified this: (TitleText for each player on server)

_gridPos = mapGridPosition getPos player;

TitleText [format["I'm at grid: %1",_gridPos], "PLAIN"];

copyToClipboard format ["Grid Pos: %1",_gridpos];

But i need to show who's sending this message, something like: "Transmission from "player" at grid %1"...

Any idea?

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Need more information about what you are trying to accomplish? Do you want players to be able to send messages to each other containing their grid location?

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A quick mockup so that players can send their grid location to another player, worked fine for me when I tested it on a dedicated server:


You can put everything in the main init.sqf except for the last part. Might not contain full functionality of what you are after but should provide a basic starting point at least.

//Server relays the message from one sourceclient to the targetclient
if (isServer) then {
"relayPosMsg" addpublicvariableeventhandler {
	_arr = _this select 1;
	_source = _arr select 0;
	_destination = _arr select 1;
	receivePosMsg = _source;
	(owner _destination) publicvariableclient "receivePosMsg";

if (!isDedicated) then {
//Sends the messageinformation to the server that relays it further, also removes the addactions and starts the main addaction.
sendMessage = {
	relayPosMsg = [player, (_this select 0)];
	publicvariableserver "relayPosMsg";
	{player removeaction _x;} forEach actions;
	[] spawn addLocAction;

//Removes the main addaction and compiles an addaction list of all the players on the server so the player can choose who to send the message to.
compilePlayerList = {
	actions = [];
	player removeAction action1;
	_action = player addAction ["Cancel", "actionHandler.sqf", "{player removeaction _x;} forEach actions; [] spawn addLocAction;",0,false,true,"","alive player"];
	actions = actions + [_action];
		_text = format ["Send gridlocation to %1",name _x];
		_args = format ['[%1] spawn sendMessage;',_x];
		_action = player addaction [_text, "actionHandler.sqf", _args,0,false,true,"","alive player"];
		actions = actions + [_action];
	} forEach playableUnits;

//When server relays the message to the client this processes and shows it.
"receivePosMsg" addpublicvariableeventhandler {
	_name = name (_this select 1);
	_gridpos = mapGridPosition (_this select 1);
	_message = format ["Transmission from %1 at grid %2...",_name,_gridpos];
	titleText [_message, "PLAIN"];

//Just simply adds the main addaction to the player
addLocAction = {
	action1 = player addAction ["Send gridlocation to a player...", "actionHandler.sqf", "[] spawn compilePlayerList;",0,false,true,"","alive player"];
[] spawn addLocAction;

//Put this in actionHandler.sqf in the main mission folder
call compile format ["%1", _this select 3];

Feel free to modify to your needs.

Edited by Viba

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Great! .You're Great!. Nice job bro!

Hmm. This is great but my idea is to mix the message "Transmission from %1 at grid %2 requesting medical assistant...." using a radio channel / trigger.

Edited by kyopower

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Well. i was trying to make one transmisison by every option : Help transmission, Transport Transmission, Medical Assistance Transmission and Sending Position Transmission (Sending %1 and %2 in message) but they mix in one and makes them unusable.

What am i doing wrong?

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