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Side to side sway suggestions

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I would first like to say I enjoy playing Arma 3. It's truly a unique game and very few others have come as close as Arma has to truly simulating modern combat. I am saying this to suggest that I am posting this with respect and admiration for the achievement in the hopes it will be taken seriously.

First suggestion:

Make the side to side weapon sway predicated more realistically(bearing in mind these are supposed to be trained soldiers) to stamina, stance and the relative weight and size of the weapon. That is to say, while completely rested, prone and still the side to side sway for even a weapon like the DMR Rahim should be reduced by 80-90%. What I'm not asking is for it to be stable after sprinting 200 meters while lugging lots of extra ammo. I'm asking for rested states to reflect the ease of handling and aiming a gun.


Reduce the affect small amounts of stamina drain have on the weapon. It's quite exaggerated.


Allow an option for server admins to completely remove or reduce the weapon sway, or to adjust the sway for each gun specifically to reflect their ease of use. Even the compact guns are near intolerable. In fact, the only gun I can tolerate right now while mobile is the Vermin SMG.


Make a 'rested' state. It doesn't seem to matter whether you're rested or not, that is to say it's excessive, unwieldy and far less fun. And if you have drained ~20% of the player's stamina the gun sways in an uncontrollable fashion, up down and side to side.

In my opinion being an avid real life shooter and able to hit what I wish with heavier shotgun slugs at 100 yards while using the barrel's very simple iron site, that Arma 3's side to side sway is not realistic. I'm not a trained soldier but I can assure you my coordination prevents an endless side to side sway and I suspect trained soldiers that use their rifles for a living and are using weapons that are shorter and weigh less are probably a lot better than I am shooting.

I'm not asking for the game to be battlefield or arma 2(which is decidedly far easier than arma 3). I'm asking that it is made fun again. It's still just a game. And using a weapon like the Rahim, a designated marksman rifle beyond 400 meters while crouched, rested, zoomed down a mrco site, it's unwieldy and 100% less fun.

I respectfully request this issue be taken seriously. I have never posted on the BI forums until this addition. I want the game to be fun again!

Trolls that have nothing intelligent to add to the topic, don't bother posting. I don't care what you think. :)

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After the latest patch the side to side sway is added with an up and down that is not predicated on stamina or holding breath. It is still unbearable and just no fun. Please fix.

At least make it so the holding breath function actually holds the gun still instead of just added an equally obnoxious jitter after breathing again. This isn't simulating professional soldiers. It's simulating people that have never shot guns before.

Please please fix. I want the game to be fun and I can't express how much it's annoying and frankly pushing more away from a true simulator. The at-rest state resembles the kind of sway one would have while fatigued.

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After the latest patch the side to side sway is added with an up and down that is not predicated on stamina or holding breath. It is still unbearable and just no fun. Please fix.

At least make it so the holding breath function actually holds the gun still instead of just added an equally obnoxious jitter after breathing again. This isn't simulating professional soldiers. It's simulating people that have never shot guns before.

Please please fix. I want the game to be fun and I can't express how much it's annoying and frankly pushing more away from a true simulator. The at-rest state resembles the kind of sway one would have while fatigued.

Thankfully BIS has dropped the idea that we shouldn't have to worry about handling our weapons properly (see: AVATAR paragraphs), a consequence of that is that letting go of the mouse is not the best way to steady your aim. Your coordination in real life does not, and cannot, directly translate to coordination in a KB/M controlled sim, maybe if we had light guns...

You have to hold the gun properly. Either fight the sway, lead the sway onto your target, or negate the sway as much as possible (go prone). Once you have learned how to handle your weapon you'll be able to easily make realistic shots, and

. (note that person made those shots on the old patch before BIS nerfed sway)

Calling the old non-existent weapon handling a true simulator is laughable.

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The sway is perfectly fine.

It does a good job at simulating human error and the realistic ranges that weapons are used in today.

Now if only they would also add spin drift, wind and other realistic ballistic factors into the ballistic model so that the combat feels more realistic.

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